blob: ee3106649081725778d7c3999c2ca9b73fe042d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cwv_export.h"
@class CWVTranslationLanguage;
@class CWVTranslationPolicy;
@protocol CWVTranslationControllerDelegate;
// The error domain for translation errors.
extern NSErrorDomain const CWVTranslationErrorDomain;
// Possible error codes during translation.
// No connectivity.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorNetwork;
// The translation script failed to initialize.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorInitializationError;
// The page's language could not be detected.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorUnknownLanguage;
// The server detected a language that the browser does not know.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorUnsupportedLanguage;
// The original and target languages are the same.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorIdenticalLanguages;
// An error was reported by the translation script during translation.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorTranslationError;
// The library doesn't finish the translation.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorTranslationTimeout;
// The library raises an unexpected exception.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorUnexpectedScriptError;
// The library is blocked because of bad origin.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorBadOrigin;
// Loader fails to load a dependent JavaScript.
extern const NSInteger CWVTranslationErrorScriptLoadError;
// Allows page translation from one language to another.
@interface CWVTranslationController : NSObject
// Delegate to receive translation callbacks.
@property(nullable, nonatomic, weak) id<CWVTranslationControllerDelegate>
// The set of supported languages for translation.
@property(nonatomic, readonly)
NSSet<CWVTranslationLanguage*>* supportedLanguages;
// Begins translation on the current page from |sourceLanguage| to
// |targetLanguage|. These language parameters must be chosen from
// |supportedLanguages|. Set |userInitiated| to YES if translation
// is a result of explicit user action. |userInitiated| will be
// passed along to the CWVTranslationControllerDelegate methods.
// Results in a No-op if there is no current page.
- (void)translatePageFromLanguage:(CWVTranslationLanguage*)sourceLanguage
// Reverts any translations done back to the original page language.
// Note that the original page language may be different from |sourceLanguage|
// passed to |translatePageFromLanguage:toLanguage:userInitiated:| above.
// Results in No-op if the page was never translated.
- (void)revertTranslation;
// Sets or retrieves translation policies associated with a specified language.
// |pageLanguage| should be the language code of the language.
- (void)setTranslationPolicy:(CWVTranslationPolicy*)policy
- (CWVTranslationPolicy*)translationPolicyForPageLanguage:
// Sets or retrieves translation policies associated with a specified page.
// |pageHost| should be the hostname of the website. Must not be empty.
- (void)setTranslationPolicy:(CWVTranslationPolicy*)policy
- (CWVTranslationPolicy*)translationPolicyForPageHost:(NSString*)pageHost;