blob: 0e41abfa12b06c7d0b96bde0c5cbe6c67f7790b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
_API_UTIL_NAMESPACE = 'json_schema_compiler::util'
class UtilCCHelper(object):
"""A util class that generates code that uses
def __init__(self, type_manager):
self._type_manager = type_manager
def PopulateArrayFromDictionary(self, array_prop, src, name, dst):
"""Generates code to get an array from a into dst.
src: DictionaryValue*
dst: std::vector or scoped_ptr<std::vector>
prop = array_prop.item_type
sub = {
'namespace': _API_UTIL_NAMESPACE,
'name': name,
'src': src,
'dst': dst,
sub['type'] = self._type_manager.GetCppType(prop),
if array_prop.optional:
val = ('%(namespace)s::PopulateOptionalArrayFromDictionary'
'(*%(src)s, "%(name)s", &%(dst)s)')
val = ('%(namespace)s::PopulateArrayFromDictionary'
'(*%(src)s, "%(name)s", &%(dst)s)')
return val % sub
def PopulateArrayFromList(self, src, dst, optional):
"""Generates code to get an array from src into dst.
src: ListValue*
dst: std::vector or scoped_ptr<std::vector>
if optional:
val = '%(namespace)s::PopulateOptionalArrayFromList(*%(src)s, &%(dst)s)'
val = '%(namespace)s::PopulateArrayFromList(*%(src)s, &%(dst)s)'
return val % {
'namespace': _API_UTIL_NAMESPACE,
'src': src,
'dst': dst
def CreateValueFromArray(self, src, optional):
"""Generates code to create a scoped_pt<Value> from the array at src.
|src| The variable to convert, either a vector or scoped_ptr<vector>.
|optional| Whether |type_| was optional. Optional types are pointers so
must be treated differently.
if optional:
name = 'CreateValueFromOptionalArray'
name = 'CreateValueFromArray'
return '%s::%s(%s)' % (_API_UTIL_NAMESPACE, name, src)
def GetIncludePath(self):
return '#include "tools/json_schema_compiler/util.h"'
def GetValueTypeString(self, value, is_ptr=False):
call = '.GetType()'
if is_ptr:
call = '->GetType()'
return 'json_schema_compiler::util::ValueTypeToString(%s%s)' % (value, call)