blob: 86f38cc17e7db06e4dfbc406ff61e754601e17a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/common/csp_validator.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/error_utils.h"
#include "extensions/common/install_warning.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace csp_validator {
namespace {
const char kDefaultSrc[] = "default-src";
const char kScriptSrc[] = "script-src";
const char kObjectSrc[] = "object-src";
const char kFrameSrc[] = "frame-src";
const char kChildSrc[] = "child-src";
const char kDirectiveSeparator = ';';
const char kPluginTypes[] = "plugin-types";
const char kObjectSrcDefaultDirective[] = "object-src 'self';";
const char kScriptSrcDefaultDirective[] = "script-src 'self';";
const char kAppSandboxSubframeSrcDefaultDirective[] = "child-src 'self';";
const char kAppSandboxScriptSrcDefaultDirective[] =
"script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';";
const char kSandboxDirectiveName[] = "sandbox";
const char kAllowSameOriginToken[] = "allow-same-origin";
const char kAllowTopNavigation[] = "allow-top-navigation";
// This is the list of plugin types which are fully sandboxed and are safe to
// load up in an extension, regardless of the URL they are navigated to.
const char* const kSandboxedPluginTypes[] = {
// List of CSP hash-source prefixes that are accepted. Blink is a bit more
// lenient, but we only accept standard hashes to be forward-compatible.
const char* const kHashSourcePrefixes[] = {
// Represents the status of a directive in a CSP string.
// Examples of directive:
// script source related: scrict-src
// subframe source related: child-src/frame-src.
class DirectiveStatus {
// Subframe related directives can have multiple directive names: "child-src"
// or "frame-src".
DirectiveStatus(std::initializer_list<const char*> directives)
: directive_names_(directives.begin(), directives.end()) {}
// Returns true if |directive_name| matches this DirectiveStatus.
bool Matches(const std::string& directive_name) const {
for (const auto& directive : directive_names_) {
if (!base::CompareCaseInsensitiveASCII(directive_name, directive))
return true;
return false;
bool seen_in_policy() const { return seen_in_policy_; }
void set_seen_in_policy() { seen_in_policy_ = true; }
const std::string& name() const {
return directive_names_[0];
// The CSP directive names this DirectiveStatus cares about.
std::vector<std::string> directive_names_;
// Whether or not we've seen any directive name that matches |this|.
bool seen_in_policy_ = false;
// Returns whether |url| starts with |scheme_and_separator| and does not have a
// too permissive wildcard host name. If |should_check_rcd| is true, then the
// Public suffix list is used to exclude wildcard TLDs such as "https://*.org".
bool isNonWildcardTLD(const std::string& url,
const std::string& scheme_and_separator,
bool should_check_rcd) {
if (!base::StartsWith(url, scheme_and_separator,
return false;
size_t start_of_host = scheme_and_separator.length();
size_t end_of_host = url.find("/", start_of_host);
if (end_of_host == std::string::npos)
end_of_host = url.size();
// Note: It is sufficient to only compare the first character against '*'
// because the CSP only allows wildcards at the start of a directive, see
// host-source and host-part at
bool is_wildcard_subdomain = end_of_host > start_of_host + 2 &&
url[start_of_host] == '*' && url[start_of_host + 1] == '.';
if (is_wildcard_subdomain)
start_of_host += 2;
size_t start_of_port = url.rfind(":", end_of_host);
// The ":" check at the end of the following condition is used to avoid
// treating the last part of an IPv6 address as a port.
if (start_of_port > start_of_host && url[start_of_port - 1] != ':') {
bool is_valid_port = false;
// Do a quick sanity check. The following check could mistakenly flag
// ":123456" or ":****" as valid, but that does not matter because the
// relaxing CSP directive will just be ignored by Blink.
for (size_t i = start_of_port + 1; i < end_of_host; ++i) {
is_valid_port = base::IsAsciiDigit(url[i]) || url[i] == '*';
if (!is_valid_port)
if (is_valid_port)
end_of_host = start_of_port;
std::string host(url, start_of_host, end_of_host - start_of_host);
// Global wildcards are not allowed.
if (host.empty() || host.find("*") != std::string::npos)
return false;
if (!is_wildcard_subdomain || !should_check_rcd)
return true;
// Allow * to be whitelisted for backwards-compatibility.
// (
if (host == "")
return true;
// Wildcards on subdomains of a TLD are not allowed.
return net::registry_controlled_domains::HostHasRegistryControlledDomain(
host, net::registry_controlled_domains::INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_REGISTRIES,
// Checks whether the source is a syntactically valid hash.
bool IsHashSource(base::StringPiece source) {
if (source.empty() || source.back() != '\'')
return false;
size_t hash_end = source.length() - 1;
for (const char* prefix : kHashSourcePrefixes) {
if (base::StartsWith(source, prefix,
base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
for (size_t i = strlen(prefix); i < hash_end; ++i) {
const char c = source[i];
// The hash must be base64-encoded. Do not allow any other characters.
if (!base::IsAsciiAlpha(c) && !base::IsAsciiDigit(c) && c != '+' &&
c != '/' && c != '=') {
return false;
return true;
return false;
InstallWarning CSPInstallWarning(const std::string& csp_warning) {
return InstallWarning(csp_warning, manifest_keys::kContentSecurityPolicy);
std::string GetSecureDirectiveValues(
int options,
const std::string& directive_name,
const std::vector<base::StringPiece>& directive_values,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
std::vector<base::StringPiece> sane_csp_parts{directive_name};
for (base::StringPiece source_literal : directive_values) {
std::string source_lower = base::ToLowerASCII(source_literal);
bool is_secure_csp_token = false;
// We might need to relax this whitelist over time.
if (source_lower == "'self'" || source_lower == "'none'" ||
source_lower == "" || source_lower == "blob:" ||
source_lower == "filesystem:" || source_lower == "http://localhost" ||
base::StartsWith(source_lower, "",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::StartsWith(source_lower, "http://localhost:",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
isNonWildcardTLD(source_lower, "https://", true) ||
isNonWildcardTLD(source_lower, "chrome://", false) ||
std::string(extensions::kExtensionScheme) +
false) ||
IsHashSource(source_literal)) {
is_secure_csp_token = true;
} else if ((options & OPTIONS_ALLOW_UNSAFE_EVAL) &&
source_lower == "'unsafe-eval'") {
is_secure_csp_token = true;
} else if (base::StartsWith(source_lower, "chrome-extension-resource:",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
// The "chrome-extension-resource" scheme has been removed from the
// codebase, but it may still appear in existing CSPs. We continue to
// allow it here for compatibility. Requests on this scheme will not
// return any kind of network response.
is_secure_csp_token = true;
if (is_secure_csp_token) {
} else if (warnings) {
manifest_errors::kInvalidCSPInsecureValue, source_literal.as_string(),
// End of CSP directive that was started at the beginning of this method. If
// none of the values are secure, the policy will be empty and default to
// 'none', which is secure.
std::string last_part = sane_csp_parts.back().as_string();
sane_csp_parts.back() = last_part;
return base::JoinString(sane_csp_parts, " ");
// Given a CSP directive-token for app sandbox, returns a secure value of that
// directive.
// The directive-token's name is |directive_name| and its values are splitted
// into |directive_values|.
std::string GetAppSandboxSecureDirectiveValues(
const std::string& directive_name,
const std::vector<base::StringPiece>& directive_values,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
std::vector<std::string> sane_csp_parts{directive_name};
bool seen_self_or_none = false;
for (base::StringPiece source_literal : directive_values) {
std::string source_lower = base::ToLowerASCII(source_literal);
// Keyword directive sources are surrounded with quotes, e.g. 'self',
// 'sha256-...', 'unsafe-eval', 'nonce-...'. These do not specify a remote
// host or '*', so keep them and restrict the rest.
if (source_lower.size() > 1u && source_lower[0] == '\'' &&
source_lower.back() == '\'') {
seen_self_or_none |= source_lower == "'none'" || source_lower == "'self'";
} else if (warnings) {
manifest_errors::kInvalidCSPInsecureValue, source_literal.as_string(),
// If we haven't seen any of 'self' or 'none', that means this directive
// value isn't secure. Specify 'self' to secure it.
if (!seen_self_or_none)
return base::JoinString(sane_csp_parts, " ");
// Returns true if the |plugin_type| is one of the fully sandboxed plugin types.
bool PluginTypeAllowed(const std::string& plugin_type) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSandboxedPluginTypes); ++i) {
if (plugin_type == kSandboxedPluginTypes[i])
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the policy is allowed to contain an insecure object-src
// directive. This requires OPTIONS_ALLOW_INSECURE_OBJECT_SRC to be specified
// as an option and the plugin-types that can be loaded must be restricted to
// the set specified in kSandboxedPluginTypes.
bool AllowedToHaveInsecureObjectSrc(
int options,
const std::vector<std::string>& directives) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < directives.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& input = directives[i];
base::StringTokenizer tokenizer(input, " \t\r\n");
if (!tokenizer.GetNext())
if (!base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(tokenizer.token(), kPluginTypes))
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
if (!PluginTypeAllowed(tokenizer.token()))
return false;
// All listed plugin types are whitelisted.
return true;
// plugin-types not specified.
return false;
using SecureDirectiveValueFunction = base::Callback<std::string(
const std::string& directive_name,
const std::vector<base::StringPiece>& directive_values,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings)>;
// Represents a token in CSP string.
// Tokens are delimited by ";" CSP string.
class CSPDirectiveToken {
explicit CSPDirectiveToken(base::StringPiece directive_token)
: directive_token_(directive_token),
tokenizer_(directive_token.begin(), directive_token.end(), " \t\r\n") {
is_empty_ = !tokenizer_.GetNext();
if (!is_empty_)
directive_name_ = tokenizer_.token();
// Returns true if this token affects |status|. In that case, the token's
// directive values are secured by |secure_function|.
bool MatchAndUpdateStatus(DirectiveStatus* status,
const SecureDirectiveValueFunction& secure_function,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
if (is_empty_ || !status->Matches(directive_name_))
return false;
bool is_duplicate_directive = status->seen_in_policy();
secure_value_ = secure_function.Run(
directive_name_, directive_values_,
// Don't show any errors for duplicate CSP directives, because it will
// be ignored by the CSP parser
// ( Therefore, set warnings
// param to nullptr.
is_duplicate_directive ? nullptr : warnings);
return true;
std::string ToString() {
if (secure_value_)
return secure_value_.value();
// This token didn't require modification.
return base::StringPrintf("%s%c", directive_token_.as_string().c_str(),
void EnsureTokenPartsParsed() {
if (!parsed_) {
while (tokenizer_.GetNext())
parsed_ = true;
base::StringPiece directive_token_;
std::string directive_name_;
std::vector<base::StringPiece> directive_values_;
base::Optional<std::string> secure_value_;
bool is_empty_;
bool parsed_;
base::CStringTokenizer tokenizer_;
// Class responsible for parsing a given CSP string |policy|, and enforcing
// secure directive-tokens within the policy.
// If a CSP directive's value is not secure, this class will use secure
// values (via |secure_function|). If a CSP directive-token is not present and
// as a result will fallback to default (possibly non-secure), this class
// will use default secure values (via GetDefaultCSPValue).
class CSPEnforcer {
CSPEnforcer(bool show_missing_csp_warnings,
const SecureDirectiveValueFunction& secure_function)
: show_missing_csp_warnings_(show_missing_csp_warnings),
secure_function_(secure_function) {}
virtual ~CSPEnforcer() {}
// Returns the enforced CSP.
// Emits warnings in |warnings| for insecure directive values. If
// |show_missing_csp_warnings_| is true, these will also include missing CSP
// directive warnings.
std::string Enforce(const std::string& policy,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings);
virtual std::string GetDefaultCSPValue(const DirectiveStatus& status) = 0;
// List of directives we care about.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DirectiveStatus>> directives_;
const bool show_missing_csp_warnings_;
const SecureDirectiveValueFunction secure_function_;
std::string CSPEnforcer::Enforce(const std::string& policy,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
std::vector<std::string> enforced_csp_parts;
// If any directive that we care about isn't explicitly listed in |policy|,
// "default-src" fallback is used.
DirectiveStatus default_src_status({kDefaultSrc});
std::vector<InstallWarning> default_src_csp_warnings;
for (const base::StringPiece& directive_token : base::SplitStringPiece(
policy, ";", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY)) {
CSPDirectiveToken csp_directive_token(directive_token);
bool matches_enforcing_directive = false;
for (const std::unique_ptr<DirectiveStatus>& status : directives_) {
if (csp_directive_token.MatchAndUpdateStatus(
status.get(), secure_function_, warnings)) {
matches_enforcing_directive = true;
if (!matches_enforcing_directive) {
&default_src_status, secure_function_, &default_src_csp_warnings);
if (default_src_status.seen_in_policy()) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<DirectiveStatus>& status : directives_) {
if (!status->seen_in_policy()) {
// This |status| falls back to "default-src". So warnings from
// "default-src" will apply.
if (warnings) {
warnings->insert(warnings->end(), default_src_csp_warnings.begin(),
} else {
// Did not see "default-src".
// Make sure we cover all sources from |directives_|.
for (const std::unique_ptr<DirectiveStatus>& status : directives_) {
if (status->seen_in_policy()) // Already covered.
if (warnings && show_missing_csp_warnings_) {
manifest_errors::kInvalidCSPMissingSecureSrc, status->name())));
return base::JoinString(enforced_csp_parts, " ");
class ExtensionCSPEnforcer : public CSPEnforcer {
ExtensionCSPEnforcer(bool allow_insecure_object_src, int options)
: CSPEnforcer(true, base::Bind(&GetSecureDirectiveValues, options)) {
directives_.emplace_back(new DirectiveStatus({kScriptSrc}));
if (!allow_insecure_object_src)
directives_.emplace_back(new DirectiveStatus({kObjectSrc}));
std::string GetDefaultCSPValue(const DirectiveStatus& status) override {
if (status.Matches(kObjectSrc))
return kObjectSrcDefaultDirective;
return kScriptSrcDefaultDirective;
class AppSandboxPageCSPEnforcer : public CSPEnforcer {
: CSPEnforcer(false, base::Bind(&GetAppSandboxSecureDirectiveValues)) {
directives_.emplace_back(new DirectiveStatus({kChildSrc, kFrameSrc}));
directives_.emplace_back(new DirectiveStatus({kScriptSrc}));
std::string GetDefaultCSPValue(const DirectiveStatus& status) override {
if (status.Matches(kChildSrc))
return kAppSandboxSubframeSrcDefaultDirective;
return kAppSandboxScriptSrcDefaultDirective;
} // namespace
bool ContentSecurityPolicyIsLegal(const std::string& policy) {
// We block these characters to prevent HTTP header injection when
// representing the content security policy as an HTTP header.
const char kBadChars[] = {',', '\r', '\n', '\0'};
return policy.find_first_of(kBadChars, 0, arraysize(kBadChars)) ==
std::string SanitizeContentSecurityPolicy(
const std::string& policy,
int options,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
// See for parsing algorithm.
std::vector<std::string> directives = base::SplitString(
policy, ";", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
bool allow_insecure_object_src =
AllowedToHaveInsecureObjectSrc(options, directives);
ExtensionCSPEnforcer csp_enforcer(allow_insecure_object_src, options);
return csp_enforcer.Enforce(policy, warnings);
std::string GetEffectiveSandoxedPageCSP(const std::string& policy,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) {
AppSandboxPageCSPEnforcer csp_enforcer;
return csp_enforcer.Enforce(policy, warnings);
bool ContentSecurityPolicyIsSandboxed(
const std::string& policy, Manifest::Type type) {
// See for parsing algorithm.
bool seen_sandbox = false;
for (const std::string& input : base::SplitString(
policy, ";", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL)) {
base::StringTokenizer tokenizer(input, " \t\r\n");
if (!tokenizer.GetNext())
std::string directive_name = base::ToLowerASCII(tokenizer.token_piece());
if (directive_name != kSandboxDirectiveName)
seen_sandbox = true;
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
std::string token = base::ToLowerASCII(tokenizer.token_piece());
// The same origin token negates the sandboxing.
if (token == kAllowSameOriginToken)
return false;
// Platform apps don't allow navigation.
if (type == Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP) {
if (token == kAllowTopNavigation)
return false;
return seen_sandbox;
} // namespace csp_validator
} // namespace extensions