blob: 086d97672ab703f448cd76206a0e5294363d873e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_message.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_set.h"
class GURL;
namespace extensions {
class URLPatternSet;
// A container for the permissions state of an extension, including active,
// withheld, and tab-specific permissions.
// Thread-Safety: Since this is an object on the Extension object, *some* thread
// safety is provided. All utility functions for checking if a permission is
// present or an operation is allowed are thread-safe. However, permissions can
// only be set (or updated) on the thread to which this object is bound.
// Permissions may be accessed synchronously on that same thread.
// Accessing on an improper thread will DCHECK().
// This is necessary to prevent a scenario in which one thread will access
// permissions while another thread changes them.
class PermissionsData {
// The possible types of access for a given page.
// TODO(devlin): Sometimes, this is used for things beyond just a "page",
// such as network request interception or access to a particular frame.
// Should we update this? If so, we should also update the titles of the
// GetPageAccess()/CanAccessPage() methods below.
enum class PageAccess {
kDenied, // The extension is not allowed to access the given page.
kAllowed, // The extension is allowed to access the given page.
kWithheld, // The browser must determine if the extension can access
// the given page.
using TabPermissionsMap = std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet>>;
// Delegate class to allow different contexts (e.g. browser vs renderer) to
// have control over policy decisions.
class PolicyDelegate {
virtual ~PolicyDelegate() {}
// Returns true if script access should be blocked on this page.
// Otherwise, default policy should decide.
virtual bool IsRestrictedUrl(const GURL& document_url,
std::string* error) = 0;
static void SetPolicyDelegate(PolicyDelegate* delegate);
PermissionsData(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
Manifest::Type manifest_type,
Manifest::Location location,
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> initial_permissions);
virtual ~PermissionsData();
// Returns true if the extension is a COMPONENT extension or is on the
// whitelist of extensions that can script all pages.
// NOTE: This is static because it is used during extension initialization,
// before the extension has an associated PermissionsData object.
static bool CanExecuteScriptEverywhere(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
Manifest::Location location);
// Returns true if we should skip the permissions warning for the extension
// with the given |extension_id|.
static bool ShouldSkipPermissionWarnings(const std::string& extension_id);
// Returns true if the given |url| is restricted for the given |extension|,
// as is commonly the case for chrome:// urls.
// NOTE: You probably want to use CanAccessPage().
bool IsRestrictedUrl(const GURL& document_url, std::string* error) const;
// Returns true if the "all_urls" meta-pattern should include access to
// URLs with the "chrome" scheme. Access to these URLs is limited as they
// are sensitive.
static bool AllUrlsIncludesChromeUrls(const std::string& extension_id);
// Is this extension using the default scope for policy_blocked_hosts and
// policy_allowed_hosts of the ExtensionSettings policy.
bool UsesDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions() const;
// Locks the permissions data to the current thread. We don't do this on
// construction, since extensions are initialized across multiple threads.
void BindToCurrentThread() const;
// Sets the runtime permissions of the given |extension| to |active| and
// |withheld|.
void SetPermissions(std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> active,
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> withheld) const;
// Applies restrictions from enterprise policy limiting which URLs this
// extension can interact with. The same policy can also define a default set
// of URL restrictions using SetDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions. This function
// overrides any default host restriction policy.
void SetPolicyHostRestrictions(
const URLPatternSet& policy_blocked_hosts,
const URLPatternSet& policy_allowed_hosts) const;
// Marks this extension as using default enterprise policy limiting
// which URLs extensions can interact with. A default policy can be set with
// SetDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions. A policy specific to this extension
// can be set with SetPolicyHostRestrictions.
void SetUsesDefaultHostRestrictions() const;
// Applies restrictions from enterprise policy limiting which URLs all
// extensions can interact with. This restriction can be overridden on a
// per-extension basis with SetPolicyHostRestrictions.
static void SetDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions(
const URLPatternSet& default_policy_blocked_hosts,
const URLPatternSet& default_policy_allowed_hosts);
// Sets the active permissions, leaving withheld the same.
void SetActivePermissions(std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> active) const;
// Updates the tab-specific permissions of |tab_id| to include those from
// |permissions|.
void UpdateTabSpecificPermissions(int tab_id,
const PermissionSet& permissions) const;
// Clears the tab-specific permissions of |tab_id|.
void ClearTabSpecificPermissions(int tab_id) const;
// Returns true if the |extension| has the given |permission|. Prefer
// IsExtensionWithPermissionOrSuggestInConsole when developers may be using an
// api that requires a permission they didn't know about, e.g. open web apis.
// Note this does not include APIs with no corresponding permission, like
// "runtime" or "browserAction".
// TODO(mpcomplete): drop the "API" from these names, it's confusing.
bool HasAPIPermission(APIPermission::ID permission) const;
bool HasAPIPermission(const std::string& permission_name) const;
bool HasAPIPermissionForTab(int tab_id, APIPermission::ID permission) const;
bool CheckAPIPermissionWithParam(
APIPermission::ID permission,
const APIPermission::CheckParam* param) const;
// Returns the hosts this extension effectively has access to, including
// explicit and scriptable hosts, and any hosts on tabs the extension has
// active tab permissions for.
URLPatternSet GetEffectiveHostPermissions() const;
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): HasHostPermission() and
// HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts() are just forwards for the active
// permissions. We should either get rid of these, and have callers use
// active_permissions(), or should get rid of active_permissions(), and make
// callers use PermissionsData for everything. We should not do both.
// Whether the extension has access to the given |url|.
bool HasHostPermission(const GURL& url) const;
// Whether the extension has effective access to all hosts. This is true if
// there is a content script that matches all hosts, if there is a host
// permission grants access to all hosts (like <all_urls>) or an api
// permission that effectively grants access to all hosts (e.g. proxy,
// network, etc.)
bool HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts() const;
// Returns the full list of permission details for messages that should
// display at install time, in a nested format ready for display.
PermissionMessages GetPermissionMessages() const;
// Returns the list of permission details for permissions that are included in
// active_permissions(), but not present in |granted_permissions|. These are
// returned in a nested format, ready for display.
PermissionMessages GetNewPermissionMessages(
const PermissionSet& granted_permissions) const;
// Returns true if the extension has requested all-hosts permissions (or
// something close to it), but has had it withheld.
bool HasWithheldImpliedAllHosts() const;
// Returns true if the associated extension has permission to access and
// interact with the specified page, in order to do things like inject
// scripts or modify the content.
// If this returns false and |error| is non-NULL, |error| will be popualted
// with the reason the extension cannot access the page.
bool CanAccessPage(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
std::string* error) const;
// Like CanAccessPage, but also takes withheld permissions into account.
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin) We shouldn't have two functions, but not all callers
// know how to wait for permission.
PageAccess GetPageAccess(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
std::string* error) const;
// Returns true if the associated extension has permission to inject a
// content script on the page.
// If this returns false and |error| is non-NULL, |error| will be popualted
// with the reason the extension cannot script the page.
// NOTE: You almost certainly want to use CanAccessPage() instead of this
// method.
bool CanRunContentScriptOnPage(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
std::string* error) const;
// Like CanRunContentScriptOnPage, but also takes withheld permissions into
// account.
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin) We shouldn't have two functions, but not all callers
// know how to wait for permission.
PageAccess GetContentScriptAccess(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
std::string* error) const;
// Returns true if the associated extension is allowed to obtain the contents
// of a page as an image. Pages may contain multiple sources (e.g.,
// may embed, so simply checking the top-frame's URL
// is insufficient.
// Instead:
// - If the page is a chrome:// page, require activeTab.
// - For all other pages, require host permissions to the document
// (GetPageAccess()) and one of either <all_urls> or granted activeTab.
bool CanCaptureVisiblePage(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
std::string* error) const;
const TabPermissionsMap& tab_specific_permissions() const {
DCHECK(!thread_checker_ || thread_checker_->CalledOnValidThread());
return tab_specific_permissions_;
const PermissionSet& active_permissions() const {
DCHECK(!thread_checker_ || thread_checker_->CalledOnValidThread());
return *active_permissions_unsafe_;
const PermissionSet& withheld_permissions() const {
DCHECK(!thread_checker_ || thread_checker_->CalledOnValidThread());
return *withheld_permissions_unsafe_;
// Returns list of hosts this extension may not interact with by policy.
// This should only be used for 1. Serialization when initializing renderers
// or 2. Called from utility methods above. For all other uses, call utility
// methods instead (e.g. CanAccessPage()).
static const URLPatternSet& default_policy_blocked_hosts();
// Returns list of hosts this extension may interact with regardless of
// what is defined by policy_blocked_hosts().
// This should only be used for 1. Serialization when initializing renderers
// or 2. Called from utility methods above. For all other uses, call utility
// methods instead (e.g. CanAccessPage()).
static const URLPatternSet& default_policy_allowed_hosts();
// Returns list of hosts this extension may not interact with by policy.
// This should only be used for 1. Serialization when initializing renderers
// or 2. Called from utility methods above. For all other uses, call utility
// methods instead (e.g. CanAccessPage()).
const URLPatternSet policy_blocked_hosts() const;
// Returns list of hosts this extension may interact with regardless of
// what is defined by policy_blocked_hosts().
// This should only be used for 1. Serialization when initializing renderers
// or 2. Called from utility methods above. For all other uses, call utility
// methods instead (e.g. CanAccessPage()).
const URLPatternSet policy_allowed_hosts() const;
// Check if a specific URL is blocked by policy from extension use at runtime.
bool IsPolicyBlockedHost(const GURL& url) const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(runtime_lock_);
return IsPolicyBlockedHostUnsafe(url);
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
const PermissionSet* GetTabSpecificPermissionsForTesting(int tab_id) const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(runtime_lock_);
return GetTabSpecificPermissions(tab_id);
// Gets the tab-specific host permissions of |tab_id|, or NULL if there
// aren't any.
// Must be called with |runtime_lock_| acquired.
const PermissionSet* GetTabSpecificPermissions(int tab_id) const;
// Returns whether or not the extension is permitted to run on the given page,
// checking against |permitted_url_patterns| and |tab_url_patterns| in
// addition to blocking special sites (like the webstore or chrome:// urls).
// Must be called with |runtime_lock_| acquired.
PageAccess CanRunOnPage(const GURL& document_url,
int tab_id,
const URLPatternSet& permitted_url_patterns,
const URLPatternSet& withheld_url_patterns,
const URLPatternSet* tab_url_patterns,
std::string* error) const;
// Check if a specific URL is blocked by policy from extension use at runtime.
// You must acquire the runtime_lock_ before calling.
bool IsPolicyBlockedHostUnsafe(const GURL& url) const;
// Same as policy_blocked_hosts but instead returns a reference.
// You must acquire runtime_lock_ before calling this.
const URLPatternSet& PolicyBlockedHostsUnsafe() const;
// Same as policy_allowed_hosts but instead returns a reference.
// You must acquire runtime_lock_ before calling this.
const URLPatternSet& PolicyAllowedHostsUnsafe() const;
// The associated extension's id.
std::string extension_id_;
// The associated extension's manifest type.
Manifest::Type manifest_type_;
// The associated extension's location.
Manifest::Location location_;
mutable base::Lock runtime_lock_;
// The permission's which are currently active on the extension during
// runtime.
// Unsafe indicates that we must lock anytime this is directly accessed.
// Unless you need to change |active_permissions_unsafe_|, use the (safe)
// active_permissions() accessor.
mutable std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> active_permissions_unsafe_;
// The permissions the extension requested, but was not granted due because
// they are too powerful. This includes things like all_hosts.
// Unsafe indicates that we must lock anytime this is directly accessed.
// Unless you need to change |withheld_permissions_unsafe_|, use the (safe)
// withheld_permissions() accessor.
mutable std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> withheld_permissions_unsafe_;
// The list of hosts an extension may not interact with by policy.
// Unless you need to change |policy_blocked_hosts_unsafe_|, use the (safe)
// policy_blocked_hosts() accessor.
mutable URLPatternSet policy_blocked_hosts_unsafe_;
// The exclusive list of hosts an extension may interact with by policy.
// Unless you need to change |policy_allowed_hosts_unsafe_|, use the (safe)
// policy_allowed_hosts() accessor.
mutable URLPatternSet policy_allowed_hosts_unsafe_;
// If the ExtensionSettings policy is not being used, or no per-extension
// exception to the default policy was declared for this extension.
mutable bool uses_default_policy_host_restrictions = true;
mutable TabPermissionsMap tab_specific_permissions_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<base::ThreadChecker> thread_checker_;
} // namespace extensions