blob: aa3c96e44cd3b79dd9484dc4a321b790b3329a09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/presentation_screen_availability_listener.h"
#include "content/public/browser/presentation_service_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/common/frame_navigate_params.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/modules/presentation/presentation.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
struct PresentationConnectionMessage;
class RenderFrameHost;
// Implementation of Mojo PresentationService.
// It handles Presentation API requests coming from Blink / renderer process
// and delegates the requests to the embedder's media router via
// PresentationServiceDelegate.
// An instance of this class tied to a RenderFrameHost and listens to events
// related to the RFH via implementing WebContentsObserver.
// This class is instantiated on-demand via Mojo's ConnectToRemoteService
// from the renderer when the first presentation API request is handled.
// This class currently handles requests from both controller and receiver
// frames. The sequence of calls from a controller looks like the following:
// Create()
// SetClient()
// StartPresentation()
// SetPresentationConnection()
// ...
// TODO( Split the controller and receiver logic into separate
// classes so that each is easier to reason about.
class CONTENT_EXPORT PresentationServiceImpl
: public blink::mojom::PresentationService,
public WebContentsObserver,
public PresentationServiceDelegate::Observer {
using NewPresentationCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Optional<PresentationInfo>&,
const base::Optional<PresentationError>&)>;
// Creates a PresentationServiceImpl using the given RenderFrameHost.
static std::unique_ptr<PresentationServiceImpl> Create(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
~PresentationServiceImpl() override;
// Creates a binding between this object and |request|. Note that a
// PresentationServiceImpl instance can be bound to multiple requests.
void Bind(blink::mojom::PresentationServiceRequest request);
// PresentationService implementation.
void SetDefaultPresentationUrls(
const std::vector<GURL>& presentation_urls) override;
void SetController(
blink::mojom::PresentationControllerPtr controller) override;
void SetReceiver(blink::mojom::PresentationReceiverPtr receiver) override;
void ListenForScreenAvailability(const GURL& url) override;
void StopListeningForScreenAvailability(const GURL& url) override;
void StartPresentation(const std::vector<GURL>& presentation_urls,
NewPresentationCallback callback) override;
void ReconnectPresentation(const std::vector<GURL>& presentation_urls,
const std::string& presentation_id,
NewPresentationCallback callback) override;
void CloseConnection(const GURL& presentation_url,
const std::string& presentation_id) override;
void Terminate(const GURL& presentation_url,
const std::string& presentation_id) override;
void SetPresentationConnection(
const PresentationInfo& presentation_info,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionPtr controller_connection_ptr,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionRequest receiver_connection_request)
friend class PresentationServiceImplTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PresentationServiceImplTest, OnDelegateDestroyed);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PresentationServiceImplTest, DelegateFails);
// Maximum number of pending ReconnectPresentation requests at any given time.
static const int kMaxQueuedRequests = 10;
using ConnectionMessagesCallback =
// Listener implementation owned by PresentationServiceImpl. An instance of
// this is created when PresentationRequest.getAvailability() is resolved.
// The instance receives screen availability results from the embedder and
// propagates results back to PresentationServiceImpl.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ScreenAvailabilityListenerImpl
: public PresentationScreenAvailabilityListener {
ScreenAvailabilityListenerImpl(const GURL& availability_url,
PresentationServiceImpl* service);
~ScreenAvailabilityListenerImpl() override;
// PresentationScreenAvailabilityListener implementation.
GURL GetAvailabilityUrl() const override;
void OnScreenAvailabilityChanged(
blink::mojom::ScreenAvailability availability) override;
const GURL availability_url_;
PresentationServiceImpl* const service_;
// Ensures the provided NewPresentationCallback is invoked exactly once
// before it goes out of scope.
class NewPresentationCallbackWrapper {
explicit NewPresentationCallbackWrapper(NewPresentationCallback callback);
void Run(const base::Optional<PresentationInfo>& presentation_info,
const base::Optional<PresentationError>& error);
NewPresentationCallback callback_;
// Note: Use |PresentationServiceImpl::Create| instead. This constructor
// should only be directly invoked in tests.
// |render_frame_host|: The RFH this instance is associated with.
// |web_contents|: The WebContents to observe.
// |controller_delegate|: Where Presentation API requests are delegated to in
// controller frame. Set to nullptr if current frame is receiver frame. Not
// owned by this class.
// |receiver_delegate|: Where Presentation API requests are delegated to in
// receiver frame. Set to nullptr if current frame is controller frame. Not
// owned by this class.
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
WebContents* web_contents,
ControllerPresentationServiceDelegate* controller_delegate,
ReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate* receiver_delegate);
// WebContentsObserver override.
void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
// PresentationServiceDelegate::Observer
void OnDelegateDestroyed() override;
// Passed to embedder's implementation of PresentationServiceDelegate for
// later invocation when default presentation has started.
void OnDefaultPresentationStarted(const PresentationInfo& presentation_info);
// Finds the callback from |pending_reconnect_presentation_cbs_| using
// |request_id|.
// If it exists, invoke it with |presentation_info| and |error|, then erase it
// from |pending_reconnect_presentation_cbs_|. Returns true if the callback
// was found.
bool RunAndEraseReconnectPresentationMojoCallback(
int request_id,
const base::Optional<PresentationInfo>& presentation_info,
const base::Optional<PresentationError>& error);
// Removes all listeners and resets default presentation URL on this instance
// and informs the PresentationServiceDelegate of such.
void Reset();
// These functions are bound as base::Callbacks and passed to
// embedder's implementation of PresentationServiceDelegate for later
// invocation.
void OnStartPresentationSucceeded(int request_id,
const PresentationInfo& presentation_info);
void OnStartPresentationError(int request_id, const PresentationError& error);
void OnReconnectPresentationSucceeded(
int request_id,
const PresentationInfo& presentation_info);
void OnReconnectPresentationError(int request_id,
const PresentationError& error);
// Calls to |delegate_| to start listening for state changes for |connection|.
// State changes will be returned via |OnConnectionStateChanged|.
void ListenForConnectionStateChange(const PresentationInfo& connection);
// Passed to embedder's implementation of PresentationServiceDelegate for
// later invocation when connection messages arrive.
void OnConnectionMessages(
const content::PresentationInfo& presentation_info,
std::vector<content::PresentationConnectionMessage> messages);
// A callback registered to LocalPresentationManager when
// the PresentationServiceImpl for the presentation receiver is initialized.
// Calls |receiver_| to create a new PresentationConnection on receiver page.
void OnReceiverConnectionAvailable(
const content::PresentationInfo& presentation_info,
PresentationConnectionPtr controller_connection_ptr,
PresentationConnectionRequest receiver_connection_request);
// Associates a ReconnectPresentation |callback| with a unique request ID and
// stores it in a map. Moves out |callback| object if |callback| is registered
// successfully. If the queue is full, returns a negative value and leaves
// |callback| as is.
int RegisterReconnectPresentationCallback(NewPresentationCallback* callback);
// Invoked by the embedder's PresentationServiceDelegate when a
// PresentationConnection's state has changed.
void OnConnectionStateChanged(
const PresentationInfo& connection,
const PresentationConnectionStateChangeInfo& info);
// Returns true if this object is associated with |render_frame_host|.
bool FrameMatches(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) const;
// Returns |controller_delegate| if current frame is controller frame; Returns
// |receiver_delegate| if current frame is receiver frame.
PresentationServiceDelegate* GetPresentationServiceDelegate();
// The RenderFrameHost associated with this object.
RenderFrameHost* const render_frame_host_;
// Embedder-specific delegate for controller to forward Presentation requests
// to. Must be nullptr if current page is receiver page or
// embedder does not support Presentation API .
ControllerPresentationServiceDelegate* controller_delegate_;
// Embedder-specific delegate for receiver to forward Presentation requests
// to. Must be nullptr if current page is receiver page or
// embedder does not support Presentation API.
ReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate* receiver_delegate_;
// Pointer to the PresentationController implementation in the renderer.
blink::mojom::PresentationControllerPtr controller_;
// Pointer to the PresentationReceiver implementation in the renderer.
blink::mojom::PresentationReceiverPtr receiver_;
std::vector<GURL> default_presentation_urls_;
using ScreenAvailabilityListenerMap =
std::map<GURL, std::unique_ptr<ScreenAvailabilityListenerImpl>>;
ScreenAvailabilityListenerMap screen_availability_listeners_;
// For StartPresentation requests.
// Set to a positive value when a StartPresentation request is being
// processed.
int start_presentation_request_id_;
// For ReconnectPresentation requests.
base::hash_map<int, linked_ptr<NewPresentationCallbackWrapper>>
// RAII binding of |this| to PresentationService requests.
mojo::BindingSet<blink::mojom::PresentationService> bindings_;
// ID of the RenderFrameHost this object is associated with.
int render_process_id_;
int render_frame_id_;
// If current frame is top level frame.
bool is_main_frame_;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<PresentationServiceImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content