blob: b12eddbc4d49feba6680743dd3742854b8d7ae65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
@class ChromeIdentity;
@protocol ChromeIdentityBrowserOpener;
@class ChromeIdentityInteractionManager;
@protocol ChromeIdentityInteractionManagerDelegate;
@class NSArray;
@class NSDate;
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSError;
@class NSString;
@class NSURL;
@class UIApplication;
@class UIImage;
@class UINavigationController;
@class UIViewController;
namespace ios {
class ChromeBrowserState;
class ChromeIdentityService;
// Callback passed to method |GetAccessTokenForScopes()| that returns the
// information of the obtained access token to the caller.
typedef void (^AccessTokenCallback)(NSString* token,
NSDate* expiration,
NSError* error);
// Callback passed to method |ForgetIdentity()|. |error| is nil if the operation
// completed with success.
typedef void (^ForgetIdentityCallback)(NSError* error);
// Callback passed to method |GetAvatarForIdentity()|.
typedef void (^GetAvatarCallback)(UIImage* avatar);
// Callback passed to method |GetHostedDomainForIdentity()|.
typedef void (^GetHostedDomainCallback)(NSString* hosted_domain,
NSError* error);
// Callback passed to method |HandleMDMNotification()|. |is_blocked| is true if
// the device is blocked.
typedef void (^MDMStatusCallback)(bool is_blocked);
// Callback to dismiss Web and App settings details view. No-op, if this block
// is more than once.
// |animated| the view will be dismissed with animation if the value is YES.
typedef void (^DismissWebAndAppSettingDetailsControllerBlock)(BOOL animated);
// Opaque type representing the MDM (Mobile Device Management) status of the
// device. Checking for equality is guaranteed to be valid.
typedef int MDMDeviceStatus;
// ChromeIdentityService abstracts the signin flow on iOS.
class ChromeIdentityService {
// Observer handling events related to the ChromeIdentityService.
class Observer {
Observer() {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Handles identity list changed events.
virtual void OnIdentityListChanged() {}
// Handles access token refresh failed events.
// |identity| is the the identity for which the access token refresh failed.
// |user_info| is the user info dictionary in the original notification. It
// should not be accessed directly but via helper methods (like
// ChromeIdentityService::IsInvalidGrantError).
virtual void OnAccessTokenRefreshFailed(ChromeIdentity* identity,
NSDictionary* user_info) {}
// Called when profile information or the profile image is updated.
virtual void OnProfileUpdate(ChromeIdentity* identity) {}
// Called when the ChromeIdentityService will be destroyed.
virtual void OnChromeIdentityServiceWillBeDestroyed() {}
virtual ~ChromeIdentityService();
// Handles open URL authentication callback. Returns whether the URL was
// actually handled. This should be called within
// UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:options:.
virtual bool HandleApplicationOpenURL(UIApplication* application,
NSURL* url,
NSDictionary* options);
// Dismisses all the dialogs created by the abstracted flows.
virtual void DismissDialogs();
// Returns a new account details controller to present. A cancel button is
// present as leading navigation item.
virtual UINavigationController* CreateAccountDetailsController(
ChromeIdentity* identity,
id<ChromeIdentityBrowserOpener> browser_opener);
// Returns a new Web and App Setting Details controller to present.
virtual UINavigationController* CreateWebAndAppSettingDetailsController(
ChromeIdentity* identity,
id<ChromeIdentityBrowserOpener> browser_opener);
// Not implemented yet. Please use CreateWebAndAppSettingDetailsController().
// See:
virtual DismissWebAndAppSettingDetailsControllerBlock
PresentWebAndAppSettingDetailsController(ChromeIdentity* identity,
UIViewController* viewController,
BOOL animated);
// Returns a new ChromeIdentityInteractionManager with |delegate| as its
// delegate.
virtual ChromeIdentityInteractionManager*
ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
id<ChromeIdentityInteractionManagerDelegate> delegate) const;
// Returns YES if |identity| is valid and if the service has it in its list of
// identitites.
virtual bool IsValidIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity) const;
// Returns the chrome identity having the email equal to |email| or |nil| if
// no matching identity is found.
virtual ChromeIdentity* GetIdentityWithEmail(const std::string& email) const;
// Returns the chrome identity having the gaia ID equal to |gaia_id| or |nil|
// if no matching identity is found.
virtual ChromeIdentity* GetIdentityWithGaiaID(
const std::string& gaia_id) const;
// Returns the canonicalized emails for all identities.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetCanonicalizeEmailsForAllIdentities()
// Returns true if there is at least one identity.
virtual bool HasIdentities() const;
// Returns all ChromeIdentity objects in an array.
virtual NSArray* GetAllIdentities() const;
// Returns all ChromeIdentity objects sorted by the ordering used in the
// account manager, which is typically based on the keychain ordering of
// accounts.
virtual NSArray* GetAllIdentitiesSortedForDisplay() const;
// Forgets the given identity on the device. This method logs the user out.
// It is asynchronous because it needs to contact the server to revoke the
// authentication token.
// This may be called on an arbitrary thread, but callback will always be on
// the main thread.
virtual void ForgetIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity,
ForgetIdentityCallback callback);
// Asynchronously retrieves access tokens for the given identity and scopes.
// Uses the default client id and client secret.
virtual void GetAccessToken(ChromeIdentity* identity,
const std::set<std::string>& scopes,
AccessTokenCallback callback);
// Asynchronously retrieves access tokens for the given identity and scopes.
virtual void GetAccessToken(ChromeIdentity* identity,
const std::string& client_id,
const std::set<std::string>& scopes,
AccessTokenCallback callback);
// Fetches the profile avatar, from the cache or the network.
// For high resolution iPads, returns large images (200 x 200) to avoid
// pixelization. Calls back on the main thread. |callback| may be nil.
virtual void GetAvatarForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity,
GetAvatarCallback callback);
// Synchronously returns any cached avatar, or nil.
// GetAvatarForIdentity() should be generally used instead of this method.
virtual UIImage* GetCachedAvatarForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// Fetches the identity hosted domain, from the cache or the network. Calls
// back on the main thread.
virtual void GetHostedDomainForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity,
GetHostedDomainCallback callback);
// Retuns the MDM device status associated with |user_info|.
virtual MDMDeviceStatus GetMDMDeviceStatus(NSDictionary* user_info);
// Handles a potential MDM (Mobile Device Management) notification. Returns
// true if the notification linked to |identity| and |user_info| was an MDM
// one. In this case, |callback| will be called later with the status of the
// device.
virtual bool HandleMDMNotification(ChromeIdentity* identity,
NSDictionary* user_info,
MDMStatusCallback callback);
// Returns whether the |error| associated with |identity| is due to MDM
// (Mobile Device Management).
virtual bool IsMDMError(ChromeIdentity* identity, NSError* error);
// Adds and removes observers.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Returns whether the given |user_info|, from an access token refresh failed
// event, corresponds to an invalid grant error.
virtual bool IsInvalidGrantError(NSDictionary* user_info);
// Fires |OnIdentityListChanged| on all observers.
void FireIdentityListChanged();
// Fires |OnAccessTokenRefreshFailed| on all observers, with the corresponding
// identity and user info.
void FireAccessTokenRefreshFailed(ChromeIdentity* identity,
NSDictionary* user_info);
// Fires |OnProfileUpdate| on all observers, with the corresponding identity.
void FireProfileDidUpdate(ChromeIdentity* identity);
base::ObserverList<Observer, true>::Unchecked observer_list_;
} // namespace ios