blob: 517a5b0fe573f6e2077d1d1581078bb284584bc4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
from telemetry.testing import simple_mock
from metrics import webrtc_stats
"googFrameRateSent": "23",
"googFrameRateSent": "21",
"googFrameRateReceived": "23",
"googFrameRateReceived": "23",
class FakeResults(object):
def __init__(self, current_page):
self._received_values = []
self._current_page = current_page
def received_values(self):
return self._received_values
def current_page(self):
return self._current_page
def AddValue(self, value):
class WebRtcStatsUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def _RunMetricOnJson(self, json_to_return):
stats_metric = webrtc_stats.WebRtcStatisticsMetric()
tab = simple_mock.MockObject()
page = simple_mock.MockObject()
stats_metric.Start(page, tab)
stats_metric.Stop(page, tab)
page.url = simple_mock.MockObject()
results = FakeResults(page)
stats_metric.AddResults(tab, results)
return results
def testExtractsValuesAsTimeSeries(self):
results = self._RunMetricOnJson(SAMPLE_JSON)
'Expected values for googDecodeMs and others, got none.')
# This also ensures we're clever enough to tell video packetsSent from audio
# packetsSent.
[4.0, 16.0])
[1.0, 8.0])
def testExtractsInterestingMetricsOnly(self):
results = self._RunMetricOnJson(SAMPLE_JSON)
self.assertTrue(len(results.received_values) > 0)
self.assertIn('peer_connection_0', results.received_values[0].name,
'The result should be a ListOfScalarValues instance with '
'a name <peer connection id>_<statistic>.')
all_names = [ for value in results.received_values]
self.assertIn('peer_connection_0_video_packets_sent', all_names)
self.assertNotIn('peer_connection_1_video_packets_sent', all_names,
'Peer connection 1 does not have a video packets sent in '
'the JSON above, unlike peer connection 0 which does.')
self.assertIn('peer_connection_0_video_goog_rtt', all_names)
self.assertIn('peer_connection_1_video_goog_rtt', all_names)
# The audio_audio is intentional since the code distinguishes audio reports
# from video reports (even though audio_input_level is quite obvious).
self.assertNotIn('peer_connection_0_audio_audio_input_level', all_names,
'Input level is in the JSON for both connections but '
'should not be reported since it is not interesting.')
self.assertNotIn('peer_connection_1_audio_audio_input_level', all_names)
def testReturnsIfJsonIsEmpty(self):
results = self._RunMetricOnJson('[]')