blob: 18244e769f36ee10d488d3c4b0c6d4e9b142960b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/TimeClamper.h"
#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Assertions.h"
#include "platform/wtf/CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace blink {
TimeClamper::TimeClamper() {
CryptographicallyRandomValues(&secret_, sizeof(secret_));
double TimeClamper::ClampTimeResolution(double time_seconds) const {
DCHECK_GE(time_seconds, 0);
double clamped_time =
floor(time_seconds / kResolutionSeconds) * kResolutionSeconds;
double tick_threshold = ThresholdFor(clamped_time);
if (time_seconds >= tick_threshold)
return clamped_time + kResolutionSeconds;
return clamped_time;
inline double TimeClamper::ThresholdFor(double clamped_time) const {
uint64_t time_hash = MurmurHash3(bit_cast<int64_t>(clamped_time) ^ secret_);
return clamped_time + kResolutionSeconds * ToDouble(time_hash);
// static
inline double TimeClamper::ToDouble(uint64_t value) {
// Exponent for double values for [1.0 .. 2.0]
static const uint64_t kExponentBits = uint64_t{0x3FF0000000000000};
static const uint64_t kMantissaMask = uint64_t{0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF};
uint64_t random = (value & kMantissaMask) | kExponentBits;
return bit_cast<double>(random) - 1;
// static
inline uint64_t TimeClamper::MurmurHash3(uint64_t value) {
value ^= value >> 33;
value *= uint64_t{0xFF51AFD7ED558CCD};
value ^= value >> 33;
value *= uint64_t{0xC4CEB9FE1A85EC53};
value ^= value >> 33;
return value;
} // namespace blink