blob: 0a3f6c47722997d577fe93312039826b5f15ecf1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
copy("copy_test_files") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [
# Keep "test_case.html.mock-http-headers" with "test_case.html".
outputs = [
copy("copy_test_files2") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [
outputs = [
shared_library("ppapi_tests") {
sources = ppapi_sources.test_common_source_files +
configs += [
defines = [ "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES" ]
include_dirs = [ "lib/gl/include" ]
deps = [
shared_library("power_saver_test_plugin") {
sources = [
deps = [
test("ppapi_unittests") {
sources = [
deps = [
test("ppapi_perftests") {
sources = [
deps = [
executable("pepper_hash_for_uma") {
sources = [
deps = [
source_set("ppapi_cpp_lib") {
sources = ppapi_sources.cpp_source_files
sources += [
deps = [
source_set("ppapi_gles2_lib") {
include_dirs = [ "lib/gl/include" ]
sources = [
deps = [
if (enable_nacl) {
if (is_nacl) {
shared_library("ppapi_cpp_lib_shared") {
# When using gcc, we hide all symbols by default, but that breaks at
# link time as the test executable requires symbols defined in the
# shared library.
if (is_nacl_glibc) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/gcc:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
sources = ppapi_sources.cpp_source_files
sources += [
cflags = [ "-fPIC" ]
deps = [
executable("ppapi_nacl_tests") {
include_dirs = [ "lib/gl/include" ]
sources = ppapi_sources.test_common_source_files +
defines = [
ldflags = [ "-pthread" ]
deps = [
if (is_nacl_glibc) {
deps += [ ":ppapi_cpp_lib_shared" ]
} else {
deps += [ ":ppapi_cpp_lib" ]
if (current_cpu == "pnacl") {
action("translate_pexe_to_nexe") {
# We specify the toolchain explicitly because in the Non-SFI case, we
# still want to use the pexe built using the newlib_pnacl toolchain.
tests = ":ppapi_nacl_tests(//build/toolchain/nacl:newlib_pnacl)"
pexe = get_label_info(tests, "root_out_dir") + "/ppapi_nacl_tests.pexe"
nexe = "${root_out_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests.nexe"
script = "${nacl_toolchain_bindir}/pydir/"
sources = [
outputs = [
if (is_nacl_nonsfi) {
if (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64") {
arch = "x86-32-nonsfi"
} else if (target_cpu == "arm") {
arch = "arm-nonsfi"
} else {
# TODO(phosek): remove the following once change 1360243003 is rolled
# into Chrome and use $target_cpu directly.
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
arch = "i686"
} else if (target_cpu == "x64") {
arch = "x86-64"
} else if (target_cpu == "arm") {
arch = "armv7"
# The pre-translated object file has to be linked with an IRT shim to
# get a runnable nexe. This is handled by pnacl-translate, which passes
# -l:libpnacl_irt_shim.a to native linker, and we need to ensure the
# linker can find the correct library.
if (is_nacl_nonsfi) {
pnacl_irt_shim = "//ppapi/native_client/src/untrusted/pnacl_irt_shim:aot(//build/toolchain/nacl:newlib_pnacl_nonsfi)"
} else {
pnacl_irt_shim = "//ppapi/native_client/src/untrusted/pnacl_irt_shim:aot(//build/toolchain/nacl:clang_newlib_${target_cpu})"
args = [
rebase_path(pexe, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(nexe, root_build_dir),
"-Wl,-L" +
rebase_path(get_label_info(pnacl_irt_shim, "target_out_dir")),
deps = [
data_deps = [
copy("nacl_tests_copy") {
sources = [
# The CPU names used in tests/ppapi_nacl_tests_newlib.nmf
# are the ones used in GYP (x32 for x86).
if (current_cpu == "pnacl") {
suffix = "pnacl"
} else {
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
nmf_cpu = "x32"
} else {
nmf_cpu = target_cpu
if (is_nacl_glibc) {
suffix = "glibc_${nmf_cpu}"
} else {
suffix = "newlib_${nmf_cpu}"
outputs = [
if (current_cpu == "pnacl") {
deps = [
} else {
deps = [
action("generate_nmf") {
if (is_nacl_glibc) {
nmf = "${root_build_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests_glibc.nmf"
} else if (current_cpu == "pnacl") {
nmf = "${root_build_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests_pnacl.nmf"
} else {
nmf = "${root_build_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests_newlib.nmf"
nexe = "${root_out_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests.nexe"
objdump = rebase_path("${nacl_toolprefix}objdump")
script = "//native_client_sdk/src/tools/"
sources = [
outputs = [
data = [
nmf_flags = []
if (is_nacl_glibc) {
nmf_flags += [ "--library-path=" + rebase_path(root_out_dir) ]
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
nmf_flags += [ "--library-path=" +
rebase_path("${nacl_toolchain_tooldir}/lib32") ]
data += [ "$root_build_dir/lib32/" ]
if (target_cpu == "x64" || (target_cpu == "x86" && is_win)) {
nmf_flags += [ "--library-path=" +
rebase_path("${nacl_toolchain_tooldir}/lib") ]
data += [ "$root_build_dir/lib64/" ]
if (current_cpu == "arm") {
nmf_flags += [ "--library-path=" +
rebase_path("${nacl_toolchain_tooldir}/lib") ]
data += [ "$root_build_dir/lib/" ]
args = [
"--objdump=" + objdump,
"--output=" + rebase_path(nmf, root_build_dir),
"--stage-dependencies=" + rebase_path(root_build_dir),
] + nmf_flags + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
if (current_cpu == "pnacl") {
deps = [
} else {
deps = [
if (is_nacl_glibc && current_cpu == "arm") {
deps += [ "//native_client/src/untrusted/elf_loader:elf_loader" ]
action("generate_nonsfi_nmf") {
nmf = "${root_build_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests_pnacl_nonsfi.nmf"
nexe = "${root_out_dir}/ppapi_nacl_tests.nexe"
script = "//ppapi/tests/"
sources = [
outputs = [
data = [
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
arch = "x86-32"
} else if (target_cpu == "x64") {
arch = "x86-64"
} else if (target_cpu == "arm") {
arch = "arm"
args = [
"--program=" + rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
"--output=" + rebase_path(nmf, root_build_dir),
deps = [
group("ppapi_nacl_tests_all") {
data_deps = [