blob: 5bd498bfb2dd0ffd1153b2b8ec917de741afdd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/record.pb.h"
namespace reporting {
// Builds an upload request payload specific for
// EncryptedReportingJobConfiguration A JSON version of the payload looks like
// this:
// {
// "encryptedRecord": [
// {
// "encryptedWrappedRecord": "EncryptedMessage",
// "encryptionInfo" : {
// "encryptionKey": "EncryptedMessage",
// "publicKeyId": 1
// },
// "sequencingInformation": {
// "sequencingId": 1,
// "generationId": 123456789,
// "priority": 1
// }
// },
// {
// "encryptedWrappedRecord": "EncryptedMessage",
// "encryptionInfo" : {
// "encryptionKey": "EncryptedMessage",
// "publicKeyId": 2
// },
// "sequencingInformation": {
// "sequencingId": 2,
// "generationId": 123456789,
// "priority": 1
// }
// }
// ]
// "attachEncryptionSettings": true // optional field
// }
// TODO(b/159361496): Periodically add memory and disk space usage.
// This payload is added to the common payload of all reporting jobs, which
// includes "device" and "browser" sub-fields:
// EncryptedReportingRequestBuilder builder;
// builder.AddRecord(record1);
// builder.AddRecord(record2);
// ...
// builder.AddRecord(recordN);
// auto payload_result = builder.Build();
// DCHECK(payload_result.has_value());
// job_payload_.MergeDict(payload_result.value());
class UploadEncryptedReportingRequestBuilder {
explicit UploadEncryptedReportingRequestBuilder(
bool attach_encryption_settings = false);
// TODO(chromium:1165908) Have AddRecord take ownership of the record that is
// passed in.
UploadEncryptedReportingRequestBuilder& AddRecord(
const EncryptedRecord& record);
base::Optional<base::Value> Build();
static base::StringPiece GetEncryptedRecordListPath();
static base::StringPiece GetAttachEncryptionSettingsPath();
static const char kEncryptedRecordListKey_[];
base::Optional<base::Value> result_;
// Builds a |base::Value| dictionary from a |EncryptedRecord|
// proto.
class EncryptedRecordDictionaryBuilder {
explicit EncryptedRecordDictionaryBuilder(const EncryptedRecord& record);
base::Optional<base::Value> Build();
static base::StringPiece GetEncryptedWrappedRecordPath();
static base::StringPiece GetSequencingInformationKeyPath();
static base::StringPiece GetEncryptionInfoPath();
base::Optional<base::Value> result_;
// Builds a |base::Value| dictionary from a |SequencingInformation|
// proto.
class SequencingInformationDictionaryBuilder {
explicit SequencingInformationDictionaryBuilder(
const SequencingInformation& sequencing_information);
base::Optional<base::Value> Build();
static base::StringPiece GetSequencingIdPath();
static base::StringPiece GetGenerationIdPath();
static base::StringPiece GetPriorityPath();
base::Optional<base::Value> result_;
// Builds a |base::Value| dictionary from a |EncryptionInfo| proto.
class EncryptionInfoDictionaryBuilder {
explicit EncryptionInfoDictionaryBuilder(
const EncryptionInfo& encryption_info);
base::Optional<base::Value> Build();
static base::StringPiece GetEncryptionKeyPath();
static base::StringPiece GetPublicKeyIdPath();
base::Optional<base::Value> result_;
} // namespace reporting