blob: e33c5fccdb6bea2f2a09540f5d73de1cdd1018c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A connection level received packet manager which manages multiple per path
// received packet managers.
#include <vector>
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_received_packet_manager.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class QuicMultipathReceivedPacketManagerPeer;
} // namespace test
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicMultipathReceivedPacketManager {
typedef base::hash_map<QuicPathId, QuicReceivedPacketManager*>
explicit QuicMultipathReceivedPacketManager(QuicConnectionStats* stats);
// Called when a new path with |path_id| is created.
void OnPathCreated(QuicPathId path_id, QuicConnectionStats* stats);
// Called when path with |path_id| is closed.
void OnPathClosed(QuicPathId path_id);
// Records packet receipt information on path with |path_id|.
void RecordPacketReceived(QuicPathId path_id,
QuicByteCount bytes,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
QuicTime receipt_time);
// Called when packet with |packet_number| is revived on path with |path_id|.
void RecordPacketRevived(QuicPathId path_id, QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
// Checks whether |packet_number| is missing on path with |path_id|.
bool IsMissing(QuicPathId path_id, QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
// Checks if we're still waiting for the packet with |packet_number| on path
// with |path_id|.
bool IsAwaitingPacket(QuicPathId path_id, QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
// If |force_all_paths| is false, populates ack information for paths whose
// ack has been updated since UpdateReceivedPacketInfo was called last time.
// Otherwise, populates ack for all paths.
void UpdateReceivedPacketInfo(std::vector<QuicAckFrame>* ack_frames,
QuicTime approximate_now,
bool force_all_paths);
// Updates internal state based on stop_waiting frames for corresponding path.
void UpdatePacketInformationSentByPeer(
const std::vector<QuicStopWaitingFrame>& stop_waitings);
// Returns true when there are new missing packets to be reported within 3
// packets of the largest observed on path with |path_id|.
bool HasNewMissingPackets(QuicPathId path_id) const;
QuicPacketNumber GetPeerLeastPacketAwaitingAck(QuicPathId path_id);
friend class test::QuicMultipathReceivedPacketManagerPeer;
// Map mapping path id to path received packet manager.
MultipathReceivedPacketManagerMap path_managers_;
} // namespace net