blob: 19d5cf900d805eba346eb420b7b67d5bb82a20c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/components/web_app_shortcut.h"
// Whether to enable update and launch of app shims in tests. (Normally shims
// are never created or launched in tests). Note that update only creates
// internal shim bundles, i.e. it does not create new shims in ~/Applications.
extern bool g_app_shims_allow_update_and_launch_in_tests;
namespace web_app {
enum class LaunchShimUpdateBehavior {
// Callback type for LaunchShim. If |shim_process| is valid then the
// app shim was launched.
using ShimLaunchedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(base::Process shim_process)>;
// Callback on termination takes no arguments.
using ShimTerminatedCallback = base::OnceClosure;
// Launch the shim specified by |shortcut_info|. Update the shim prior to launch
// if requested. Return in |launched_callback| the pid that was launched (or an
// invalid pid if none was launched). If |launched_callback| returns a valid
// pid, then |terminated_callback| will be called when that process terminates.
void LaunchShim(LaunchShimUpdateBehavior update_behavior,
ShimLaunchedCallback launched_callback,
ShimTerminatedCallback terminated_callback,
std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info);
std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> RecordAppShimErrorAndBuildShortcutInfo(
const base::FilePath& bundle_path);
// Return true if launching and updating app shims will fail because of the
// testing environment.
bool AppShimLaunchDisabled();
// Returns a path to the Chrome Apps folder in ~/Applications.
base::FilePath GetChromeAppsFolder();
// Testing method to override calls to GetChromeAppsFolder.
void SetChromeAppsFolderForTesting(const base::FilePath& path);
// Creates a shortcut for a web application. The shortcut is a stub app
// that simply loads the browser framework and runs the given app.
class WebAppShortcutCreator {
// Creates a new shortcut based on information in |shortcut_info|.
// A copy of the shortcut is placed in |app_data_dir|.
// |chrome_bundle_id| is the CFBundleIdentifier of the Chrome browser bundle.
// Retains the pointer |shortcut_info|; the ShortcutInfo object must outlive
// the WebAppShortcutCreator.
WebAppShortcutCreator(const base::FilePath& app_data_dir,
const ShortcutInfo* shortcut_info);
WebAppShortcutCreator(const WebAppShortcutCreator&) = delete;
WebAppShortcutCreator& operator=(const WebAppShortcutCreator&) = delete;
virtual ~WebAppShortcutCreator();
// Returns the base name for the shortcut. This will be a sanitized version
// of the application title. If |copy_number| is not 1, then append it before
// the .app part of the extension.
virtual base::FilePath GetShortcutBasename(int copy_number = 1) const;
// Returns the fallback name for the shortcut. This name will be a combination
// of the profile name and extension id. This is used if the app title is
// unable to be used for the bundle path (e.g: "...").
base::FilePath GetFallbackBasename() const;
// The full path to the app bundle under the relevant Applications folder.
// If |avoid_conflicts| is true then return a path that does not yet exist (by
// appending " 2", " 3", etc, to the end of the file name).
base::FilePath GetApplicationsShortcutPath(bool avoid_conflicts) const;
// Returns the paths to app bundles with the given id as found by launch
// services, sorted by preference.
std::vector<base::FilePath> GetAppBundlesById() const;
bool CreateShortcuts(ShortcutCreationReason creation_reason,
ShortcutLocations creation_locations);
// Recreate the shortcuts where they are found on disk and in the profile
// path. If |create_if_needed| is true, then create the shortcuts if no
// matching shortcuts are found on disk. Populate |updated_paths| with the
// paths that were updated. Return false if no paths were updated or if there
// exist paths that failed to update.
bool UpdateShortcuts(bool create_if_needed,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* updated_paths);
// Show the bundle we just generated in the Finder.
virtual void RevealAppShimInFinder(const base::FilePath& app_path) const;
virtual std::vector<base::FilePath> GetAppBundlesByIdUnsorted() const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebAppShortcutCreatorTest, DeleteShortcuts);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebAppShortcutCreatorTest, UpdateIcon);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebAppShortcutCreatorTest, UpdateShortcuts);
// Return true if the bundle for this app should be profile-agnostic.
bool IsMultiProfile() const;
// Copies the app loader template into a temporary directory and fills in all
// relevant information. This works around a Finder bug where the app's icon
// doesn't properly update.
bool BuildShortcut(const base::FilePath& staging_path) const;
// Builds a shortcut and copies it to the specified app paths. Populates
// |updated_paths| with the paths that were successfully updated.
void CreateShortcutsAt(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& app_paths,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* updated_paths) const;
// Updates the InfoPlist.string inside |app_path| with the display name for
// the app.
bool UpdateDisplayName(const base::FilePath& app_path) const;
// Updates the bundle id of the internal copy of the app shim bundle.
bool UpdateInternalBundleIdentifier() const;
// Updates the plist inside |app_path| with information about the app.
bool UpdatePlist(const base::FilePath& app_path) const;
// Updates the icon for the shortcut.
bool UpdateIcon(const base::FilePath& app_path) const;
// Path to the data directory for this app. For example:
// ~/Library/Application Support/Chromium/Default/Web Applications/_crx_abc/
const base::FilePath app_data_dir_;
// Information about the app. Owned by the caller of the constructor.
const ShortcutInfo* const info_;
} // namespace web_app