blob: ad511877a660e38aff105ab0cb27ccc355c10f80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
#include "net/spdy/priority_write_scheduler.h"
#include "net/spdy/write_blocked_list.h"
namespace net {
// Keeps tracks of the QUIC streams that have data to write, sorted by
// priority. QUIC stream priority order is:
// Crypto stream > Headers stream > Data streams by requested priority.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicWriteBlockedList {
typedef WriteBlockedList<QuicStreamId> QuicWriteBlockedListBase;
typedef PriorityWriteScheduler<QuicStreamId> QuicPriorityWriteScheduler;
bool HasWriteBlockedDataStreams() const {
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
return priority_write_scheduler_.HasReadyStreams();
} else {
return base_write_blocked_list_.HasWriteBlockedStreams();
bool HasWriteBlockedCryptoOrHeadersStream() const {
return crypto_stream_blocked_ || headers_stream_blocked_;
size_t NumBlockedStreams() const {
size_t num_blocked = use_new_blocked_list_
? priority_write_scheduler_.NumReadyStreams()
: base_write_blocked_list_.NumBlockedStreams();
if (crypto_stream_blocked_) {
if (headers_stream_blocked_) {
return num_blocked;
// Pops the highest priorty stream, special casing crypto and headers streams.
// Latches the most recently popped data stream for batch writing purposes.
QuicStreamId PopFront() {
if (crypto_stream_blocked_) {
crypto_stream_blocked_ = false;
return kCryptoStreamId;
if (headers_stream_blocked_) {
headers_stream_blocked_ = false;
return kHeadersStreamId;
SpdyPriority priority;
QuicStreamId id;
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
id = priority_write_scheduler_.PopNextReadyStream();
priority = priority_write_scheduler_.GetStreamPriority(id);
} else {
priority = base_write_blocked_list_.GetHighestPriorityWriteBlockedList();
id = base_write_blocked_list_.PopFront(priority);
size_t num_blocked_for_priority =
? priority_write_scheduler_.NumReadyStreams(priority)
: base_write_blocked_list_.NumBlockedStreams(priority);
if (num_blocked_for_priority == 0) {
// If no streams are blocked, don't bother latching. This stream will be
// the first popped for its priority anyway.
batch_write_stream_id_[priority] = 0;
last_priority_popped_ = priority;
} else if (batch_write_stream_id_[priority] != id) {
// If newly latching this batch write stream, let it write 16k.
batch_write_stream_id_[priority] = id;
bytes_left_for_batch_write_[priority] = 16000;
last_priority_popped_ = priority;
return id;
void RegisterStream(QuicStreamId stream_id, SpdyPriority priority) {
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
priority_write_scheduler_.RegisterStream(stream_id, priority);
void UnregisterStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) {
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
void UpdateStreamPriority(QuicStreamId stream_id, SpdyPriority new_priority) {
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
priority_write_scheduler_.UpdateStreamPriority(stream_id, new_priority);
void UpdateBytesForStream(QuicStreamId stream_id, size_t bytes) {
if (batch_write_stream_id_[last_priority_popped_] == stream_id) {
// If this was the last data stream popped by PopFront, update the
// bytes remaining in its batch write.
bytes_left_for_batch_write_[last_priority_popped_] -=
} else {
// If a batch write stream was set, it should only be preempted by the
// crypto or headers streams. Any higher priority data stream would
// *become* the new batch write stream.
if (FLAGS_quic_respect_send_alarm2 && FLAGS_quic_batch_writes) {
DCHECK(stream_id == kCryptoStreamId || stream_id == kHeadersStreamId ||
batch_write_stream_id_[last_priority_popped_] == 0 ||
bytes == 0);
// Pushes a stream to the back of the list for this priority level
// *unless* it is latched for doing batched writes in which case it goes to
// the front of the list for this priority level.
// Headers and crypto streams are special cased to always resume first.
void AddStream(QuicStreamId stream_id, SpdyPriority priority) {
if (stream_id == kCryptoStreamId) {
DCHECK_EQ(kV3HighestPriority, priority);
// TODO(avd) Add DCHECK(!crypto_stream_blocked_)
crypto_stream_blocked_ = true;
if (stream_id == kHeadersStreamId) {
DCHECK_EQ(kV3HighestPriority, priority);
// TODO(avd) Add DCHECK(!headers_stream_blocked_);
headers_stream_blocked_ = true;
if (use_new_blocked_list_) {
bool push_front =
FLAGS_quic_batch_writes &&
stream_id == batch_write_stream_id_[last_priority_popped_] &&
bytes_left_for_batch_write_[last_priority_popped_] > 0;
priority_write_scheduler_.MarkStreamReady(stream_id, push_front);
} else if (FLAGS_quic_batch_writes &&
stream_id == batch_write_stream_id_[last_priority_popped_] &&
bytes_left_for_batch_write_[last_priority_popped_] > 0) {
// If the batch write stream has more data to write, push it to the front
// for its priority level.
base_write_blocked_list_.PushFront(stream_id, priority);
} else {
base_write_blocked_list_.PushBack(stream_id, priority);
bool crypto_stream_blocked() const { return crypto_stream_blocked_; }
bool headers_stream_blocked() const { return headers_stream_blocked_; }
QuicWriteBlockedListBase base_write_blocked_list_;
QuicPriorityWriteScheduler priority_write_scheduler_;
bool use_new_blocked_list_ = FLAGS_quic_new_blocked_list;
// If performing batch writes, this will be the stream ID of the stream doing
// batch writes for this priority level. We will allow this stream to write
// until it has written kBatchWriteSize bytes, it has no more data to write,
// or a higher priority stream preempts.
QuicStreamId batch_write_stream_id_[kV3LowestPriority + 1];
// Set to kBatchWriteSize when we set a new batch_write_stream_id_ for a given
// priority. This is decremented with each write the stream does until it is
// done with its batch write.
int32_t bytes_left_for_batch_write_[kV3LowestPriority + 1];
// Tracks the last priority popped for UpdateBytesForStream.
SpdyPriority last_priority_popped_;
bool crypto_stream_blocked_;
bool headers_stream_blocked_;
} // namespace net