blob: 84be711e26450bec807c2675397cdc673285c968 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/signin/easy_unlock_service.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/cryptauth_device_manager.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "components/proximity_auth/screenlock_bridge.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/short_lived_user_context.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class ListValue;
namespace cryptauth {
class CryptAuthClient;
class CryptAuthDeviceManager;
class CryptAuthEnrollmentManager;
class RemoteDeviceLoader;
class ToggleEasyUnlockResponse;
namespace proximity_auth {
class ProximityAuthPrefManager;
class Profile;
// EasyUnlockService instance that should be used for regular, non-signin
// profiles.
class EasyUnlockServiceRegular
: public EasyUnlockService,
public proximity_auth::ScreenlockBridge::Observer,
public cryptauth::CryptAuthDeviceManager::Observer {
explicit EasyUnlockServiceRegular(Profile* profile);
~EasyUnlockServiceRegular() override;
// Returns the ProximityAuthPrefManager, which manages the profile's
// prefs for proximity_auth classes.
proximity_auth::ProximityAuthPrefManager* GetProximityAuthPrefManager();
// Loads the RemoteDevice instances that will be supplied to
// ProximityAuthSystem.
void LoadRemoteDevices();
// Called when |remote_device_loader_| completes.
void OnRemoteDevicesLoaded(
const std::vector<cryptauth::RemoteDevice>& remote_devices);
// EasyUnlockService implementation:
EasyUnlockService::Type GetType() const override;
AccountId GetAccountId() const override;
void LaunchSetup() override;
const base::DictionaryValue* GetPermitAccess() const override;
void SetPermitAccess(const base::DictionaryValue& permit) override;
void ClearPermitAccess() override;
const base::ListValue* GetRemoteDevices() const override;
void SetRemoteDevices(const base::ListValue& devices) override;
void SetRemoteBleDevices(const base::ListValue& devices) override;
void RunTurnOffFlow() override;
void ResetTurnOffFlow() override;
TurnOffFlowStatus GetTurnOffFlowStatus() const override;
std::string GetChallenge() const override;
std::string GetWrappedSecret() const override;
void RecordEasySignInOutcome(const AccountId& account_id,
bool success) const override;
void RecordPasswordLoginEvent(const AccountId& account_id) const override;
void StartAutoPairing(const AutoPairingResultCallback& callback) override;
void SetAutoPairingResult(bool success, const std::string& error) override;
void InitializeInternal() override;
void ShutdownInternal() override;
bool IsAllowedInternal() const override;
void OnWillFinalizeUnlock(bool success) override;
void OnSuspendDoneInternal() override;
// CryptAuthDeviceManager::Observer:
void OnSyncFinished(
cryptauth::CryptAuthDeviceManager::SyncResult sync_result,
device_change_result) override;
// proximity_auth::ScreenlockBridge::Observer implementation:
void OnScreenDidLock(proximity_auth::ScreenlockBridge::LockHandler::ScreenType
screen_type) override;
void OnScreenDidUnlock(
proximity_auth::ScreenlockBridge::LockHandler::ScreenType screen_type)
void OnFocusedUserChanged(const AccountId& account_id) override;
// Callback when the controlling pref changes.
void OnPrefsChanged();
// Sets the new turn-off flow status.
void SetTurnOffFlowStatus(TurnOffFlowStatus status);
// Callback for ToggleEasyUnlock CryptAuth API.
void OnToggleEasyUnlockApiComplete(
const cryptauth::ToggleEasyUnlockResponse& response);
void OnToggleEasyUnlockApiFailed(const std::string& error_message);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Called with the user's credentials (e.g. username and password) after the
// user reauthenticates to begin setup.
void OnUserContextFromReauth(const chromeos::UserContext& user_context);
// Called after a cryptohome RemoveKey or RefreshKey operation to set the
// proper hardlock state if the operation is successful.
void SetHardlockAfterKeyOperation(
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState state_on_success,
bool success);
std::unique_ptr<chromeos::ShortLivedUserContext> short_lived_user_context_;
// Updates local state with the preference from the user's profile, so they
// can be accessed on the sign-in screen.
void SyncProfilePrefsToLocalState();
// Returns the CryptAuthEnrollmentManager, which manages the profile's
// CryptAuth enrollment.
cryptauth::CryptAuthEnrollmentManager* GetCryptAuthEnrollmentManager();
// Returns the CryptAuthEnrollmentManager, which manages the profile's
// synced devices from CryptAuth.
cryptauth::CryptAuthDeviceManager* GetCryptAuthDeviceManager();
PrefChangeRegistrar registrar_;
TurnOffFlowStatus turn_off_flow_status_;
std::unique_ptr<cryptauth::CryptAuthClient> cryptauth_client_;
AutoPairingResultCallback auto_pairing_callback_;
// True if the user just unlocked the screen using Easy Unlock. Reset once
// the screen unlocks. Used to distinguish Easy Unlock-powered unlocks from
// password-based unlocks for metrics.
bool will_unlock_using_easy_unlock_;
// The timestamp for the most recent time when the lock screen was shown. The
// lock screen is typically shown when the user awakens their computer from
// sleep -- e.g. by opening the lid -- but can also be shown if the screen is
// locked but the computer does not go to sleep.
base::TimeTicks lock_screen_last_shown_timestamp_;
// Manager responsible for handling the prefs used by proximity_auth classes.
std::unique_ptr<proximity_auth::ProximityAuthPrefManager> pref_manager_;
// Loads the RemoteDevice instances from CryptAuth and local data.
std::unique_ptr<cryptauth::RemoteDeviceLoader> remote_device_loader_;
// If a new RemoteDevice was synced while the screen is locked, we defer
// loading the RemoteDevice until the screen is unlocked. For security,
// this deferment prevents the lock screen from being changed by a network
// event.
bool deferring_device_load_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<EasyUnlockServiceRegular> weak_ptr_factory_;