blob: 89cae2a6a20153e0bcec6d6ed8beb8091e6e8271 [file] [log] [blame]
/* A separate div is used because if the direction CSS property is applied
* to the host element, any margins or paddings set by the parent will be
* affected and be reversed. */
#content {
align-items: center;
color: #fff;
direction: ltr;
display: flex;
font-size: 0.81rem;
text-align: center;
--page-selector-spacing: 4px;
#pageselector::selection {
background-color: var(--viewer-text-input-selection-color);
#pagelength {
/* --page-length-digits is set through JavaScript. 1px is added because
* the unit 'ch' does not provide exact whole number pixels, and
* therefore seems to have 1px-off bugginess. */
width: calc(max(2, var(--page-length-digits)) * 1ch + 1px);
input {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border: none;
color: white;
font-family: inherit;
line-height: inherit;
outline: none;
padding: 0 var(--page-selector-spacing);
text-align: center;
#divider {
margin: 0 var(--page-selector-spacing);
<div id="content">
<input part="input" type="text" id="pageselector" value="[[pageNo]]"
on-pointerup="select" on-input="onInput_" on-change="pageNoCommitted"
<span id="divider">/</span>
<span id="pagelength">[[docLength]]</span>