blob: de66181f94ac3688507c748b0976017ce8d80c94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/compositor_frame_sink_support.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/surface.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/surface_manager.h"
#include "cc/test/compositor_frame_helpers.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::IsEmpty;
using testing::SizeIs;
using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
namespace cc {
namespace {
constexpr FrameSinkId kFrameSink1(1, 0);
constexpr FrameSinkId kFrameSink2(2, 0);
constexpr FrameSinkId kFrameSink3(3, 0);
} // namespace
// Tests for reference tracking in SurfaceManager.
class SurfaceManagerRefTest : public testing::Test {
SurfaceManager& manager() { return *manager_; }
// Creates a new Surface with the provided |frame_sink_id| and |local_id|.
// Will first create a Surfacesupport for |frame_sink_id| if necessary.
SurfaceId CreateSurface(const FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id, uint32_t local_id) {
LocalSurfaceId local_surface_id(local_id,
base::UnguessableToken::Deserialize(0, 1u));
.SubmitCompositorFrame(local_surface_id, test::MakeCompositorFrame());
return SurfaceId(frame_sink_id, local_surface_id);
// Destroy Surface with |surface_id|.
void DestroySurface(const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
CompositorFrameSinkSupport& GetCompositorFrameSinkSupport(
const FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id) {
auto& support_ptr = supports_[frame_sink_id];
if (!support_ptr) {
constexpr bool is_root = false;
constexpr bool handles_frame_sink_id_invalidation = true;
constexpr bool needs_sync_points = true;
support_ptr = CompositorFrameSinkSupport::Create(
nullptr, manager_.get(), frame_sink_id, is_root,
handles_frame_sink_id_invalidation, needs_sync_points);
return *support_ptr;
void DestroyCompositorFrameSinkSupport(const FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id) {
auto support_ptr = supports_.find(frame_sink_id);
ASSERT_NE(support_ptr, supports_.end());
void RemoveSurfaceReference(const SurfaceId& parent_id,
const SurfaceId& child_id) {
manager_->RemoveSurfaceReferences({SurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id)});
void AddSurfaceReference(const SurfaceId& parent_id,
const SurfaceId& child_id) {
manager_->AddSurfaceReferences({SurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id)});
// Returns all the references where |surface_id| is the parent.
const SurfaceManager::SurfaceIdSet& GetReferencesFrom(
const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
return manager().parent_to_child_refs_[surface_id];
// Returns all the references where |surface_id| is the child.
const SurfaceManager::SurfaceIdSet& GetReferencesFor(
const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
return manager().child_to_parent_refs_[surface_id];
// Temporary references are stored as a map in SurfaceManager. This method
// converts the map to a vector.
std::vector<SurfaceId> GetAllTempReferences() {
std::vector<SurfaceId> temp_references;
for (auto& map_entry : manager().temporary_references_)
return temp_references;
// testing::Test:
void SetUp() override {
// Start each test with a fresh SurfaceManager instance.
manager_ = base::MakeUnique<SurfaceManager>(
void TearDown() override {
for (auto& support : supports_)
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceManager> manager_;
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddReference) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), IsEmpty());
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddRemoveReference) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), UnorderedElementsAre(id2));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id2), IsEmpty());
RemoveSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id1), SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id2), IsEmpty());
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, NewSurfaceFromFrameSink) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
SurfaceId id3 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink3, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
AddSurfaceReference(id2, id3);
// |kFramesink2| received a CompositorFrame with a new size, so it destroys
// |id2| and creates |id2_next|. No reference have been removed yet.
SurfaceId id2_next = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 2);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2_next));
// Add references to and from |id2_next|.
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2_next);
AddSurfaceReference(id2_next, id3);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2_next), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id3), UnorderedElementsAre(id2, id2_next));
RemoveSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2_next), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id3), UnorderedElementsAre(id2_next));
// |id2| should be deleted during GC but other surfaces shouldn't.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2_next));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id3));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, ReferenceCycleGetsDeleted) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
SurfaceId id3 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink3, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
AddSurfaceReference(id2, id3);
// This reference forms a cycle between id2 and id3.
AddSurfaceReference(id3, id2);
RemoveSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
// Removing the reference from the root to id1 should allow all three surfaces
// to be deleted during GC even with a cycle between 2 and 3.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id3));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, SurfacesAreDeletedDuringGarbageCollection) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
// Destroying the surfaces shouldn't delete them yet, since there is still an
// active reference on all surfaces.
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
// Should delete |id2| when the only reference to it is removed.
RemoveSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
// Should delete |id1| when the only reference to it is removed.
RemoveSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, GarbageCollectionWorksRecusively) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
SurfaceId id3 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink3, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
AddSurfaceReference(id2, id3);
// Destroying the surfaces shouldn't delete them yet, since there is still an
// active reference on all surfaces.
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id3));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
RemoveSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
// Removing the reference from the root to id1 should allow all three surfaces
// to be deleted during GC.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id3));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, TryAddReferenceSameReferenceTwice) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), SizeIs(1));
// The second request should be ignored without crashing.
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddingSelfReferenceFails) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
// A temporary reference must exist to |id1|.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id1), IsEmpty());
// Try to add a self reference. This should fail.
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id1);
// Adding a self reference should be ignored without crashing. The temporary
// reference to |id1| must still exist.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(id1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id1), IsEmpty());
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, RemovingNonexistantReferenceFails) {
SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
// Removing non-existent reference should be ignored.
AddSurfaceReference(id1, id2);
RemoveSurfaceReference(id2, id1);
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(id1), SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id2), SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddSurfaceThenReference) {
// Create a new surface.
const SurfaceId surface_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
// A temporary reference must be added to |surface_id|.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(surface_id));
// Create |parent_id| and add a real reference from it to |surface_id|.
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, surface_id);
// The temporary reference to |surface_id| should be gone.
// The only temporary reference should be to |parent_id|.
// There must be a real reference from |parent_id| to |child_id|.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(parent_id));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(parent_id), ElementsAre(surface_id));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddSurfaceThenRootReference) {
// Create a new surface.
const SurfaceId surface_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
// Temporary reference should be added to |surface_id|.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(surface_id));
// Add a real reference from root to |surface_id|.
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), surface_id);
// The temporary reference should be gone and there should now be a surface
// reference from root to |surface_id|.
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddTwoSurfacesThenOneReference) {
// Create two surfaces with different FrameSinkIds.
const SurfaceId surface_id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
const SurfaceId surface_id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink3, 1);
// Temporary reference should be added for both surfaces.
UnorderedElementsAre(surface_id1, surface_id2));
// Create |parent_id| and add a real reference from it to |surface_id1|.
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, surface_id1);
// Real reference must be added to |surface_id1| and the temporary reference
// to it must be gone.
// There should still be a temporary reference left to |surface_id2|.
// A temporary reference to |parent_id| must be created.
UnorderedElementsAre(parent_id, surface_id2));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(parent_id), ElementsAre(surface_id1));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, AddSurfacesSkipReference) {
// Add two surfaces that have the same FrameSinkId. This would happen when a
// client submits two CompositorFrames before parent submits a new
// CompositorFrame.
const SurfaceId surface_id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 2);
const SurfaceId surface_id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
// Temporary references should be added for both surfaces and they should be
// stored in the order of creation.
UnorderedElementsAre(surface_id1, surface_id2));
// Create |parent_id| and add a reference from it to |surface_id2| which was
// created later.
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, surface_id2);
// The real reference should be added for |surface_id2| and the temporary
// references to both |surface_id1| and |surface_id2| should be gone.
// There should be a temporary reference to |parent_id|.
EXPECT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), ElementsAre(parent_id));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(parent_id), ElementsAre(surface_id2));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, RemoveFirstTempReferenceOnly) {
// Add two surfaces that have the same FrameSinkId. This would happen when a
// client submits two CFs before parent submits a new CF.
const SurfaceId surface_id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
const SurfaceId surface_id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 2);
// Temporary references should be added for both surfaces and they should be
// stored in the order of creation.
UnorderedElementsAre(surface_id1, surface_id2));
// Create |parent_id| and add a reference from it to |surface_id1| which was
// created earlier.
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, surface_id1);
// The real reference should be added for |surface_id1| and its temporary
// reference should be removed. The temporary reference for |surface_id2|
// should remain. A temporary reference must be added for |parent_id|.
UnorderedElementsAre(parent_id, surface_id2));
EXPECT_THAT(GetReferencesFrom(parent_id), ElementsAre(surface_id1));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, SurfaceWithTemporaryReferenceIsNotDeleted) {
const SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
// We create |id2| and never add a real reference to it. This leaves the
// temporary reference.
const SurfaceId id2 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id2));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
// Destroy both surfaces so they can be garbage collected. We remove the
// surface reference to |id1| which will run GarbageCollectSurfaces().
RemoveSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), id1);
// |id1| is destroyed and has no references, so it's deleted.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id1));
// |id2| is destroyed but has a temporary reference, it's not deleted.
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager().GetSurfaceForId(id2));
// Checks that when a temporary reference is assigned an owner, if the owner is
// invalidated then the temporary reference is also removed.
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, InvalidateTempReferenceOwnerRemovesReference) {
// Surface |id1| should have a temporary reference on creation.
const SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
// |id1| should have a temporary reference after an owner is assigned.
manager().AssignTemporaryReference(id1, kFrameSink1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
// When |kFrameSink1| is invalidated the temporary reference will be removed.
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), IsEmpty());
// Checks that adding a surface reference clears the temporary reference and
// ownership. Invalidating the old owner shouldn't do anything.
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, InvalidateHasNoEffectOnSurfaceReferences) {
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), parent_id);
const SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
manager().AssignTemporaryReference(id1, kFrameSink1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
// Adding a real surface reference will remove the temporary reference.
AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, id1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), IsEmpty());
ASSERT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id1), UnorderedElementsAre(parent_id));
// When |kFrameSink1| is invalidated it shouldn't change the surface
// references.
ASSERT_THAT(GetReferencesFor(id1), UnorderedElementsAre(parent_id));
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, CheckDropTemporaryReferenceWorks) {
const SurfaceId id1 = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1));
// An example of why this could happen is the window server doesn't know the
// owner, maybe it has crashed and been cleanup already, and asks to drop the
// temporary reference.
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), IsEmpty());
// Checks that we handle ownership and temporary references correctly when there
// are multiple temporary references. This tests something like the parent
// client crashing, so it's
TEST_F(SurfaceManagerRefTest, TempReferencesWithClientCrash) {
const SurfaceId parent_id = CreateSurface(kFrameSink1, 1);
AddSurfaceReference(manager().GetRootSurfaceId(), parent_id);
const SurfaceId id1a = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 1);
const SurfaceId id1b = CreateSurface(kFrameSink2, 2);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1a, id1b));
// Assign |id1a| to |kFrameSink1|. This doesn't change the temporary
// reference, it just assigns as owner to it.
manager().AssignTemporaryReference(id1a, kFrameSink1);
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1a, id1b));
// If the parent client crashes then the CompositorFrameSink connection will
// be closed and the FrameSinkId invalidated. The temporary reference
// |kFrameSink1| owns to |id2a| will be removed.
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), UnorderedElementsAre(id1b));
// If the parent has crashed then the window server will have already removed
// it from the ServerWindow hierarchy and won't have an owner for |id2b|. The
// window server will ask to drop the reference instead.
ASSERT_THAT(GetAllTempReferences(), IsEmpty());
} // namespace cc