blob: dfc4dddb6a539f4cae0b6c02b613531c39cf1c50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_constants.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
namespace ash {
const int kPaddingFromRightEdgeOfScreenBottomAlignment = 7;
const int kPaddingFromBottomOfScreenBottomAlignment = 7;
const int kPaddingFromOuterEdgeOfLauncherVerticalAlignment = 8;
const int kPaddingFromInnerEdgeOfLauncherVerticalAlignment = 9;
const int kPaddingFromBottomOfScreenVerticalAlignment = 10;
// Padding used to position the system menu relative to the status area.
const int kBubblePaddingHorizontalBottom = 6;
const int kBubblePaddingHorizontalSide = 10;
const int kBubblePaddingVerticalBottom = 3;
const int kBubblePaddingVerticalSide = 15;
const int kTrayTextFontSizeIncrease = 2;
// Top inset of system tray bubble for bottom anchor alignment.
const int kTrayBubbleAnchorTopInsetBottomAnchor = 3;
const int kTrayImageItemHorizontalPaddingVerticalAlignment = 1;
// Size of tray items on the primary axis.
const int kTrayItemSize = 32;
const int kTrayLabelItemHorizontalPaddingBottomAlignment = 7;
// Vertical padding between status tray items when the shelf is vertical.
const int kTrayLabelItemVerticalPaddingVerticalAlignment = 4;
const int kTrayMenuBottomRowPadding = 3;
const int kTrayMenuBottomRowPaddingBetweenItems = -1;
const int kTrayMenuWidth = 360;
const int kTrayPopupAutoCloseDelayInSeconds = 2;
const int kTrayPopupAutoCloseDelayForTextInSeconds = 5;
const int kTrayPopupPaddingHorizontal = 18;
const int kTrayPopupPaddingBetweenItems = 10;
const int kTrayPopupButtonEndMargin = 10;
const int kTrayPopupLabelHorizontalPadding = 4;
const int kTrayPopupSliderHorizontalPadding = 16;
const int kTrayPopupItemMinHeight = 48;
const int kTrayPopupItemMinStartWidth = 48;
const int kTrayPopupItemMinEndWidth =
kMenuIconSize + 2 * kTrayPopupButtonEndMargin;
const int kTrayDetailedViewTransitionDelayMs = 100;
const int kTrayPopupLabelRightPadding = 8;
const SkColor kTrayPopupHoverBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4);
const int kTrayRoundedBorderRadius = 2;
const int kTrayToggleButtonWidth = 68;
const SkColor kPublicAccountUserCardTextColor = SkColorSetRGB(0x66, 0x66, 0x66);
const SkColor kPublicAccountUserCardNameColor = SK_ColorBLACK;
const SkColor kHeaderBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xf5, 0xf5, 0xf5);
const SkColor kHeaderTextColorNormal = SkColorSetARGB(0x7f, 0, 0, 0);
const SkColor kHeaderTextColorHover = SkColorSetARGB(0xd3, 0, 0, 0);
const SkColor kMobileNotConnectedXIconColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb2);
const int kTrayPopupMinWidth = 300;
const int kTrayPopupMaxWidth = 500;
const int kNotificationIconWidth = 40;
const int kNotificationButtonWidth = 32;
const int kTrayNotificationContentsWidth =
kTrayPopupMinWidth - (kNotificationIconWidth + kNotificationButtonWidth +
(kTrayPopupPaddingHorizontal / 2) * 3);
const int kTrayIconSize = 16;
const SkColor kTrayIconColor = SK_ColorWHITE;
const int kMenuIconSize = 20;
const SkColor kMenuIconColor = gfx::kChromeIconGrey;
const SkColor kMenuIconColorDisabled = SkColorSetA(gfx::kChromeIconGrey, 0x61);
const int kMenuButtonSize = 48;
const int kMenuSeparatorVerticalPadding = 4;
const int kMenuExtraMarginFromLeftEdge = 4;
const int kMenuEdgeEffectivePadding =
kMenuExtraMarginFromLeftEdge + (kMenuButtonSize - kMenuIconSize) / 2;
const int kHitRegionPadding = 4;
const int kSeparatorWidth = 1;
const SkColor kMenuSeparatorColor = SkColorSetA(SK_ColorBLACK, 0x1F);
const SkColor kTrayPopupInkDropBaseColor = SK_ColorBLACK;
const float kTrayPopupInkDropRippleOpacity = 0.06f;
const float kTrayPopupInkDropHighlightOpacity = 0.08f;
const int kTrayPopupInkDropInset = 4;
const int kTrayPopupInkDropCornerRadius = 2;
const int kTrayPopupSystemInfoRowHeight = 40;
} // namespace ash