blob: 82ee0ad568611dee0606d8fbc769f1aae6688fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/grid/ng_grid_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/grid/ng_grid_child_iterator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/grid/ng_grid_placement.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_out_of_flow_layout_part.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_space_utils.h"
namespace blink {
const NGLayoutAlgorithmParams& params)
: NGLayoutAlgorithm(params) {
border_box_size_ = container_builder_.InitialBorderBoxSize();
child_percentage_size_ = CalculateChildPercentageSize(
ConstraintSpace(), Node(), ChildAvailableSize());
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::Layout() {
// Measure items.
Vector<GridItemData> grid_items;
Vector<GridItemData> out_of_flow_items;
ConstructAndAppendGridItems(&grid_items, &out_of_flow_items);
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection algorithm_column_track_collection;
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection algorithm_row_track_collection;
NGGridPlacement grid_placement(Style(),
&grid_items, &algorithm_column_track_collection,
&algorithm_row_track_collection, &grid_placement);
// Cache set indices.
CacheItemSetIndices(algorithm_column_track_collection, &grid_items);
CacheItemSetIndices(algorithm_row_track_collection, &grid_items);
// Create a vector of grid item indices using |NGGridChildIterator| order.
Vector<wtf_size_t> reordered_item_indices(grid_items.size());
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < grid_items.size(); ++i)
reordered_item_indices[i] = i;
// Cache track span properties for grid items.
&grid_items, &reordered_item_indices);
CacheGridItemsTrackSpanProperties(algorithm_row_track_collection, &grid_items,
// Resolve inline size.
ComputeUsedTrackSizes(&algorithm_column_track_collection, &grid_items,
// Resolve block size.
ComputeUsedTrackSizes(&algorithm_row_track_collection, &grid_items,
// Place grid and out of flow items.
LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size;
LayoutUnit block_size;
PlaceItems(grid_items, algorithm_column_track_collection,
algorithm_row_track_collection, &out_of_flow_items,
&intrinsic_block_size, &block_size);
NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(Node(), ConstraintSpace(), &container_builder_).Run();
return container_builder_.ToBoxFragment();
MinMaxSizesResult NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeMinMaxSizes(
const MinMaxSizesInput& input) const {
// TODO(janewman): Handle the cases typically done via:
// CalculateMinMaxSizesIgnoringChildren.
// Measure Items
Vector<GridItemData> grid_items;
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection algorithm_column_track_collection;
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection algorithm_row_track_collection;
NGGridPlacement grid_placement(Style(),
&grid_items, &algorithm_column_track_collection,
&algorithm_row_track_collection, &grid_placement);
// Cache set indices.
CacheItemSetIndices(algorithm_column_track_collection, &grid_items);
// Create a vector of grid item indices using |NGGridChildIterator| order.
Vector<wtf_size_t> reordered_item_indices(grid_items.size());
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < grid_items.size(); ++i)
reordered_item_indices[i] = i;
// Cache track span properties for grid items.
&grid_items, &reordered_item_indices);
// Resolve inline size.
ComputeUsedTrackSizes(&algorithm_column_track_collection, &grid_items,
const LayoutUnit grid_gap = GridGap(kForColumns);
// Now the columns should have their used track size and growth limit, each
// adding up to match the min and max size of the grid respectively.
MinMaxSizes grid_min_max_sizes;
// If the track collection does not have any tracks, then we do not want to
// subtract the grid gap from the last track.
bool has_tracks = false;
for (auto column_set_iterator =
!column_set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); column_set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
const auto& set = column_set_iterator.CurrentSet();
has_tracks |= set.TrackCount();
LayoutUnit gap = set.TrackCount() * grid_gap;
// Aggregate min/max size contributions for this set of tracks.
LayoutUnit min_size_contribution = set.BaseSize() + gap;
grid_min_max_sizes.min_size += min_size_contribution;
grid_min_max_sizes.max_size += set.GrowthLimit() == kIndefiniteSize
? min_size_contribution
: set.GrowthLimit() + gap;
// Subtract the gap from the end of the last track. Only do this if there is
// at least one track.
if (has_tracks)
grid_min_max_sizes -= grid_gap;
grid_min_max_sizes += BorderScrollbarPadding().InlineSum();
// TODO(janewman): determine what cases need depends_on_percentage_block_size
// to be set.
return {grid_min_max_sizes, /* depends_on_percentage_block_size */ true};
GridTrackSizingDirection flow_direction) const {
bool is_major_indefinite = Span(flow_direction).IsIndefinite();
bool is_minor_indefinite =
Span(flow_direction == kForColumns ? kForRows : kForColumns)
if (is_minor_indefinite && is_major_indefinite)
return AutoPlacementType::kBoth;
else if (is_minor_indefinite)
return AutoPlacementType::kMinor;
else if (is_major_indefinite)
return AutoPlacementType::kMajor;
return AutoPlacementType::kNotNeeded;
const GridSpan& NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::Span(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
return (track_direction == kForColumns) ? resolved_position.columns
: resolved_position.rows;
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::SetSpan(
const GridSpan& span,
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) {
if (track_direction == kForColumns)
resolved_position.columns = span;
resolved_position.rows = span;
wtf_size_t NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::StartLine(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
const GridSpan& span = (track_direction == kForColumns)
? resolved_position.columns
: resolved_position.rows;
return span.StartLine();
wtf_size_t NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::EndLine(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
const GridSpan& span = (track_direction == kForColumns)
? resolved_position.columns
: resolved_position.rows;
return span.EndLine();
wtf_size_t NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::SpanSize(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
const GridSpan& span = (track_direction == kForColumns)
? resolved_position.columns
: resolved_position.rows;
return span.IntegerSpan();
const TrackSpanProperties&
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
return track_direction == kForColumns ? column_span_properties
: row_span_properties;
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::SetTrackSpanProperty(
TrackSpanProperties::PropertyId property,
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) {
if (track_direction == kForColumns)
bool NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
return GetTrackSpanProperties(track_direction)
bool NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData::IsSpanningIntrinsicTrack(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
return GetTrackSpanProperties(track_direction)
Vector<wtf_size_t>::const_iterator current_index,
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items)
: current_index_(current_index), grid_items_(grid_items) {}
bool NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::Iterator::operator!=(
const Iterator& other) const {
return grid_items_ != other.grid_items_ ||
current_index_ != other.current_index_;
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::Iterator::operator->() {
DCHECK_LT(*current_index_, grid_items_->size());
return &(grid_items_->at(*current_index_));
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::Iterator::operator*() {
DCHECK_LT(*current_index_, grid_items_->size());
return grid_items_->at(*current_index_);
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::Iterator::operator++() {
return *this;
const Vector<wtf_size_t>& reordered_item_indices,
Vector<GridItemData>& grid_items)
: reordered_item_indices_(reordered_item_indices),
grid_items_(grid_items) {}
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::begin() {
return Iterator(reordered_item_indices_.begin(), &grid_items_);
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ReorderedGridItems::end() {
return Iterator(reordered_item_indices_.end(), &grid_items_);
const GridItemData& item,
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& track_collection) {
return track_collection.GetSetIterator(
track_collection.IsForColumns() ? item.columns_begin_set_index
: item.rows_begin_set_index,
track_collection.IsForColumns() ? item.columns_end_set_index
: item.rows_end_set_index);
// TODO(ethavar): Current implementation of this method simply returns the
// preferred size of the grid item in the relevant direction. We should follow
// the definitions from
// (i.e. compute minimum, min-content, and max-content contributions).
LayoutUnit NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ContributionSizeForGridItem(
const GridItemData& grid_item,
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) const {
const ComputedStyle& grid_item_style = grid_item.node.Style();
GridTrackSizingDirection grid_item_track_direction = track_direction;
bool is_orthogonal_grid_item = Style().IsHorizontalWritingMode() ==
if (is_orthogonal_grid_item) {
grid_item_track_direction =
(track_direction == kForColumns) ? kForRows : kForColumns;
Length length = (grid_item_track_direction == kForColumns)
? grid_item_style.LogicalWidth()
: grid_item_style.LogicalHeight();
return length.IsFixed() ? MinimumValueForLength(length, kIndefiniteSize)
: LayoutUnit();
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ConstructAndAppendGridItems(
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
Vector<GridItemData>* out_of_flow_items) const {
NGGridChildIterator iterator(Node());
for (NGBlockNode child = iterator.NextChild(); child;
child = iterator.NextChild()) {
GridItemData grid_item = MeasureGridItem(child);
// If |out_of_flow_items| is provided, store out-of-flow items separately,
// as they do not contribute to track sizing or auto-placement.
if (grid_item.item_type == ItemType::kInGridFlow)
else if (out_of_flow_items)
wtf_size_t NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeAutomaticRepetitions(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction) const {
// TODO(kschmi): Auto track repeat count should be based on the number of
// children, rather than specified auto-column/track. Temporarily assign them
// to zero here to avoid DCHECK's until we implement this logic.
return 0;
namespace {
using AxisEdge = NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::AxisEdge;
// Given an |item_position| determines the correct |AxisEdge| alignment.
// Additionally will determine if the grid-item should be stretched with the
// |is_stretched| out-parameter.
AxisEdge AxisEdgeFromItemPosition(const ComputedStyle& container_style,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const ItemPosition item_position,
bool is_inline_axis,
bool* is_stretched) {
*is_stretched = false;
// Auto-margins take precedence over any alignment properties.
if (style.MayHaveMargin()) {
bool start_auto = is_inline_axis
? style.MarginStartUsing(container_style).IsAuto()
: style.MarginBeforeUsing(container_style).IsAuto();
bool end_auto = is_inline_axis
? style.MarginEndUsing(container_style).IsAuto()
: style.MarginAfterUsing(container_style).IsAuto();
if (start_auto && end_auto)
return AxisEdge::kCenter;
else if (start_auto)
return AxisEdge::kEnd;
else if (end_auto)
return AxisEdge::kStart;
const auto container_writing_direction =
switch (item_position) {
case ItemPosition::kSelfStart:
case ItemPosition::kSelfEnd: {
// In order to determine the correct "self" axis-edge without a
// complicated set of if-branches we use two converters.
// First use the grid-item's writing-direction to convert the logical
// edge into the physical coordinate space.
LogicalToPhysical<AxisEdge> physical(style.GetWritingDirection(),
AxisEdge::kStart, AxisEdge::kEnd,
AxisEdge::kStart, AxisEdge::kEnd);
// Then use the container's writing-direction to convert the physical
// edges, into our logical coordinate space.
PhysicalToLogical<AxisEdge> logical(container_writing_direction,
physical.Top(), physical.Right(),
physical.Bottom(), physical.Left());
if (is_inline_axis) {
return item_position == ItemPosition::kSelfStart ? logical.InlineStart()
: logical.InlineEnd();
return item_position == ItemPosition::kSelfStart ? logical.BlockStart()
: logical.BlockEnd();
case ItemPosition::kCenter:
return AxisEdge::kCenter;
case ItemPosition::kFlexStart:
case ItemPosition::kStart:
return AxisEdge::kStart;
case ItemPosition::kFlexEnd:
case ItemPosition::kEnd:
return AxisEdge::kEnd;
case ItemPosition::kStretch:
*is_stretched = true;
return AxisEdge::kStart;
case ItemPosition::kBaseline:
case ItemPosition::kLastBaseline:
return AxisEdge::kBaseline;
case ItemPosition::kLeft:
return container_writing_direction.IsLtr() ? AxisEdge::kStart
: AxisEdge::kEnd;
case ItemPosition::kRight:
return container_writing_direction.IsRtl() ? AxisEdge::kStart
: AxisEdge::kEnd;
case ItemPosition::kLegacy:
case ItemPosition::kAuto:
case ItemPosition::kNormal:
return AxisEdge::kStart;
} // namespace
NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridItemData NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::MeasureGridItem(
const NGBlockNode node) const {
const auto& container_style = Style();
// Before we take track sizing into account for column width contributions,
// have all child inline and min/max sizes measured for content-based width
// resolution.
GridItemData grid_item(node);
const ComputedStyle& child_style = node.Style();
bool is_orthogonal_flow_root = !IsParallelWritingMode(
container_style.GetWritingMode(), child_style.GetWritingMode());
NGConstraintSpace constraint_space = BuildSpaceForGridItem(node);
// Children with orthogonal writing modes require a full layout pass to
// determine inline size.
if (is_orthogonal_flow_root) {
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> result = node.Layout(constraint_space);
grid_item.inline_size = NGFragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingDirection(),
} else {
NGBoxStrut border_padding_in_child_writing_mode =
ComputeBorders(constraint_space, node) +
ComputePadding(constraint_space, child_style);
grid_item.inline_size = ComputeInlineSizeForFragment(
constraint_space, node, border_padding_in_child_writing_mode);
const ItemPosition normal_behaviour =
node.IsReplaced() ? ItemPosition::kStart : ItemPosition::kStretch;
// Determine the alignment for the grid-item ahead of time (we may need to
// know if it stretches ahead of time to correctly determine any block-axis
// contribution).
grid_item.inline_axis_alignment = AxisEdgeFromItemPosition(
container_style, child_style,
child_style.ResolvedJustifySelf(normal_behaviour, &container_style)
/* is_inline_axis */ true, &grid_item.is_inline_axis_stretched);
grid_item.block_axis_alignment = AxisEdgeFromItemPosition(
container_style, child_style,
child_style.ResolvedAlignSelf(normal_behaviour, &container_style)
/* is_inline_axis */ false, &grid_item.is_block_axis_stretched);
grid_item.margins =
ComputeMarginsFor(constraint_space, child_style, ConstraintSpace());
grid_item.min_max_sizes =
grid_item.item_type = node.IsOutOfFlowPositioned() ? ItemType::kOutOfFlow
: ItemType::kInGridFlow;
return grid_item;
NGConstraintSpace NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::BuildSpaceForGridItem(
const NGBlockNode node) const {
const auto& style = node.Style();
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder builder(ConstraintSpace(),
/* is_new_fc */ true);
SetOrthogonalFallbackInlineSizeIfNeeded(Style(), node, &builder);
return builder.ToConstraintSpace();
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::BuildBlockTrackCollections(
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
NGGridBlockTrackCollection* column_track_collection,
NGGridBlockTrackCollection* row_track_collection,
NGGridPlacement* grid_placement) const {
EnsureTrackCoverageForGridItems(*grid_items, column_track_collection);
EnsureTrackCoverageForGridItems(*grid_items, row_track_collection);
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::BuildAlgorithmTrackCollections(
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection* column_track_collection,
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection* row_track_collection,
NGGridPlacement* grid_placement) const {
// Build block track collections.
NGGridBlockTrackCollection column_block_track_collection(kForColumns);
NGGridBlockTrackCollection row_block_track_collection(kForRows);
BuildBlockTrackCollections(grid_items, &column_block_track_collection,
&row_block_track_collection, grid_placement);
// Build algorithm track collections from the block track collections.
DCHECK_NE(child_percentage_size_.inline_size, kIndefiniteSize);
*column_track_collection = NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection(
/* is_content_box_size_indefinite */ false);
bool is_content_box_block_size_indefinite =
child_percentage_size_.block_size == kIndefiniteSize;
*row_track_collection = NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection(
row_block_track_collection, is_content_box_block_size_indefinite);
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::SetSpecifiedTracks(
wtf_size_t auto_repetitions,
NGGridBlockTrackCollection* track_collection) const {
const ComputedStyle& grid_style = Style();
const NGGridTrackList& template_track_list =
? grid_style.GridTemplateColumns().NGTrackList()
: grid_style.GridTemplateRows().NGTrackList();
const NGGridTrackList& auto_track_list =
? grid_style.GridAutoColumns().NGTrackList()
: grid_style.GridAutoRows().NGTrackList();
track_collection->SetSpecifiedTracks(&template_track_list, &auto_track_list,
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::EnsureTrackCoverageForGridItems(
const Vector<GridItemData>& grid_items,
NGGridBlockTrackCollection* track_collection) const {
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction =
for (const auto& grid_item : grid_items) {
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::CacheItemSetIndices(
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& track_collection,
Vector<GridItemData>* items) const {
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction = track_collection.Direction();
for (GridItemData& item : *items) {
wtf_size_t start_line, end_line;
if (item.item_type == ItemType::kInGridFlow) {
start_line = item.StartLine(track_direction);
end_line = item.EndLine(track_direction) - 1;
DCHECK_NE(start_line, kNotFound);
DCHECK_NE(end_line, kNotFound);
} else {
ResolveOutOfFlowItemGridLines(item, track_collection, &start_line,
// We only calculate the indexes if:
// 1. The item is in flow (it is a grid item) or
// 2. The item is out of flow, but the line was not defined as 'auto' and
// the line is within the bounds of the grid, since an out of flow item
// cannot create grid lines.
// TODO(ansollan): The start line of an out of flow item can be the last
// line of the grid. If that is the case, begin_set_index has to be
// computed as end_set_index. Similarly, if an end line is the first line
// of the grid, end_set_index has to be computed as begin_set_index.
wtf_size_t begin_set_index = kNotFound;
wtf_size_t end_set_index = kNotFound;
if (start_line != kNotFound) {
wtf_size_t first_spanned_range =
begin_set_index =
if (end_line != kNotFound) {
wtf_size_t last_spanned_range =
end_set_index =
track_collection.RangeStartingSetIndex(last_spanned_range) +
if (begin_set_index != kNotFound && end_set_index != kNotFound) {
DCHECK_LE(end_set_index, track_collection.SetCount());
DCHECK_LT(begin_set_index, end_set_index);
} else if (begin_set_index != kNotFound) {
DCHECK_LT(begin_set_index, track_collection.SetCount());
} else if (end_set_index != kNotFound) {
DCHECK_LE(end_set_index, track_collection.SetCount());
if (track_direction == kForColumns) {
item.columns_begin_set_index = begin_set_index;
item.columns_end_set_index = end_set_index;
} else {
item.rows_begin_set_index = begin_set_index;
item.rows_end_set_index = end_set_index;
// TODO(ansollan): Move ResolveOutOfFlowItemGridLines to NGGridPlacement and
// pass |automatic_repetitions| and |explicit_start| variables.
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ResolveOutOfFlowItemGridLines(
const GridItemData& out_of_flow_item,
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& track_collection,
wtf_size_t* start_line,
wtf_size_t* end_line) const {
const ComputedStyle& out_of_flow_item_style = out_of_flow_item.node.Style();
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction = track_collection.Direction();
GridSpan span = GridPositionsResolver::ResolveGridPositionsFromStyle(
Style(), out_of_flow_item_style, track_direction, 0);
if (span.IsIndefinite()) {
*start_line = kNotFound;
*end_line = kNotFound;
} else if (span.UntranslatedStartLine() > -1) {
// TODO(ansollan): Handle out of flow positioned items with negative
// indexes.
*start_line = span.StartLine();
*end_line = span.EndLine() - 1;
if (!track_collection.IsTrackWithinBounds(*start_line) ||
(track_direction == kForColumns
? out_of_flow_item_style.GridColumnStart().IsAuto()
: out_of_flow_item_style.GridRowStart().IsAuto()))
*start_line = kNotFound;
if (!track_collection.IsTrackWithinBounds(*end_line) ||
(track_direction == kForColumns
? out_of_flow_item_style.GridColumnEnd().IsAuto()
: out_of_flow_item_style.GridRowEnd().IsAuto()))
*end_line = kNotFound;
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::CacheGridItemsTrackSpanProperties(
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& track_collection,
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
Vector<wtf_size_t>* reordered_item_indices) const {
DCHECK(grid_items && reordered_item_indices);
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction = track_collection.Direction();
auto CompareGridItemsByStartLine = [grid_items, track_direction](
wtf_size_t index_a,
wtf_size_t index_b) -> bool {
return grid_items->at(index_a).StartLine(track_direction) <
std::sort(reordered_item_indices->begin(), reordered_item_indices->end(),
auto CacheTrackSpanPropertyForAllGridItems =
[&](TrackSpanProperties::PropertyId property) {
// At this point we have the grid items sorted by their start line in
// the respective direction; this is important since we'll process both,
// the ranges in the track collection and the grid items, incrementally.
auto range_iterator = track_collection.RangeIterator();
for (GridItemData& grid_item :
ReorderedGridItems(*reordered_item_indices, *grid_items)) {
// We want to find the first range in the collection that:
// - Spans tracks located AFTER the start line of the current grid
// item; this can be done by checking that the last track number of
// the current range is NOT less than the current grid item's start
// line. Furthermore, since grid items are sorted by start line, if
// at any point a range is located BEFORE the current grid item's
// start line, the same range will also be located BEFORE any
// subsequent item's start line.
// - Contains a track that fulfills the specified property.
while (!range_iterator.IsAtEnd() &&
(range_iterator.RangeTrackEnd() <
grid_item.StartLine(track_direction) ||
range_iterator.RangeIndex(), property))) {
// Since we discarded every range in the track collection, any
// following grid item cannot fulfill the property.
if (range_iterator.IsAtEnd())
// Notice that, from the way we build the ranges of a track collection
// (see |NGGridBlockTrackCollection::EnsureTrackCoverage|), any given
// range must either be completely contained or excluded from a grid
// item's span. Thus, if the current range's last track is also
// located BEFORE the item's end line, then this range, including a
// track that fulfills the specified property, is completely contained
// within this item's boundaries. Otherwise, this and every subsequent
// range are excluded from the grid item's span, meaning that such
// item cannot satisfy the property we are looking for.
if (range_iterator.RangeTrackEnd() <
grid_item.EndLine(track_direction)) {
grid_item.SetTrackSpanProperty(property, track_direction);
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeUsedTrackSizes(
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection* track_collection,
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
Vector<wtf_size_t>* reordered_item_indices) const {
DCHECK(track_collection && grid_items);
LayoutUnit content_box_size = track_collection->IsForColumns()
? child_percentage_size_.inline_size
: child_percentage_size_.block_size;
// 1. Initialize track sizes (
for (auto set_iterator = track_collection->GetSetIterator();
!set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
NGGridSet& current_set = set_iterator.CurrentSet();
const GridTrackSize& track_size = current_set.TrackSize();
if (track_size.HasFixedMinTrackBreadth()) {
// Indefinite lengths cannot occur, as they’re treated as 'auto'.
DCHECK(!track_size.MinTrackBreadth().HasPercentage() ||
content_box_size != kIndefiniteSize);
// A fixed sizing function: Resolve to an absolute length and use that
// size as the track’s initial base size.
LayoutUnit fixed_min_breadth = MinimumValueForLength(
track_size.MinTrackBreadth().length(), content_box_size);
current_set.SetBaseSize(fixed_min_breadth * current_set.TrackCount());
} else {
// An intrinsic sizing function: Use an initial base size of zero.
// Note that, since |NGGridSet| initializes its growth limit as indefinite,
// an intrinsic or flexible sizing function needs no further resolution.
if (track_size.HasFixedMaxTrackBreadth()) {
DCHECK(!track_size.MaxTrackBreadth().HasPercentage() ||
content_box_size != kIndefiniteSize);
// A fixed sizing function: Resolve to an absolute length and use that
// size as the track’s initial growth limit; if the growth limit is less
// than the base size, increase the growth limit to match the base size.
LayoutUnit fixed_max_breadth = MinimumValueForLength(
track_size.MaxTrackBreadth().length(), content_box_size);
fixed_max_breadth * current_set.TrackCount()));
// 2. Resolve intrinsic track sizing functions to absolute lengths.
ResolveIntrinsicTrackSizes(track_collection, grid_items,
// Helpers for the track sizing algorithm.
namespace {
using GridItemContributionType =
// Returns the corresponding size to be increased by accommodating a grid item's
// contribution; for intrinsic min track sizing functions, return the base size.
// For intrinsic max track sizing functions, return the growth limit.
static LayoutUnit AffectedSizeForContribution(
const NGGridSet& set,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) {
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums:
return set.BaseSize();
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums:
LayoutUnit growth_limit = set.GrowthLimit();
// For infinite growth limits, substitute with the track's base size.
if (growth_limit == kIndefiniteSize)
return set.BaseSize();
return growth_limit;
static void GrowAffectedSizeByPlannedIncrease(
NGGridSet& set,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) {
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums:
set.SetBaseSize(set.BaseSize() + set.PlannedIncrease());
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums:
LayoutUnit growth_limit = set.GrowthLimit();
// If the affected size to grow is an infinite growth limit, set it to the
// track's base size plus the planned increase.
if (growth_limit == kIndefiniteSize)
set.SetGrowthLimit(set.BaseSize() + set.PlannedIncrease());
set.SetGrowthLimit(growth_limit + set.PlannedIncrease());
// Returns true if a set should increase its used size according to the steps in
//; false otherwise.
static bool IsContributionAppliedToSet(
const NGGridSet& set,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) {
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
return set.TrackSize().HasIntrinsicMinTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
return set.TrackSize().HasMinOrMaxContentMinTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums:
// TODO(ethavar): Check if the grid container is being sized under a
// 'max-content' constraint to consider 'auto' min track sizing functions,
// see
return set.TrackSize().HasMaxContentMinTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
return set.TrackSize().HasIntrinsicMaxTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums:
return set.TrackSize().HasMaxContentOrAutoMaxTrackBreadth();
// Returns true if a set's used size should be consider to grow beyond its limit
// (see the "Distribute space beyond limits" section); otherwise, false.
// Note that we will deliberately return false in cases where we don't have a
// collection of tracks different than "all affected tracks".
static bool ShouldUsedSizeGrowBeyondLimit(
const NGGridSet& set,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) {
// This function assumes that we already determined that extra space
// distribution will be applied to the specified set.
DCHECK(IsContributionAppliedToSet(set, contribution_type));
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
return set.TrackSize().HasIntrinsicMaxTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums:
return set.TrackSize().HasMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth();
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums:
return false;
static bool IsDistributionForGrowthLimits(
GridItemContributionType contribution_type) {
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums:
return false;
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums:
return true;
enum class InfinitelyGrowableBehavior { kEnforce, kIgnore };
// We define growth potential = limit - affected size; for base sizes, the limit
// is its growth limit. For growth limits, the limit is infinity if it is marked
// as "infinitely growable", and equal to the growth limit otherwise.
static LayoutUnit GrowthPotentialForSet(
const NGGridSet& set,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type,
InfinitelyGrowableBehavior infinitely_growable_behavior =
InfinitelyGrowableBehavior::kEnforce) {
switch (contribution_type) {
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForContentBasedMinimums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMinimums: {
LayoutUnit growth_limit = set.GrowthLimit();
return (growth_limit == kIndefiniteSize) ? kIndefiniteSize
: growth_limit - set.BaseSize();
case GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMaximums:
case GridItemContributionType::kForMaxContentMaximums: {
if (infinitely_growable_behavior ==
InfinitelyGrowableBehavior::kEnforce &&
!set.IsInfinitelyGrowable()) {
// If the affected size was a growth limit and the track is not marked
// infinitely growable, then the item-incurred increase will be zero.
return LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit growth_limit = set.GrowthLimit();
LayoutUnit fit_content_limit = set.FitContentLimit();
DCHECK(growth_limit >= 0 || growth_limit == kIndefiniteSize);
DCHECK(fit_content_limit >= 0 || fit_content_limit == kIndefiniteSize);
// The max track sizing function of a 'fit-content' track is treated as
// 'max-content' until it reaches the limit specified as the 'fit-content'
// argument, after which it is treated as having a fixed sizing function
// of that argument (with a growth potential of zero).
if (fit_content_limit != kIndefiniteSize) {
LayoutUnit growth_potential = (growth_limit != kIndefiniteSize)
? fit_content_limit - growth_limit
: fit_content_limit;
return growth_potential.ClampNegativeToZero();
// Otherwise, this set has infinite growth potential.
return kIndefiniteSize;
} // namespace
// Follow the definitions from;
// notice that this method replaces the notion of "tracks" with "sets".
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::DistributeExtraSpaceToSets(
LayoutUnit extra_space,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type,
NGGridSetVector* sets_to_grow,
NGGridSetVector* sets_to_grow_beyond_limit) {
DCHECK(sets_to_grow && extra_space >= 0);
if (!extra_space)
if (IsDistributionForGrowthLimits(contribution_type))
DCHECK_EQ(sets_to_grow, sets_to_grow_beyond_limit);
wtf_size_t total_track_count = 0;
for (NGGridSet* set : *sets_to_grow) {
// From the first note in
// - If the affected size was a growth limit and the track is not marked
// "infinitely growable", then each item-incurred increase will be zero.
// When distributing space to growth limits, we need to increase each track
// up to its 'fit-content' limit. However, because of the note above, first
// we should only grow tracks marked as "infinitely growable" up to limits
// and then grow all affected tracks beyond limits.
// We can correctly resolve every scenario by doing a single sort of
// |sets_to_grow|, purposely ignoring the "infinitely growable" flag, then
// filtering out which sets count toward the total track count at each step;
// for base sizes this is not required, but if there are no tracks with
// growth potential > 0, we can optimize by not sorting the sets.
LayoutUnit growth_potential =
GrowthPotentialForSet(*set, contribution_type);
DCHECK(growth_potential >= 0 || growth_potential == kIndefiniteSize);
if (growth_potential)
total_track_count += set->TrackCount();
// We will sort the tracks by growth potential in non-decreasing order to
// distribute space up to limits; notice that if we start distributing space
// equally among all tracks we will eventually reach the limit of a track or
// run out of space to distribute. If the former scenario happens, it should
// be easy to see that the group of tracks that will reach its limit first
// will be that with the least growth potential. Otherwise, if tracks in such
// group does not reach their limit, every upcoming track with greater growth
// potential must be able to increase its size by the same amount.
if (total_track_count || IsDistributionForGrowthLimits(contribution_type)) {
auto CompareSetsByGrowthPotential = [contribution_type](NGGridSet* set_a,
NGGridSet* set_b) {
LayoutUnit growth_potential_a = GrowthPotentialForSet(
*set_a, contribution_type, InfinitelyGrowableBehavior::kIgnore);
LayoutUnit growth_potential_b = GrowthPotentialForSet(
*set_b, contribution_type, InfinitelyGrowableBehavior::kIgnore);
if (growth_potential_a == kIndefiniteSize ||
growth_potential_b == kIndefiniteSize) {
// At this point we know that there is at least one set with infinite
// growth potential; if |set_a| has a definite value, then |set_b| must
// have infinite growth potential, and thus, |set_a| < |set_b|.
return growth_potential_a != kIndefiniteSize;
// Straightforward comparison of definite growth potentials.
return growth_potential_a < growth_potential_b;
std::sort(sets_to_grow->begin(), sets_to_grow->end(),
auto ClampSize = [](LayoutUnit& size, LayoutUnit limit) {
size = (limit != kIndefiniteSize) ? std::min(size, limit) : size;
// Distribute space up to limits:
// - For base sizes, grow the base size up to the growth limit.
// - For growth limits, the only case where a growth limit should grow at
// this step is when the set has already been marked "infinitely growable".
// Increase the growth limit up to the 'fit-content' argument (if any); note
// that these arguments could prevent this step to fulfill the entirety of
// the extra space and further distribution would be needed.
if (total_track_count) {
for (NGGridSet* set : *sets_to_grow) {
LayoutUnit growth_potential =
GrowthPotentialForSet(*set, contribution_type);
if (growth_potential) {
wtf_size_t set_track_count = set->TrackCount();
LayoutUnit extra_space_share =
(extra_space * set_track_count) / total_track_count;
DCHECK_GE(extra_space_share, 0);
ClampSize(extra_space_share, growth_potential);
total_track_count -= set_track_count;
extra_space -= extra_space_share;
DCHECK_GE(total_track_count, 0u);
DCHECK_GE(extra_space, 0);
// Distribute space beyond limits:
// - For base sizes, every affected track can grow indefinitely.
// - For growth limits, grow tracks up to their 'fit-content' argument.
if (sets_to_grow_beyond_limit && extra_space) {
total_track_count = 0;
for (NGGridSet* set : *sets_to_grow_beyond_limit)
total_track_count += set->TrackCount();
for (NGGridSet* set : *sets_to_grow_beyond_limit) {
wtf_size_t set_track_count = set->TrackCount();
LayoutUnit extra_space_share =
(extra_space * set_track_count) / total_track_count;
DCHECK_GE(extra_space_share, 0);
// Ignore the "infinitely growable" flag and grow all affected tracks.
if (IsDistributionForGrowthLimits(contribution_type)) {
LayoutUnit growth_potential = GrowthPotentialForSet(
*set, contribution_type, InfinitelyGrowableBehavior::kIgnore);
ClampSize(extra_space_share, growth_potential);
set->SetItemIncurredIncrease(set->ItemIncurredIncrease() +
total_track_count -= set_track_count;
extra_space -= extra_space_share;
DCHECK_GE(total_track_count, 0u);
DCHECK_GE(extra_space, 0);
// For each affected track, if the track's item-incurred increase is larger
// than its planned increase, set the planned increase to that value.
for (NGGridSet* set : *sets_to_grow) {
std::max(set->ItemIncurredIncrease(), set->PlannedIncrease()));
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::IncreaseTrackSizesToAccommodateGridItems(
ReorderedGridItems::Iterator group_begin,
ReorderedGridItems::Iterator group_end,
GridItemContributionType contribution_type,
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection* track_collection) const {
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction =
for (auto set_iterator = track_collection->GetSetIterator();
!set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
NGGridSetVector sets_to_grow;
NGGridSetVector sets_to_grow_beyond_limit;
for (auto grid_item = group_begin; grid_item != group_end; ++grid_item) {
// We can skip this item if it doesn't span intrinsic tracks.
if (!grid_item->IsSpanningIntrinsicTrack(track_direction))
// TODO(ansollan): If the grid is auto-sized and has a calc or percent row
// gap, then the gap can't be calculated on the first pass as we wouldn't
// know our block size.
LayoutUnit spanned_tracks_size =
GridGap(track_direction) * (grid_item->SpanSize(track_direction) - 1);
for (auto set_iterator =
GetSetIteratorForItem(*grid_item, *track_collection);
!set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
NGGridSet& current_set = set_iterator.CurrentSet();
spanned_tracks_size +=
AffectedSizeForContribution(current_set, contribution_type);
if (IsContributionAppliedToSet(current_set, contribution_type)) {
if (ShouldUsedSizeGrowBeyondLimit(current_set, contribution_type))
if (sets_to_grow.IsEmpty())
// Subtract the corresponding size (base size or growth limit) of every
// spanned track from the grid item's size contribution to find the item's
// remaining size contribution. For infinite growth limits, substitute with
// the track's base size. This is the space to distribute, floor it at zero.
LayoutUnit extra_space = ContributionSizeForGridItem(
*grid_item, track_direction, contribution_type);
extra_space -= spanned_tracks_size;
extra_space.ClampNegativeToZero(), contribution_type, &sets_to_grow,
sets_to_grow_beyond_limit.IsEmpty() ? &sets_to_grow
: &sets_to_grow_beyond_limit);
for (auto set_iterator = track_collection->GetSetIterator();
!set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ResolveIntrinsicTrackSizes(
NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection* track_collection,
Vector<GridItemData>* grid_items,
Vector<wtf_size_t>* reordered_item_indices) const {
DCHECK(grid_items && track_collection && reordered_item_indices);
const GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction =
// Reorder grid items to process them as follows:
// - First, consider items spanning a single non-flexible track.
// - Next, consider items with span size of 2 not spanning a flexible track.
// - Repeat incrementally for items with greater span sizes until all items
// not spanning a flexible track have been considered.
// - Finally, consider all items spanning a flexible track.
auto CompareGridItemsForIntrinsicTrackResolution =
[grid_items, track_direction](wtf_size_t index_a,
wtf_size_t index_b) -> bool {
if (grid_items->at(index_a).IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(track_direction) ||
grid_items->at(index_b).IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(track_direction)) {
// Ignore span sizes if one of the items spans a track with a flexible
// sizing function; items not spanning such tracks should come first.
return !grid_items->at(index_a).IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(track_direction);
return grid_items->at(index_a).SpanSize(track_direction) <
std::sort(reordered_item_indices->begin(), reordered_item_indices->end(),
// First, process the items that don't span a flexible track.
ReorderedGridItems reordered_items =
ReorderedGridItems(*reordered_item_indices, *grid_items);
ReorderedGridItems::Iterator current_group_begin = reordered_items.begin();
while (current_group_begin != reordered_items.end() &&
!current_group_begin->IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(track_direction)) {
// Each iteration considers all items with the same span size.
wtf_size_t current_group_span_size =
ReorderedGridItems::Iterator current_group_end = current_group_begin;
do {
} while (current_group_end != reordered_items.end() &&
!current_group_end->IsSpanningFlexibleTrack(track_direction) &&
current_group_end->SpanSize(track_direction) ==
current_group_begin, current_group_end,
GridItemContributionType::kForIntrinsicMinimums, track_collection);
// TODO(ethavar): Add remaining stages, mark infinitely growable sets...
current_group_begin = current_group_end;
// TODO(ethavar):
// Repeat the previous step instead considering (together, rather than grouped
// by span) all items that do span a track with a flexible sizing function.
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::PlaceItems(
const Vector<GridItemData>& grid_items,
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& column_track_collection,
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& row_track_collection,
Vector<GridItemData>* out_of_flow_items,
LayoutUnit* intrinsic_block_size,
LayoutUnit* block_size) {
LayoutUnit column_grid_gap =
GridGap(kForColumns, ChildAvailableSize().inline_size);
LayoutUnit row_grid_gap = GridGap(kForRows, ChildAvailableSize().block_size);
Vector<LayoutUnit> column_set_offsets =
ComputeSetOffsets(column_track_collection, column_grid_gap);
Vector<LayoutUnit> row_set_offsets =
ComputeSetOffsets(row_track_collection, row_grid_gap);
// Intrinsic block size is based on the final row offset.
// Because gaps are included in row offsets, subtract out the final gap.
*intrinsic_block_size =
row_set_offsets.back() -
(row_set_offsets.size() == 1 ? LayoutUnit() : row_grid_gap) +
*intrinsic_block_size =
ClampIntrinsicBlockSize(ConstraintSpace(), Node(),
BorderScrollbarPadding(), *intrinsic_block_size);
*block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
ConstraintSpace(), Style(), BorderPadding(), *intrinsic_block_size,
// If the row gap is percent or calc, it should be computed now that the
// intrinsic size is known. However, the gap should not be added to the
// intrinsic block size.
const bool is_row_gap_unresolvable =
Style().RowGap() && Style().RowGap()->IsPercentOrCalc() &&
ChildAvailableSize().block_size == kIndefiniteSize;
if (is_row_gap_unresolvable) {
const LayoutUnit resolved_available_block_size =
(*block_size - BorderScrollbarPadding().BlockSum())
row_grid_gap = GridGap(kForRows, resolved_available_block_size);
row_set_offsets = ComputeSetOffsets(row_track_collection, row_grid_gap);
PlaceGridItems(grid_items, column_set_offsets, row_set_offsets, *block_size,
column_grid_gap, row_grid_gap);
PlaceOutOfFlowItems(column_set_offsets, row_set_offsets,
column_track_collection, row_track_collection,
*block_size, column_grid_gap, row_grid_gap,
LayoutUnit NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::GridGap(
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction,
LayoutUnit available_size) const {
const base::Optional<Length>& gap =
track_direction == kForColumns ? Style().ColumnGap() : Style().RowGap();
if (!gap)
return LayoutUnit();
// TODO(ansollan): Update behavior based on outcome of working group
// discussions. See
if (available_size == kIndefiniteSize)
available_size = LayoutUnit();
return MinimumValueForLength(*gap, available_size);
Vector<LayoutUnit> NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeSetOffsets(
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& track_collection,
LayoutUnit grid_gap) const {
LayoutUnit set_offset = track_collection.IsForColumns()
? BorderScrollbarPadding().inline_start
: BorderScrollbarPadding().block_start;
Vector<LayoutUnit> set_offsets = {set_offset};
set_offsets.ReserveCapacity(track_collection.SetCount() + 1);
for (auto set_iterator = track_collection.GetSetIterator();
!set_iterator.IsAtEnd(); set_iterator.MoveToNextSet()) {
const auto& set = set_iterator.CurrentSet();
set_offset += set.BaseSize() + set.TrackCount() * grid_gap;
return set_offsets;
namespace {
// Returns the alignment offset for either the inline or block direction.
LayoutUnit AlignmentOffset(LayoutUnit container_size,
LayoutUnit size,
LayoutUnit margin_start,
LayoutUnit margin_end,
AxisEdge axis_edge) {
switch (axis_edge) {
case AxisEdge::kStart:
return margin_start;
case AxisEdge::kCenter:
return (container_size - size + margin_start - margin_end) / 2;
case AxisEdge::kEnd:
return container_size - margin_end - size;
case AxisEdge::kBaseline:
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Implement baseline alignment.
return margin_start;
return LayoutUnit();
void AlignmentOffsetForOutOfFlow(
const AxisEdge inline_axis_edge,
const AxisEdge block_axis_edge,
const LogicalSize container_size,
NGLogicalStaticPosition::InlineEdge* inline_edge,
NGLogicalStaticPosition::BlockEdge* block_edge,
LogicalOffset* offset) {
using InlineEdge = NGLogicalStaticPosition::InlineEdge;
using BlockEdge = NGLogicalStaticPosition::BlockEdge;
switch (inline_axis_edge) {
case AxisEdge::kStart:
*inline_edge = InlineEdge::kInlineStart;
case AxisEdge::kCenter:
*inline_edge = InlineEdge::kInlineCenter;
offset->inline_offset += container_size.inline_size / 2;
*inline_edge = InlineEdge::kInlineEnd;
offset->inline_offset += container_size.inline_size;
switch (block_axis_edge) {
case AxisEdge::kStart:
*block_edge = BlockEdge::kBlockStart;
case AxisEdge::kCenter:
*block_edge = BlockEdge::kBlockCenter;
offset->block_offset += container_size.block_size / 2;
*block_edge = BlockEdge::kBlockEnd;
offset->block_offset += container_size.block_size;
} // namespace
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::PlaceGridItems(
const Vector<GridItemData>& grid_items,
const Vector<LayoutUnit>& column_set_offsets,
const Vector<LayoutUnit>& row_set_offsets,
LayoutUnit block_size,
LayoutUnit column_grid_gap,
LayoutUnit row_grid_gap) {
for (const GridItemData& grid_item : grid_items) {
LogicalOffset offset;
LogicalSize size;
ComputeOffsetAndSize(grid_item, column_set_offsets, column_grid_gap,
&offset.inline_offset, &size.inline_size);
ComputeOffsetAndSize(grid_item, row_set_offsets, row_grid_gap,
&offset.block_offset, &size.block_size, kForRows,
const auto& item_style = grid_item.node.Style();
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder builder(ConstraintSpace(),
/* is_new_fc */ true);
SetOrthogonalFallbackInlineSizeIfNeeded(Style(), grid_item.node, &builder);
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> result =
const auto& physical_fragment = result->PhysicalFragment();
// Apply the grid-item's alignment (if any).
NGFragment fragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingDirection(),
offset +=
LogicalOffset(AlignmentOffset(size.inline_size, fragment.InlineSize(),
AlignmentOffset(size.block_size, fragment.BlockSize(),
container_builder_.AddChild(physical_fragment, offset);
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::PlaceOutOfFlowItems(
const Vector<LayoutUnit>& column_set_offsets,
const Vector<LayoutUnit>& row_set_offsets,
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& column_track_collection,
const NGGridLayoutAlgorithmTrackCollection& row_track_collection,
LayoutUnit block_size,
LayoutUnit column_grid_gap,
LayoutUnit row_grid_gap,
Vector<GridItemData>* out_of_flow_items) {
// Cache set indices for out of flow items.
CacheItemSetIndices(column_track_collection, out_of_flow_items);
CacheItemSetIndices(row_track_collection, out_of_flow_items);
for (const GridItemData& out_of_flow_item : *out_of_flow_items) {
LogicalRect containing_block_rect;
ComputeOffsetAndSize(out_of_flow_item, column_set_offsets, column_grid_gap,
ComputeOffsetAndSize(out_of_flow_item, row_set_offsets, row_grid_gap,
&containing_block_rect.size.block_size, kForRows,
NGLogicalStaticPosition::InlineEdge inline_edge;
NGLogicalStaticPosition::BlockEdge block_edge;
LogicalOffset child_offset = containing_block_rect.offset;
containing_block_rect.size, &inline_edge,
&block_edge, &child_offset);
out_of_flow_item.node, child_offset, inline_edge, block_edge,
/* needs_block_offset_adjustment */ false, containing_block_rect);
void NGGridLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeOffsetAndSize(
const GridItemData& item,
const Vector<LayoutUnit>& set_offsets,
LayoutUnit grid_gap,
LayoutUnit* start_offset,
LayoutUnit* size,
GridTrackSizingDirection track_direction,
LayoutUnit block_size) const {
wtf_size_t start_index, end_index;
LayoutUnit border;
// The default padding box value of the |size| will only be used in out of
// flow items in which both the start line and end line are defined as 'auto'.
if (track_direction == kForColumns) {
start_index = item.columns_begin_set_index;
end_index = item.columns_end_set_index;
border = container_builder_.Borders().inline_start;
*size =
border_box_size_.inline_size - container_builder_.Borders().InlineSum();
} else {
start_index = item.rows_begin_set_index;
end_index = item.rows_end_set_index;
border = container_builder_.Borders().block_start;
*size = border_box_size_.block_size == kIndefiniteSize
? block_size
: border_box_size_.block_size;
*size -= container_builder_.Borders().BlockSum();
*start_offset = border;
LayoutUnit end_offset = border;
// If the start line is defined, the size is calculated by subtracting the
// offset at start index. Additionally, the start border is removed from the
// cumulated offset because it was already accounted for in the previous value
// of the size.
if (start_index != kNotFound) {
*start_offset = set_offsets[start_index];
*size -= (*start_offset - end_offset);
// If the end line is defined, the offset (which can be the offset at the
// start index or the start border) and the added grid gap after the spanned
// tracks are subtracted from the offset at the end index.
if (end_index != kNotFound) {
end_offset = set_offsets[end_index];
*size = end_offset - *start_offset - grid_gap;
if (start_index != kNotFound && end_index != kNotFound) {
DCHECK_LT(start_index, end_index);
DCHECK_LT(end_index, set_offsets.size());
DCHECK_GE(*size, 0);
} else {
// Only out of flow items can have an undefined ('auto') value for the start
// and/or end indices.
DCHECK_EQ(item.item_type, ItemType::kOutOfFlow);
} // namespace blink