blob: dcc952092772bba02caabc8b7baf56d71c640dec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chromeos.multidevice_setup.mojom;
import "chromeos/services/device_sync/public/mojom/device_sync.mojom";
// Enumeration of event types which can be dispatched. Only used for debugging
// purposes.
enum EventTypeForDebugging {
enum HostStatus {
// The user's account has no devices which can serve as a host for
// multi-device features.
// The user's account has one or more devices which can be used as a host for
// multi-device features, but the user has not yet completed the setup flow
// for any one of these devices.
// The user has completed the setup flow for multi-device features on this
// device, but there was an error contacting the back-end (e.g., the device
// was offline during the setup flow, or the back-end rejected the request for
// some reason). The local device will continue trying to contact the back-end
// to confirm that the host is set.
// The host has been set (both locally and on the back-end), but verification
// has not yet completed. The local device will continue trying to establish
// a Bluetooth connection to the host until verification succeeds.
// The host has been set (both locally and on the back-end), and the
// verification step over Bluetooth has completed. Features should be
// available for use.
// Individual multi-device features types.
enum Feature {
// This enum is tied directly to a UMA enum defined in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml, and should always reflect it (do not
// change one without changing the other).
enum FeatureState {
// Feature was prohibited by a device policy (e.g., EDU or Enterprise).
kProhibitedByPolicy = 0,
// Feature was disabled by the user (i.e., via settings).
kDisabledByUser = 1,
// Feature was enabled by the user (i.e., via settings).
kEnabledByUser = 2,
// Feature is not supported by this Chromebook.
kNotSupportedByChromebook = 3,
// Feature is not supported by the current host phone device.
kNotSupportedByPhone = 4,
// The feature is unavailable because there is no verified multi-device host.
// To set a host, use SetHostDevice(); to verify a host, use
// RetrySetHostNow().
kUnavailableNoVerifiedHost = 5,
// The feature is unavailable because there are insufficient security
// mechanisms in place (e.g., Smart Lock returns this value when the host
// phone device does not have a lock screen set).
kUnavailableInsufficientSecurity = 6,
// The feature has been enabled by the user, but it is still unavailable
// because the entire Better Together suite has been disabled by the user.
kUnavailableSuiteDisabled = 7,
// The feature still requires further setup to be ready for use (e.g., Android
// Messages requires a separate pairing flow after unified setup).
kFurtherSetupRequired = 8,
interface AccountStatusChangeDelegate {
// Callback which indicates that one or more MultiDevice host phones are
// available for setup with the MultiDevice setup flow. This function is only
// called if the current user has not yet set up MultiDevice features.
// Callback which indicates that the account left the state of having a
// potential host ready for setup. Note that it is called both when a host is
// set and when there are simply no host devices (i.e. neither potential nor
// set) on the account anymore. This function is only called if the current
// user has not yet set up MultiDevice features and received backend
// confirmation.
// Callback which indicates that the currently-connected MultiDevice host has
// changed. This likely means that the user has changed MultiDevice settings
// on another device. This function is only called if the current user has
// already set up MultiDevice features.
OnConnectedHostSwitchedForExistingUser(string new_host_device_name);
// Callback which indicates that a new Chromebook was added to the account of
// the current user. This function is only called if the current user has
// already set up MultiDevice features.
OnNewChromebookAddedForExistingUser(string new_host_device_name);
interface HostStatusObserver {
// Called whenever the host status changes. If the host status is
// HostStatus::kNoEligibleHosts or
// HostStatus::kEligibleHostExistsButNoHostSet, |host_device| is null.
OnHostStatusChanged(HostStatus host_status,
chromeos.device_sync.mojom.RemoteDevice? host_device);
interface FeatureStateObserver {
// Invoked when one or more features have changed state.
OnFeatureStatesChanged(map<Feature, FeatureState> feature_states_map);
// Provides an API to the MultiDevice Setup flow. Designed to be exposed
// primarily to the MultiDevice setup flow at chrome://multidevice-setup and
// chrome://oobe (normal usage) as well as the ProximityAuth debug WebUI page at
// chrome://proximity-auth (debugging only).
interface MultiDeviceSetup {
// Registers the "account status change" delegate to be used by the service.
// Only one delegate can be set; this function should not be called more than
// once.
SetAccountStatusChangeDelegate(AccountStatusChangeDelegate delegate);
// Adds an observer of host status changes. To stop observing, disconnect the
// HostStatusObserverPtr passed here.
AddHostStatusObserver(HostStatusObserver observer);
// Adds an observer of feature state changes. To stop observing, disconnect
// the FeatureStateObserverPtr passed here.
AddFeatureStateObserver(FeatureStateObserver observer);
// Provides a list of all eligible host devices (i.e., those which can be
// passed to SetHostDevice()).
GetEligibleHostDevices() =>
(array<chromeos.device_sync.mojom.RemoteDevice> eligible_host_devices);
// Sets the host associated with the provided device ID as the host device
// for this account. The provided auth token must be valid in order to prove
// that the user is authenticated. If called when there is no current host or
// when the current host is a different device from the one passed, this
// function initiates a connection to the back-end and attempts to set the
// host. When called with the same device that is already the host, this
// function is a no-op. Returns a success boolean; this function will fail if
// the provided device ID does not correspond to an eligible host device on
// the account, or the provided auth token is invalid.
SetHostDevice(string device_id, string auth_token) => (bool success);
// Removes the currently-set host as the multi-device host for this account.
// If there was no host set to begin with, this function is a no-op.
// Returns the host status and host device. If the host status is
// HostStatus::kNoEligibleHosts or
// HostStatus::kEligibleHostExistsButNoHostSet, |host_device| is null.
GetHostStatus() => (HostStatus host_status,
chromeos.device_sync.mojom.RemoteDevice? host_device);
// Attempts to enable or disable |feature|. This function succeeds only if
// |feature|'s current state is FeatureState::kEnabledByUser or
// FeatureState::kDisabledByUser.
// A valid |auth_token| only needs to be provided if Smart Lock is being
// enabled. To be exact, this means a valid |auth_token| must be passed if
// |feature| == EASY_UNLOCK_CLIENT and |enabled| == true, or
// |feature| == BETTER_TOGETHER_CLIENT, |enabled| == true, and the pref for
// Smart Lock is already enabled.
SetFeatureEnabledState(Feature feature, bool enabled, string? auth_token) =>
(bool success);
// Provides the states of all Features.
GetFeatureStates() => (map<Feature, FeatureState> feature_states_map);
// Retries the most recent SetHostDevice() call.
// If the current status is
// HostStatus::kHostSetLocallyButWaitingForBackendConfirmation, this function
// retries the network attempt to set the device on the back-end. If the
// current status is HostStatus::kHostSetButNotYetVerified, this function
// retries the verification step. Both of these cases return true to the
// caller.
// If the current status is any other value, this function is not applicable,
// and false is returned to the caller.
RetrySetHostNow() => (bool success);
// Triggers an event to be dispatched by the service. This API function is
// intended to be used only for debugging in the chrome://proximity-auth page.
// During normal usage, events are triggered internally within the service.
TriggerEventForDebugging(EventTypeForDebugging type) => (bool success);
// Provides an API for setting a MultiDevice host without the need to provide an
// auth token. This interface should only be used in circumstances when the user
// has just entered their password.
interface PrivilegedHostDeviceSetter {
// Same functionality as MultiDeviceSetup's SetHostDevice() function above,
// except that no auth token is required.
SetHostDevice(string device_id) => (bool success);