blob: 45f7ee0c807322ae9bb5bdf3cdf0bcaafe73b754 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/sessions/core/sessions_export.h"
class SessionID;
namespace sessions {
class SerializedNavigationEntry;
struct SerializedUserAgentOverride;
// Defines the interface used by SessionTabHelper to record changes to
// navigation entries so that they can restored at a later date.
class SESSIONS_EXPORT SessionTabHelperDelegate {
// Sets the user agent override of the specified tab.
virtual void SetTabUserAgentOverride(
const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
const SerializedUserAgentOverride& user_agent_override) = 0;
// Sets the index of the selected entry in the navigation controller for the
// specified tab.
virtual void SetSelectedNavigationIndex(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int index) = 0;
// Updates the navigation entry for the specified tab.
virtual void UpdateTabNavigation(
const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
const SerializedNavigationEntry& navigation) = 0;
// Invoked when the NavigationController has removed entries from the list.
// |index| gives the the starting index from which entries were deleted.
// |count| gives the number of entries that were removed.
virtual void TabNavigationPathPruned(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int index,
int count) = 0;
// Invoked when the NavigationController has deleted entries because of a
// history deletion.
virtual void TabNavigationPathEntriesDeleted(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id) = 0;
} // namespace sessions