blob: 9927a1e82d7ad4dd49f97628070f0e00794349df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// IPC messages for GuestViews.
#include "base/values.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#define IPC_MESSAGE_START GuestViewMsgStart
// Messages sent from the browser to the renderer.
// Tells the embedder that a guest has been attached in --site-per-process mode.
int /* element_instance_id */)
// Once a RenderView proxy has been created for the guest in the embedder render
// process, this IPC informs the embedder of the proxy's routing ID.
int /* element_instance_id */,
int /* source_routing_id */)
// Messages sent from the renderer to the browser.
// We have a RenderFrame with routing id of |embedder_local_frame_routing_id|.
// We want this local frame to be replaced with a remote frame that points
// to a GuestView. This message will attach the local frame to the guest.
// The GuestView is identified by its ID: |guest_instance_id|.
int /* embedder_local_frame_routing_id */,
int /* element_instance_id */,
int /* guest_instance_id */,
base::DictionaryValue /* params */)
// Sent by the renderer when a GuestView (identified by |view_instance_id|) has
// been created in JavaScript.
int /* view_instance_id */,
std::string /* view_type */)
// Sent by the renderer when a GuestView (identified by |view_instance_id|) has
// been garbage collected in JavaScript.
int /* view_instance_id */)