blob: 1d16b442c6f7b6a29f8f397adbeb358084265d96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/bluetooth/bluetooth_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_item.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace ash {
namespace tray {
class BluetoothDefaultView;
class BluetoothDetailedView;
// Bluetooth section in the main system tray menu. Contains:
// * Toggle to turn Bluetooth on and off
// * Gear icon that takes the user to the web ui settings
// * List of paired devices
// * List of unpaired devices
class TrayBluetooth : public SystemTrayItem, public BluetoothObserver {
explicit TrayBluetooth(SystemTray* system_tray);
~TrayBluetooth() override;
// Overridden from SystemTrayItem.
views::View* CreateDefaultView(LoginStatus status) override;
views::View* CreateDetailedView(LoginStatus status) override;
void OnDefaultViewDestroyed() override;
void OnDetailedViewDestroyed() override;
void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange(LoginStatus status) override;
// Overridden from BluetoothObserver.
void OnBluetoothRefresh() override;
void OnBluetoothDiscoveringChanged() override;
tray::BluetoothDefaultView* default_;
tray::BluetoothDetailedView* detailed_;
} // namespace ash