blob: 49c264c294f8324784ee780249f8f0ba53a045bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "storage/browser/database/database_util.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "storage/browser/database/database_tracker.h"
#include "storage/browser/database/vfs_backend.h"
#include "storage/common/database/database_identifier.h"
namespace storage {
namespace {
bool IsSafeSuffix(const std::u16string& suffix) {
char16_t prev_c = 0;
for (const char16_t c : suffix) {
if (!(base::IsAsciiAlpha(c) || base::IsAsciiDigit(c) || c == '-' ||
c == '.' || c == '_')) {
return false;
if (c == '.' && prev_c == '.')
return false;
prev_c = c;
return true;
const char DatabaseUtil::kJournalFileSuffix[] = "-journal";
bool DatabaseUtil::CrackVfsFileName(const std::u16string& vfs_file_name,
std::string* origin_identifier,
std::u16string* database_name,
std::u16string* sqlite_suffix) {
// 'vfs_file_name' is of the form <origin_identifier>/<db_name>#<suffix>.
// <suffix> is optional.
size_t first_slash_index = vfs_file_name.find('/');
size_t last_pound_index = vfs_file_name.rfind('#');
// '/' and '#' must be present in the string. Also, the string cannot start
// with a '/' (origin_identifier cannot be empty) and '/' must come before '#'
if ((first_slash_index == std::u16string::npos) ||
(last_pound_index == std::u16string::npos) || (first_slash_index == 0) ||
(first_slash_index > last_pound_index)) {
return false;
std::string origin_id = base::UTF16ToASCII(
vfs_file_name.substr(0, first_slash_index));
if (!IsValidOriginIdentifier(origin_id))
return false;
std::u16string suffix = vfs_file_name.substr(
last_pound_index + 1, vfs_file_name.length() - last_pound_index - 1);
if (!IsSafeSuffix(suffix))
return false;
if (origin_identifier)
*origin_identifier = origin_id;
if (database_name) {
*database_name = vfs_file_name.substr(
first_slash_index + 1, last_pound_index - first_slash_index - 1);
if (sqlite_suffix)
*sqlite_suffix = suffix;
return true;
base::FilePath DatabaseUtil::GetFullFilePathForVfsFile(
DatabaseTracker* db_tracker,
const std::u16string& vfs_file_name) {
std::string origin_identifier;
std::u16string database_name;
std::u16string sqlite_suffix;
if (!CrackVfsFileName(vfs_file_name, &origin_identifier,
&database_name, &sqlite_suffix)) {
return base::FilePath(); // invalid vfs_file_name
base::FilePath full_path = db_tracker->GetFullDBFilePath(
origin_identifier, database_name);
if (!full_path.empty() && !sqlite_suffix.empty()) {
full_path = full_path.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(
// Watch out for directory traversal attempts from a compromised renderer.
if (full_path.value().find(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("..")) !=
return base::FilePath();
return full_path;
} // namespace storage