blob: ed543e6cb63a7b3716089299205dfb6ad6431c47 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import time
from common import chrome_proxy_metrics
from common import network_metrics
from common.chrome_proxy_metrics import ChromeProxyMetricException
from import page_test
from telemetry.value import scalar
from metrics import Metric
class ChromeProxyMetric(network_metrics.NetworkMetric):
"""A Chrome proxy timeline metric."""
def __init__(self):
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).__init__()
self.compute_data_saving = True
def SetEvents(self, events):
"""Used for unittest."""
self._events = events
def ResponseFromEvent(self, event):
return chrome_proxy_metrics.ChromeProxyResponse(event)
def AddResults(self, tab, results):
raise NotImplementedError
def AddResultsForDataSaving(self, tab, results):
resources_via_proxy = 0
resources_from_cache = 0
resources_direct = 0
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.response.served_from_cache:
resources_from_cache += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
resources_via_proxy += 1
resources_direct += 1
if resources_from_cache + resources_via_proxy + resources_direct == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response, but zero responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'resources_via_proxy', 'count',
results.current_page, 'resources_from_cache', 'count',
results.current_page, 'resources_direct', 'count', resources_direct))
def AddResultsForHeaderValidation(self, tab, results):
via_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.IsValidByViaHeader():
via_count += 1
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Via header (%s) is not valid (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
if via_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response through the proxy, but zero such '
'responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'checked_via_header', 'count', via_count))
def AddResultsForLatency(self, tab, results):
# TODO(bustamante): This is a hack to workaround,
# once fixed just pull down window.performance.timing object and
# reference that everywhere.
load_event_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
navigation_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
dom_content_loaded_event_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
fetch_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
request_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
domain_lookup_end = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
domain_lookup_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
connect_end = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
connect_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
response_end = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
response_start = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
# NavigationStart relative markers in milliseconds.
load_start = (float(load_event_start) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'load_start', 'ms', load_start))
dom_content_loaded_start = (
float(dom_content_loaded_event_start) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'dom_content_loaded_start', 'ms',
fetch_start = (float(fetch_start) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'fetch_start', 'ms', fetch_start,
request_start = (float(request_start) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'request_start', 'ms', request_start,
response_start = (float(response_start) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'response_start', 'ms', response_start,
response_end = (float(response_end) - navigation_start)
results.current_page, 'response_end', 'ms', response_end,
# Phase measurements in milliseconds.
domain_lookup_duration = (float(domain_lookup_end) - domain_lookup_start)
results.current_page, 'domain_lookup_duration', 'ms',
domain_lookup_duration, important=False))
connect_duration = (float(connect_end) - connect_start)
results.current_page, 'connect_duration', 'ms', connect_duration,
request_duration = (float(response_start) - request_start)
results.current_page, 'request_duration', 'ms', request_duration,
response_duration = (float(response_end) - response_start)
results.current_page, 'response_duration', 'ms', response_duration,
def AddResultsForExtraViaHeader(self, tab, results, extra_via_header):
extra_via_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
if resp.HasExtraViaHeader(extra_via_header):
extra_via_count += 1
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Should have via header %s.' % (resp.response.url,
results.current_page, 'extra_via_header', 'count', extra_via_count))
def GetClientTypeFromRequests(self, tab):
"""Get the Chrome-Proxy client type value from requests made in this tab.
The client type value from the first request made in this tab that
specifies a client type in the Chrome-Proxy request header. See
ChromeProxyResponse.GetChromeProxyClientType for more details about the
Chrome-Proxy client type. Returns None if none of the requests made in
this tab specify a client type.
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
client_type = resp.GetChromeProxyClientType()
if client_type:
return client_type
return None
def AddResultsForClientType(self, tab, results, client_type,
via_count = 0
bypass_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
via_count += 1
if client_type.lower() == bypass_for_client_type.lower():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Response for client of type "%s" has via header, but should '
'be bypassed.' % (resp.response.url, bypass_for_client_type))
elif resp.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader():
bypass_count += 1
if client_type.lower() != bypass_for_client_type.lower():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Response missing via header. Only "%s" clients should '
'bypass for this page, but this client is "%s".' % (
resp.response.url, bypass_for_client_type, client_type))
if via_count + bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response that was eligible to be proxied, but '
'zero such responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'via', 'count', via_count))
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
def AddResultsForLoFi(self, tab, results):
lo_fi_request_count = 0
lo_fi_response_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if 'favicon.ico' in resp.response.url:
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiRequest():
lo_fi_request_count += 1
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: LoFi not in request header.' % (resp.response.url))
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiResponse():
lo_fi_response_count += 1
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: LoFi not in response header.' % (resp.response.url))
if resp.content_length > 100:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Image %s is %d bytes. Expecting less than 100 bytes.' %
(resp.response.url, resp.content_length))
if lo_fi_request_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one LoFi request, but zero such requests were '
if lo_fi_response_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one LoFi response, but zero such responses were '
results.current_page, 'lo_fi_request', 'count', lo_fi_request_count))
results.current_page, 'lo_fi_response', 'count', lo_fi_response_count))
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
def AddResultsForLoFiCache(self, tab, results, is_lo_fi):
request_count = 0
response_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if not resp.response.url.endswith('png'):
if not resp.response.request_headers:
if is_lo_fi != resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiRequest():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: LoFi %s expected in request header.' % (resp.response.url,
'' if is_lo_fi else 'not'))
request_count += 1
if is_lo_fi != resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiResponse():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: LoFi %s expected in response header.' % (resp.response.url,
'' if is_lo_fi else 'not'))
response_count += 1
if is_lo_fi != (resp.content_length < 100):
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Image %s is %d bytes. Expecting %s than 100 bytes.' %
(resp.response.url, resp.content_length,
'less' if is_lo_fi else 'more'))
if request_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one %s LoFi request, but zero such requests were '
'sent.' % ('' if is_lo_fi else 'non'))
if response_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one %s LoFi response, but zero such responses '
'were received.' % ('' if is_lo_fi else 'non'))
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
def AddResultsForLoFiPreview(self, tab, results):
lo_fi_preview_request_count = 0
lo_fi_preview_exp_request_count = 0
lo_fi_preview_response_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if '/csi?' in resp.response.url:
if 'favicon.ico' in resp.response.url:
if resp.response.url.startswith('data:'):
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiPreviewRequest():
lo_fi_preview_request_count += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiPreviewExpRequest():
lo_fi_preview_exp_request_count += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiPreviewResponse():
lo_fi_preview_response_count += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyLoFiRequest():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Lo-Fi directive should not be in preview request header.' %
if lo_fi_preview_request_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one LoFi preview request, but zero such requests '
'were sent.')
if lo_fi_preview_exp_request_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one LoFi preview exp=ignore_preview_blacklist '
'request, but zero such requests were sent.')
if lo_fi_preview_response_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one LoFi preview response, but zero such '
'responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'lo_fi_preview_request',
'count', lo_fi_preview_request_count))
results.current_page, 'lo_fi_preview_exp_request',
'count', lo_fi_preview_exp_request_count))
results.current_page, 'lo_fi_preview_response',
'count', lo_fi_preview_response_count))
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
def AddResultsForPassThrough(self, tab, results):
compressed_count = 0
compressed_size = 0
pass_through_count = 0
pass_through_size = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if 'favicon.ico' in resp.response.url:
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Should have Via header (%s) (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
if resp.HasChromeProxyPassThroughRequest():
pass_through_count += 1
pass_through_size = resp.content_length
compressed_count += 1
compressed_size = resp.content_length
if pass_through_count != 1:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected exactly one Chrome-Proxy pass-through request, but %d '
'such requests were sent.' % (pass_through_count))
if compressed_count != 1:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected exactly one compressed request, but %d such requests were '
'received.' % (compressed_count))
if compressed_size >= pass_through_size:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Compressed image is %d bytes and pass-through image is %d. '
'Expecting compressed image size to be less than pass-through '
'image.' % (compressed_size, pass_through_size))
results.current_page, 'compressed', 'count', compressed_count))
results.current_page, 'compressed_size', 'bytes', compressed_size))
results.current_page, 'pass_through', 'count', pass_through_count))
results.current_page, 'pass_through_size', 'bytes', pass_through_size))
def AddResultsForHTTPSBypass(self, tab, results):
bypass_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
# Only check https url's
if "https://" not in resp.response.url:
# If a Chrome Proxy Via appears fail the test
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Should not have Via header (%s) (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
bypass_count += 1
if bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one https response was expected, but zero such '
'responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
def AddResultsForHTML5Test(self, tab, results):
# Wait for the number of "points" of HTML5 compatibility to appear to verify
# the HTML5 elements have loaded successfully.
'document.getElementsByClassName("pointsPanel")', 15)
def AddResultsForYouTube(self, tab, results):
# Wait for the video to begin playing.
'window.playerState == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING', 30)
def AddResultsForBypass(self, tab, results, url_pattern=""):
bypass_count = 0
skipped_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
# Only check the url's that contain the specified pattern.
if url_pattern and url_pattern not in resp.response.url:
skipped_count += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Should not have Via header (%s) (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
bypass_count += 1
if bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response to be bypassed, but zero such '
'responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
results.current_page, 'skipped', 'count', skipped_count))
def AddResultsForCorsBypass(self, tab, results):
eligible_response_count = 0
bypass_count = 0
bypasses = {}
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
logging.warn('got a resource %s' % (resp.response.url))
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader():
eligible_response_count += 1
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
bypass_count += 1
elif resp.response.status == 502:
bypasses[resp.response.url] = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader():
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
if resp.response.status == 200:
if (bypasses.has_key(resp.response.url)):
bypasses[resp.response.url] = bypasses[resp.response.url] + 1
for url in bypasses:
if bypasses[url] == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Got a 502 without a subsequent 200' % (url))
elif bypasses[url] > 1:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Got a 502 and multiple 200s: %d' % (url, bypasses[url]))
if bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'At least one response should be bypassed. '
'(eligible_response_count=%d, bypass_count=%d)\n' % (
eligible_response_count, bypass_count))
results.current_page, 'cors_bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
def AddResultsForBlockOnce(self, tab, results):
eligible_response_count = 0
via_proxy = 0
visited_urls = []
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
# Add debug information in case of failure
# Block-once test URLs (Data Reduction Proxy always returns
# block-once) should not have the Chrome-Compression-Proxy Via header.
if (IsTestUrlForBlockOnce(resp.response.url)):
eligible_response_count += 1
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response has a Chrome-Compression-Proxy Via header: ' +
elif resp.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader():
via_proxy += 1
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
# For all other URLs, confirm that via header is present if expected.
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Missing Chrome-Compression-Proxy Via header.' +
if via_proxy == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'None of the requests went via data reduction proxy')
if (eligible_response_count != 2):
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Did not make expected number of requests to whitelisted block-once'
' test URLs. Expected: 2, Actual: %s, Visited URLs: %s' %
(eligible_response_count, visited_urls))
'eligible_responses', 'count', 2))
'via_proxy', 'count', via_proxy))
def AddResultsForSafebrowsingOn(self, tab, results):
results.current_page, 'safebrowsing', 'timeout responses', 1))
def AddResultsForSafebrowsingOff(self, tab, results):
response_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
# Data reduction proxy should return the real response for sites with
# malware.
response_count += 1
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Safebrowsing feature should be off for desktop and webview.\n'
'Reponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
if response_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Safebrowsing test failed: No valid responses received')
results.current_page, 'safebrowsing', 'responses', response_count))
def AddResultsForHTTPFallback(self, tab, results):
via_fallback_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader():
# All responses should have come through the HTTP fallback proxy, which
# means that they should have the via header, and if a remote port is
# defined, it should be port 80.
if (not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader() or
(resp.remote_port and resp.remote_port != 80)):
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'%s: Should have come through the fallback proxy.\n'
'Reponse: remote_port=%s status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, str(resp.remote_port), r.status, r.status_text,
via_fallback_count += 1
if via_fallback_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response through the fallback proxy, but zero '
'such responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'via_fallback', 'count', via_fallback_count))
def AddResultsForHTTPToDirectFallback(self, tab, results,
via_fallback_count = 0
bypass_count = 0
responses = self.IterResponses(tab)
# The first response(s) coming from fallback_response_host should be
# through the HTTP fallback proxy.
resp = next(responses, None)
while resp and fallback_response_host in resp.response.url:
if fallback_response_host in resp.response.url:
if (not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader() or resp.remote_port != 80):
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should have come through the fallback proxy.\n'
'Response: remote_port=%s status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, str(resp.remote_port), r.status, r.status_text,
via_fallback_count += 1
resp = next(responses, None)
# All other responses should be bypassed.
while resp:
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should not have via header.\n'
'Response: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
bypass_count += 1
resp = next(responses, None)
# At least one response should go through the http proxy and be bypassed.
if via_fallback_count == 0 or bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException(
'There should be at least one response through the fallback proxy '
'(actual %s) and at least one bypassed response (actual %s)' %
(via_fallback_count, bypass_count))
results.current_page, 'via_fallback', 'count', via_fallback_count))
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
def AddResultsForReenableAfterBypass(
self, tab, results, bypass_seconds_min, bypass_seconds_max):
"""Verify results for a re-enable after bypass test.
tab: the tab for the test.
results: the results object to add the results values to.
bypass_seconds_min: the minimum duration of the bypass.
bypass_seconds_max: the maximum duration of the bypass.
bypass_count = 0
via_count = 0
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should not have via header.\n'
'Reponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
bypass_count += 1
# Wait until 30 seconds before the bypass should expire, and fetch a page.
# It should not have the via header because the proxy should still be
# bypassed.
time.sleep(bypass_seconds_min - 30)
before_metrics = ChromeProxyMetric()
before_metrics.Start(results.current_page, tab)
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 10)
before_metrics.Stop(results.current_page, tab)
for resp in before_metrics.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should not have via header; proxy should still '
'be bypassed.\nReponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
bypass_count += 1
if bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response to be bypassed before the bypass '
'expired, but zero such responses were received.')
# Wait until 30 seconds after the bypass should expire, and fetch a page. It
# should have the via header since the proxy should no longer be bypassed.
time.sleep((bypass_seconds_max + 30) - (bypass_seconds_min - 30))
after_metrics = ChromeProxyMetric()
after_metrics.Start(results.current_page, tab)
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 10)
after_metrics.Stop(results.current_page, tab)
for resp in after_metrics.IterResponses(tab):
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should have via header; proxy should no longer '
'be bypassed.\nReponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
via_count += 1
if via_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response through the proxy after the bypass '
'expired, but zero such responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
results.current_page, 'via', 'count', via_count))
def AddResultsForReenableAfterSetBypass(
self, tab, results, bypass_seconds):
"""Verify results for a re-enable after bypass test.
tab: the tab for the test.
results: the results object to add the results values to.
bypass_seconds: the duration of the bypass
bypass_count = 0
via_count = 0
# Verify the bypass url was bypassed.
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should not have via header.\n'
'Reponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
bypass_count += 1
# Navigate to a test page and verify it's being bypassed.
before_metrics = ChromeProxyMetric()
before_metrics.Start(results.current_page, tab)
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 10)
before_metrics.Stop(results.current_page, tab)
for resp in before_metrics.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should not have via header; proxy should still '
'be bypassed.\nReponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
bypass_count += 1
if bypass_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response to be bypassed before the bypass '
'expired, but zero such responses were received.')
# Wait for the bypass to expire, with the overhead of the previous steps
# the bypass duration will have been exceeded after this delay.
# Navigate to the test pass again and verify data saver is no longer
# bypassed.
after_metrics = ChromeProxyMetric()
after_metrics.Start(results.current_page, tab)
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 10)
after_metrics.Stop(results.current_page, tab)
for resp in after_metrics.IterResponses(tab):
if not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
r = resp.response
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Response for %s should have via header; proxy should no longer '
'be bypassed.\nReponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
via_count += 1
if via_count == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response through the proxy after the bypass '
'expired, but zero such responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
results.current_page, 'via', 'count', via_count))
def AddResultsForClientConfig(self, tab, results):
resources_with_old_auth = 0
resources_with_new_auth = 0
super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
if resp.GetChromeProxyRequestHeaderValue('s') != None:
resources_with_new_auth += 1
if resp.GetChromeProxyRequestHeaderValue('ps') != None:
resources_with_old_auth += 1
if resources_with_old_auth != 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected zero responses with the old authentication scheme but '
'received %d.' % resources_with_old_auth)
if resources_with_new_auth == 0:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
'Expected at least one response with the new authentication scheme, '
'but zero such responses were received.')
results.current_page, 'new_auth', 'count', resources_with_new_auth))
results.current_page, 'old_auth', 'count', resources_with_old_auth))
PROXIED = 'proxied'
DIRECT = 'direct'
class ChromeProxyVideoMetric(network_metrics.NetworkMetric):
"""Metrics for video pages.
Wraps the video metrics produced by videowrapper.js, such as the video
duration and size in pixels. Also checks a few basic HTTP response headers
such as Content-Type and Content-Length in the video responses.
def __init__(self, tab):
super(ChromeProxyVideoMetric, self).__init__()
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'videowrapper.js')) as f:
js =
def Start(self, page, tab):
self.videoMetrics = None
super(ChromeProxyVideoMetric, self).Start(page, tab)
def Stop(self, page, tab):
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('window.__chromeProxyVideoLoaded', 30)
m = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('window.__chromeProxyVideoMetrics')
# Now wait for the video to stop playing.
# Give it 2x the total duration to account for buffering.
waitTime = 2 * m['video_duration']
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('window.__chromeProxyVideoEnded', waitTime)
# Load the final metrics.
m = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('window.__chromeProxyVideoMetrics')
self.videoMetrics = m
# Cast this to an integer as it is often approximate (for an unknown reason)
m['video_duration'] = int(m['video_duration'])
super(ChromeProxyVideoMetric, self).Stop(page, tab)
def ResponseFromEvent(self, event):
return chrome_proxy_metrics.ChromeProxyResponse(event)
def AddResults(self, tab, results):
raise NotImplementedError
def AddResultsForProxied(self, tab, results):
return self._AddResultsShared(PROXIED, tab, results)
def AddResultsForDirect(self, tab, results):
return self._AddResultsShared(DIRECT, tab, results)
def _AddResultsShared(self, kind, tab, results):
def err(s):
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, s
# Should have played the video.
if not self.videoMetrics['ready']:
err('%s: video not played' % kind)
# Should have an HTTP response for the video.
wantContentType = 'video/webm' if kind == PROXIED else 'video/mp4'
found = False
for r in self.IterResponses(tab):
resp = r.response
if kind == DIRECT and r.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
err('%s: page has proxied Via header' % kind)
if resp.GetHeader('Content-Type') != wantContentType:
if found:
err('%s: multiple video responses' % kind)
found = True
cl = resp.GetHeader('Content-Length')
xocl = resp.GetHeader('X-Original-Content-Length')
if cl != None:
self.videoMetrics['content_length_header'] = int(cl)
if xocl != None:
self.videoMetrics['x_original_content_length_header'] = int(xocl)
# Should have CL always.
if cl == None:
err('%s: missing ContentLength' % kind)
# Proxied: should have CL < XOCL
# Direct: should not have XOCL
if kind == PROXIED:
if xocl == None or int(cl) >= int(xocl):
err('%s: bigger response (%s > %s)' % (kind, str(cl), str(xocl)))
if xocl != None:
err('%s: has XOriginalContentLength' % kind)
if not found:
err('%s: missing video response' % kind)
# Finally, add all the metrics to the results.
for (k, v) in self.videoMetrics.iteritems():
k = "%s_%s" % (k, kind)
results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(results.current_page, k, "", v))
class ChromeProxyInstrumentedVideoMetric(Metric):
"""Metric for pages instrumented to evaluate video transcoding."""
def __init__(self):
super(ChromeProxyInstrumentedVideoMetric, self).__init__()
def Stop(self, page, tab):
waitTime = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('test.waitTime')
tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('test.metrics.complete', waitTime)
super(ChromeProxyInstrumentedVideoMetric, self).Stop(page, tab)
def AddResults(self, tab, results):
metrics = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('test.metrics')
for (k, v) in metrics.iteritems():
results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(results.current_page, k, '', v))
complete = metrics['complete']
failed = metrics['failed']
if not complete:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, 'Test not complete'
if failed:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, 'failed'
except KeyError:
raise ChromeProxyMetricException, 'No metrics found'
# Returns whether |url| is a block-once test URL. Data Reduction Proxy has been
# configured to always return block-once for these URLs.
def IsTestUrlForBlockOnce(url):
return (url == '' or
url == (''