blob: 105ef3537a7d52c55d7c4a40e66372816298aabe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_metrics_observer.h"
namespace internal {
extern const char kHistogramFirstPaintAfterBackForwardCacheRestore[];
extern const char kHistogramFirstInputDelayAfterBackForwardCacheRestore[];
extern const char kHistogramCumulativeShiftScoreAfterBackForwardCacheRestore[];
extern const char
extern const char kHistogramCumulativeShiftScoreAfterBackForwardCacheRestore[];
} // namespace internal
class BackForwardCachePageLoadMetricsObserver
: public page_load_metrics::PageLoadMetricsObserver {
~BackForwardCachePageLoadMetricsObserver() override;
// page_load_metrics::PageLoadMetricsObserver:
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnRestoreFromBackForwardCache(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnFirstPaintAfterBackForwardCacheRestoreInPage(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::BackForwardCacheTiming& timing,
size_t index) override;
void OnFirstInputAfterBackForwardCacheRestoreInPage(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::BackForwardCacheTiming& timing,
size_t index) override;
ObservePolicy FlushMetricsOnAppEnterBackground(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnComplete(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
// Dumps the layout shift score after the page is restored from the back-
// forward cache. This is called when the page is navigated away, i.e., when
// the page enters to the cache, or the page is closed. In the first call, as
// the page has not been in the back-forward cache yet, this doesn't dump the
// scores.
void DumpLayoutShiftScoreAfterBackForwardCacheRestore(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing);
// Whether the page is currently in the back-forward cache or not.
bool in_back_forward_cache_ = false;
// The layout shift score. These are recorded when the page is navigated away.
// These serve as "deliminators" between back-forward cache navigations.
base::Optional<double> last_main_frame_layout_shift_score_;
base::Optional<double> last_layout_shift_score_;