blob: e80e3ac543a6e228a77d01d47dabd95a13d479b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/bounds_animator.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/bounds_animator_observer.h"
namespace payments {
class PaymentRequestBrowserTestBase;
} // namespace payments
// This view represents a stack of views that slide in over one another from
// left to right. It manages the animation and lifetime of views that are
// pushed and popped on it. To use this class, add it to a view hierarchy, and
// call Push/Pop to animate views in and out.
class ViewStack : public views::BoundsAnimatorObserver,
public views::View {
~ViewStack() override;
// Adds a view to the stack and starts animating it in from the right. This
// takes ownership of the view and calls set_owned_by_client() on it.
// If |animate| is false, the view will simply be added to the hierarchy
// without the sliding animation.
void Push(std::unique_ptr<views::View> state, bool animate);
// Removes a view from the stack, animates it out of view, and makes sure
// it's properly deleted after the animation.
// If |animate| is false, the view will simply be gone to the hierarchy
// without the sliding animation.
void Pop(bool animate = true);
// Removes |n| views from the stack but only animates the topmost one. The end
// result is an animation from the top-most view to the destination view.
// If |animate| is false, the view will simply be gone to the hierarchy
// without the sliding animation.
void PopMany(int n, bool animate = true);
size_t size() const;
// views::View:
// The children of this view must not be able to process events when the views
// are being animated so this returns false when an animation is in progress.
bool CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const override;
void Layout() override;
void RequestFocus() override;
// Returns the top state of the stack.
views::View* top() { return stack_.back().get(); }
ViewStackTest, TestPopStateRemovesChildViewAndCleansUpState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewStackTest, TestDeletingViewCleansUpState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewStackTest, TestInitialStateAddedAsChildView);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewStackTest, TestPushStateAddsViewToChildren);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewStackTest, TestLayoutUpdatesAnimations);
friend class ViewStackTest;
friend class payments::PaymentRequestBrowserTestBase;
// Marks all views, except the topmost, as invisible.
void HideCoveredViews();
void UpdateAnimatorBounds(
views::BoundsAnimator* animator, const gfx::Rect& target);
// views::BoundsAnimatorObserver:
void OnBoundsAnimatorProgressed(views::BoundsAnimator* animator) override {}
void OnBoundsAnimatorDone(views::BoundsAnimator* animator) override;
std::unique_ptr<views::BoundsAnimator> slide_in_animator_;
std::unique_ptr<views::BoundsAnimator> slide_out_animator_;
// Should be the last member, because views need to be destroyed before other
// members, and members are destroyed in reverse order of their creation.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<views::View>> stack_;