blob: 46899a783e8e367defaaa84c16122cef68b98bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/json/json_values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/list_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
#include <iosfwd>
namespace blink {
class ClipPaintPropertyNode;
class EffectPaintPropertyNode;
class ScrollPaintPropertyNode;
class TransformPaintPropertyNode;
// Returns the lowest common ancestor in the paint property tree.
template <typename NodeType>
const NodeType& LowestCommonAncestor(const NodeType& a, const NodeType& b) {
// Fast path of common cases.
if (&a == &b || !a.Parent() || b.Parent() == &a) {
return a;
if (!b.Parent() || a.Parent() == &b) {
return b;
return LowestCommonAncestorInternal(a, b);
PLATFORM_EXPORT const ClipPaintPropertyNode& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const ClipPaintPropertyNode&,
const ClipPaintPropertyNode&);
PLATFORM_EXPORT const EffectPaintPropertyNode& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const EffectPaintPropertyNode&,
const EffectPaintPropertyNode&);
PLATFORM_EXPORT const ScrollPaintPropertyNode& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode&,
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode&);
PLATFORM_EXPORT const TransformPaintPropertyNode& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const TransformPaintPropertyNode&,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode&);
template <typename NodeType>
const NodeType* SafeUnalias(const NodeType* node) {
return node ? node->Unalias() : nullptr;
template <typename NodeType>
class PaintPropertyNode : public RefCounted<NodeType> {
// Parent property node, or nullptr if this is the root node.
const NodeType* Parent() const { return parent_.get(); }
bool IsRoot() const { return !parent_; }
bool IsAncestorOf(const NodeType& other) const {
for (const NodeType* node = &other; node != this; node = node->Parent()) {
if (!node)
return false;
return true;
void ClearChangedToRoot() const { ClearChangedTo(nullptr); }
void ClearChangedTo(const NodeType* node) const {
for (auto* n = this; n && n != node; n = n->Parent())
n->changed_ = false;
// Returns true if this node is an alias for its parent. A parent alias is a
// node which on its own does not contribute to the rendering output, and only
// exists to enforce a particular structure of the paint property tree. Its
// value is ignored during display item list generation, instead the parent
// value is used. See Unalias().
bool IsParentAlias() const { return is_parent_alias_; }
// Returns the first node up the parent chain that is not an alias; return the
// root node if every node is an alias.
const NodeType* Unalias() const {
const auto* node = static_cast<const NodeType*>(this);
while (node->Parent() && node->IsParentAlias())
node = node->Parent();
return node;
String ToString() const {
auto s = static_cast<const NodeType*>(this)->ToJSON()->ToJSONString();
return debug_name_ + String::Format(" %p ", this) + s;
return s;
String ToTreeString() const;
String DebugName() const { return debug_name_; }
void SetDebugName(const String& name) { debug_name_ = name; }
PaintPropertyNode(const NodeType* parent, bool is_parent_alias = false)
: parent_(parent),
changed_(!!parent) {}
bool SetParent(const NodeType* parent) {
DCHECK(parent != this);
if (parent == parent_)
return false;
parent_ = parent;
return true;
void SetChanged() {
changed_ = true;
bool NodeChanged() const { return changed_; }
friend class PaintPropertyNodeTest;
// Object paint properties can set the parent directly for an alias update.
friend class ObjectPaintProperties;
scoped_refptr<const NodeType> parent_;
// Indicates whether this node is an alias for its parent. Parent aliases are
// nodes that do not affect rendering and are ignored for the purposes of
// display item list generation.
bool is_parent_alias_ = false;
// Indicates that the paint property value changed in the last update in the
// prepaint lifecycle step. This is used for raster invalidation and damage
// in the compositor. This value is cleared through |ClearChangedTo*|. With
// BlinkGenPropertyTrees, this is cleared explicitly at the end of paint (see:
// LocalFrameView::RunPaintLifecyclePhase), otherwise this is cleared through
// PaintController::FinishCycle.
mutable bool changed_ = true;
String debug_name_;
template <typename NodeType>
class PropertyTreePrinter {
void AddNode(const NodeType* node) {
if (node)
String NodesAsTreeString() {
if (nodes_.IsEmpty())
return "";
StringBuilder string_builder;
BuildTreeString(string_builder, RootNode(), 0);
return string_builder.ToString();
String PathAsString(const NodeType* last_node) {
for (const auto* n = last_node; n; n = n->Parent())
return NodesAsTreeString();
void BuildTreeString(StringBuilder& string_builder,
const NodeType* node,
unsigned indent) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indent; i++)
string_builder.Append(' ');
for (const auto* child_node : nodes_) {
if (child_node->Parent() == node)
BuildTreeString(string_builder, child_node, indent + 2);
const NodeType* RootNode() {
const auto* node = nodes_.back();
while (!node->IsRoot())
node = node->Parent();
if (node->DebugName().IsEmpty())
return node;
ListHashSet<const NodeType*> nodes_;
template <typename NodeType>
String PaintPropertyNode<NodeType>::ToTreeString() const {
return PropertyTreePrinter<NodeType>().PathAsString(
static_cast<const NodeType*>(this));
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
template <typename NodeType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const PaintPropertyNode<NodeType>& node) {
return os << static_cast<const NodeType&>(node).ToString().Utf8().data();
} // namespace blink