blob: 528725d7f7092ecab3a1d53dee3efd92bc6e5571 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "storage/browser/quota/usage_tracker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/client_usage_tracker.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/storage_monitor.h"
namespace storage {
namespace {
void DidGetGlobalUsageForLimitedGlobalUsage(const UsageCallback& callback,
int64 total_global_usage,
int64 global_unlimited_usage) {
callback.Run(total_global_usage - global_unlimited_usage);
} // namespace
UsageTracker::UsageTracker(const QuotaClientList& clients,
StorageType type,
SpecialStoragePolicy* special_storage_policy,
StorageMonitor* storage_monitor)
: type_(type),
weak_factory_(this) {
for (const auto& client : clients) {
if (client->DoesSupport(type)) {
client_tracker_map_[client->id()] =
new ClientUsageTracker(this, client, type, special_storage_policy,
UsageTracker::~UsageTracker() {
ClientUsageTracker* UsageTracker::GetClientTracker(QuotaClient::ID client_id) {
ClientTrackerMap::iterator found = client_tracker_map_.find(client_id);
if (found != client_tracker_map_.end())
return found->second;
return nullptr;
void UsageTracker::GetGlobalLimitedUsage(const UsageCallback& callback) {
if (global_usage_callbacks_.HasCallbacks()) {
&DidGetGlobalUsageForLimitedGlobalUsage, callback));
if (!global_limited_usage_callbacks_.Add(callback))
AccumulateInfo* info = new AccumulateInfo;
// Calling GetGlobalLimitedUsage(accumulator) may synchronously
// return if the usage is cached, which may in turn dispatch
// the completion callback before we finish looping over
// all clients (because info->pending_clients may reach 0
// during the loop).
// To avoid this, we add one more pending client as a sentinel
// and fire the sentinel callback at the end.
info->pending_clients = client_tracker_map_.size() + 1;
UsageCallback accumulator = base::Bind(
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(info));
for (const auto& client_id_and_tracker : client_tracker_map_)
// Fire the sentinel as we've now called GetGlobalUsage for all clients.
void UsageTracker::GetGlobalUsage(const GlobalUsageCallback& callback) {
if (!global_usage_callbacks_.Add(callback))
AccumulateInfo* info = new AccumulateInfo;
// Calling GetGlobalUsage(accumulator) may synchronously
// return if the usage is cached, which may in turn dispatch
// the completion callback before we finish looping over
// all clients (because info->pending_clients may reach 0
// during the loop).
// To avoid this, we add one more pending client as a sentinel
// and fire the sentinel callback at the end.
info->pending_clients = client_tracker_map_.size() + 1;
GlobalUsageCallback accumulator = base::Bind(
&UsageTracker::AccumulateClientGlobalUsage, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
for (const auto& client_id_and_tracker : client_tracker_map_)
// Fire the sentinel as we've now called GetGlobalUsage for all clients.
accumulator.Run(0, 0);
void UsageTracker::GetHostUsage(const std::string& host,
const UsageCallback& callback) {
if (!host_usage_callbacks_.Add(host, callback))
AccumulateInfo* info = new AccumulateInfo;
// Calling GetHostUsage(accumulator) may synchronously
// return if the usage is cached, which may in turn dispatch
// the completion callback before we finish looping over
// all clients (because info->pending_clients may reach 0
// during the loop).
// To avoid this, we add one more pending client as a sentinel
// and fire the sentinel callback at the end.
info->pending_clients = client_tracker_map_.size() + 1;
UsageCallback accumulator = base::Bind(
&UsageTracker::AccumulateClientHostUsage, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
base::Owned(info), host);
for (const auto& client_id_and_tracker : client_tracker_map_)
client_id_and_tracker.second->GetHostUsage(host, accumulator);
// Fire the sentinel as we've now called GetHostUsage for all clients.
void UsageTracker::UpdateUsageCache(
QuotaClient::ID client_id, const GURL& origin, int64 delta) {
ClientUsageTracker* client_tracker = GetClientTracker(client_id);
client_tracker->UpdateUsageCache(origin, delta);
void UsageTracker::GetCachedHostsUsage(
std::map<std::string, int64>* host_usage) const {
for (const auto& client_id_and_tracker : client_tracker_map_)
void UsageTracker::GetCachedOrigins(std::set<GURL>* origins) const {
for (const auto& client_id_and_tracker : client_tracker_map_)
void UsageTracker::SetUsageCacheEnabled(QuotaClient::ID client_id,
const GURL& origin,
bool enabled) {
ClientUsageTracker* client_tracker = GetClientTracker(client_id);
client_tracker->SetUsageCacheEnabled(origin, enabled);
void UsageTracker::AccumulateClientGlobalLimitedUsage(AccumulateInfo* info,
int64 limited_usage) {
info->usage += limited_usage;
if (--info->pending_clients)
// All the clients have returned their usage data. Dispatch the
// pending callbacks.
void UsageTracker::AccumulateClientGlobalUsage(AccumulateInfo* info,
int64 usage,
int64 unlimited_usage) {
info->usage += usage;
info->unlimited_usage += unlimited_usage;
if (--info->pending_clients)
// Defend against confusing inputs from clients.
if (info->usage < 0)
info->usage = 0;
// TODO(michaeln): The unlimited number is not trustworthy, it
// can get out of whack when apps are installed or uninstalled.
if (info->unlimited_usage > info->usage)
info->unlimited_usage = info->usage;
else if (info->unlimited_usage < 0)
info->unlimited_usage = 0;
// All the clients have returned their usage data. Dispatch the
// pending callbacks.
global_usage_callbacks_.Run(info->usage, info->unlimited_usage);
void UsageTracker::AccumulateClientHostUsage(AccumulateInfo* info,
const std::string& host,
int64 usage) {
info->usage += usage;
if (--info->pending_clients)
// Defend against confusing inputs from clients.
if (info->usage < 0)
info->usage = 0;
// All the clients have returned their usage data. Dispatch the
// pending callbacks.
host_usage_callbacks_.Run(host, info->usage);
} // namespace storage