blob: 2b65464ade2f8705cbe20d210eadf2773a1b5560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef AXSparseAttributeSetter_h
#define AXSparseAttributeSetter_h
#include "core/dom/AccessibleNode.h"
#include "core/dom/AccessibleNodeList.h"
#include "modules/accessibility/AXObject.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class AXSparseAttributeSetter {
virtual void Run(const AXObject&,
const AtomicString& value) = 0;
using AXSparseAttributeSetterMap =
HashMap<QualifiedName, AXSparseAttributeSetter*>;
// A map from attribute name to a AXSparseAttributeSetter that
// calls AXSparseAttributeClient when that attribute's value
// changes.
// That way we only need to iterate over the list of attributes once,
// rather than calling getAttribute() once for each possible obscure
// accessibility attribute.
AXSparseAttributeSetterMap& GetSparseAttributeSetterMap();
// An implementation of AOMPropertyClient that calls
// AXSparseAttributeClient for an AOM property.
class AXSparseAttributeAOMPropertyClient : public AOMPropertyClient {
AXObjectCacheImpl& ax_object_cache,
AXSparseAttributeClient& sparse_attribute_client)
: ax_object_cache_(ax_object_cache),
sparse_attribute_client_(sparse_attribute_client) {}
void AddStringProperty(AOMStringProperty, const String& value) override;
void AddBooleanProperty(AOMBooleanProperty, bool value) override;
void AddIntProperty(AOMIntProperty, int32_t value) override;
void AddUIntProperty(AOMUIntProperty, uint32_t value) override;
void AddFloatProperty(AOMFloatProperty, float value) override;
void AddRelationProperty(AOMRelationProperty,
const AccessibleNode& value) override;
void AddRelationListProperty(AOMRelationListProperty,
const AccessibleNodeList& relations) override;
Persistent<AXObjectCacheImpl> ax_object_cache_;
AXSparseAttributeClient& sparse_attribute_client_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // AXSparseAttributeSetter_h