blob: 565ddc0abdcff0c982b0be9a70aa2b41e91fccb3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Browser histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Browser.BitmapFetcher.Decode" units="ms"
<summary>The time elapsed decoding an image using BitmapFetcher.</summary>
<histogram name="Browser.BitmapFetcher.Fetch" units="ms"
The time elapsed fetching an image from a URL using BitmapFetcher.
<histogram name="Browser.ChromeOS.HatsStatus" enum="HatsStatus"
Records the stage up to which the user interacted with the HaTS Chrome OS
survey. This is needed in addition to the Hats metrics data since Chrome OS
relies on client side logic to roll the dice for device selection. This is
recorded when the Hats pipeline ends processing, which is usually when the
controller is destroyed.
<histogram name="Browser.DarkModeStatus" enum="DarkModeStatus"
Whether the user's system is in dark mode, light mode, or if this choice is
unavailable due to lack of system support. Updated every UMA upload.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Capture.CompressedOnDiskSize" units="KB"
Records the size of a compressed on-disk capture for the paint preview after
a proto is written to disk if compressed.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Capture.NumberOfFramesCaptured"
units="units" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Records the number of frames captured by a paint preview if it succeeded.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Capture.Success" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records a boolean indicating whether a capture attempt was successful.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Capture.TotalCaptureDuration" units="ms"
Records the total time spent capturing a paint preview of a page. This
includes capture and serialization of all frames and IPC time.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Capture.UncompressedOnDiskSize"
units="KB" expires_after="2021-03-08">
Records the size of an uncompressed on-disk capture for the paint preview
after a proto is written to disk if not compressed.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.CaptureExperiment.CompressedOnDiskSize"
units="KB" expires_after="2020-12-20">
Obsoleted on 2020-11-17 as corresponding experiment code was removed and the
experiment wrapped up.
Records the compressed on-disk size of the capture if it succeeded for the
capture experiment.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.CaptureExperiment.Success"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2020-12-20">
Obsoleted on 2020-11-17 as corresponding experiment code was removed and the
experiment wrapped up.
Records the ratio of success to failure for the Paint Preview capture
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Player.CompositorProcessStartedCorrectly"
units="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-08">
Records if the paint preview compositor process started correctly.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Player.CompositorProcessStartupTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-02">
Records the time it took to start the paint preview compositor process.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Player.LinkClicked"
units="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>Records when a link is clicked in the paint preview player.</summary>
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.Player.TimeToFirstBitmap" units="ms"
Records the time taken to from the request to start the compositor process
to the first bitmap being loaded.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.CompositorFailureReason"
enum="TabbedPaintPreviewCompositorFailureReason" expires_after="2021-06-27">
Records the the reason for exiting the compositor process for the
TabbedPaintPreviewPlayer. Recorded when the compositor returns an error or
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.ExitCause"
enum="TabbedPaintPreviewExitCause" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records the the reason for exiting TabbedPaintPreviewPlayer. Recorded when
paint preview is removed.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.FirstPaintBeforeTabLoad"
units="Boolean" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records whether paint preview was drawn before the tab finished loading.
Recorded when tab has finished loading.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.HadCapture" units="Boolean"
Records whether a paint preview exists. Recorded when attempting to show a
preview on startup. This in conjuction with CompositorFailureReason gives
the total number of failures to show a paint preview.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.SnackbarCount" units="units"
Records the number of times that the upgrade snackbar was shown in a session
of TabbedPaintPreviewPlayer. Recorded when paint preview is removed.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.TimeToFirstBitmap"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-27">
Records the time taken to from actvity creation to the first bitmap being
shown. Recorded on first paint preview paint event.
<histogram base="true" name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.UpTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-18">
Records the length of the time that a session of TabbedPaintPreviewPlayer
lasts. Recorded when paint preview is removed.
<histogram name="Browser.PaintPreview.TabService.DiskUsageAtStartup" units="KB"
Records the total disk usage by the Paint Preview Tab Service at startup of
the profile keyed service.
<histogram name="Browser.Responsiveness.IOJanksTotalPerMinute" units="janks"
Similar to Browser.Responsiveness.IOJankyIntervalsPerMinute but sums janky
events across all foreground threads over the monitored minute rather than
considering each interval a boolean. This aims to cover a blind spot of
IOJankyIntervalsPerMinute as it cannot see an improvement where we unblock
19/20 threads performing I/O. Not reported across system sleep. More details
<histogram name="Browser.Responsiveness.IOJankyIntervalsPerMinute"
units="janks" expires_after="2021-06-06">
This metric is emitted every minute. It reports a number between 0 and 60
which corresponds to the number of 1 second intervals during the monitored
minute to which a stalled foreground thread
ScopedBlockingCall(BlockingType::MAY_BLOCK) was attributed. A stalled call
is first attributed to the interval in which it began, and is attributed to
a number of intervals equal to the length of the call, rounded to the
nearest second. (Before, the length was truncated
rather than rounded.) This aims to capture moments where the main thread is
responsive but the application is not (because things aren't loading). Not
reported across system sleep. More details @
<histogram name="Browser.Responsiveness.JankyIntervalsPerThirtySeconds"
units="janks" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
This metric is emitted every 30 seconds [when there is user activity]. Each
30 second duration is divided into 100ms intervals. This metric counts the
number of these intervals that were &quot;janky&quot;. See
for more details.
On desktop platforms, this metric measures native events, as well as tasks
posted to the UI and IO threads of the browser process. On Android, this
metric only measures tasks posted to the UI and IO threads.
Update (October 27th 2019): The responsiveness::Watcher emitting this metric
previously started observation before the main message loop was running,
this resulted in the 99th percentile being mostly comprised of slow startups
(before the message loop gets to run). This was fixed and a fake-improvement
in the high percentiles is expected when the fix goes live.
Update (M82 March 2020): Stopped recording background intervals on Android.
Due to a bug, this metric does not measure long queueing time as jankiness.
It only measures jankiness as individual tasks taking a long time to run.
Given that it's a long-standing bug, this metric will not be modified. We
are testing a new metric
Browser.Responsiveness.JankyIntervalsPerThirtySeconds2 that correctly
accounts for queueing time. See!topic/chrome-scheduler/X32gKl6fW2A
for more details.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="Browser.Responsiveness.JankyIntervalsPerThirtySeconds2"
units="janks" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
This metric is emitted every 30 seconds after main message loop start, when
there is user activity. Each 30 second duration is divided into 100ms
intervals. This metric counts the number of these intervals that were
&quot;janky&quot;. An interval is janky if during it the UI or IO thread
executes an &quot;important&quot; task that was queued more than 100 ms ago,
or a non-important task or a native event handler that started executing
more than 100 ms ago. See
for more details.
Update (M82 March 2020): Stopped recording background intervals on Android.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram base="true" name="Browser.Tabs.InputEventToSelectionTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2019-08-31">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="TabSwitchInputLatency" -->
The time between input event timestamp for tab switch and when the
TabStripModel begins processing the switch.
<histogram name="Browser.Tabs.SelectionToVisibilityRequestTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2021-06-13">
The time it takes for the browser to request a tab to be visible. Note that
this only measures the time from the browser deciding to make the tab
visible (after a click, or keyboard-shortcut to switch tabs), until the tab
is requested to become visible. The time it takes to actually make the tab
visible and show on screen is measured in a separate metric, in
<histogram base="true" name="Browser.Tabs.TabSwitchResult"
enum="TabSwitchResult" expires_after="2021-07-11">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="TabSwitchingType" -->
<summary>Whether a frame was presented after a tab switch event.</summary>
<histogram base="true" name="Browser.Tabs.TotalIncompleteSwitchDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-25">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="TabSwitchingType" -->
The time between a tab switch input event timestamp and when the tab is
hidden, if no frame is presented in the meantime.
<histogram base="true" name="Browser.Tabs.TotalSwitchDuration" units="ms"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="TabSwitchingType" -->
The time between the input event timestamp and the frame presentation time
on a tab switch.
<histogram name="Browser.WindowCount.Guest" units="units"
Number of open guest windows at the same time. Recorded when a new guest
window is created. Please note that this metric double counts the lower
numbers, meaning that if user opens three windows (without closing any in
between), then buckets 1, 2, and 3 will all be incremented in turn.
<histogram name="Browser.WindowCount.Incognito" units="units"
Number of open incognito windows at the same time. Recorded when a new
incognito window is created. Please note that this metric double counts the
lower numbers, meaning that if user opens three windows (without closing any
in between), then buckets 1, 2, and 3 will all be incremented in turn.
<histogram name="BrowserDialogs.ExternalProtocol.HandleState"
enum="HandleStateType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Whether or not the user checked the option in the external protocol dialog
to remember their choice of opening or not opening the specified app.
Recorded each time the user interacts with the External Protocol Dialog,
when making a decision.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.BackgroundTime" units="ms"
Record the time spent in the background after RenderProcessHost
initialization of the process. Recorded when the RenderProcessHost for the
process is destroyed.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildCodeIntegrityFailures"
enum="RendererType" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: For monitoring stability regressions. -->
Count of renderer process terminations due to a code integrity failure,
grouped by type. This is only reported on Windows.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildCrashes" enum="RendererType"
<summary>Count of renderer process crashes grouped by type.</summary>
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildKills" enum="RendererType"
<summary>Count of renderer process kills grouped by type.</summary>
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildKills.OOM" enum="RendererType"
Out of BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildKills, numer of kills due to SIGKILL,
which is a strong signal of out of memory on Chrome OS, grouped by renderer
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildLaunchFailureCodes"
enum="LaunchErrorCodes" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: For monitoring stability regressions. -->
The launch error codes for failed renderer process launches.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.ChildLaunchFailures"
enum="RendererType" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: For monitoring stability regressions. -->
<summary>Count of renderer process launch failures grouped by type.</summary>
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.DisconnectedAlive"
enum="RendererType" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: For monitoring stability regressions. -->
Count of renderer process crashes that we miscounted because we took the
exit code too early. Grouped by type.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.FramePrioritiesSeen"
enum="FramePrioritiesSeen" expires_after="2021-06-13">
Determines what combination of low and normal priority frames were attached
to a render process during its lifetime. Recorded when the host for the
render process is destroyed.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.InvisibleMediaStreamFrameDepth"
units="frame_depth" expires_after="M72">
Recorded at most once per renderer process when it first becomes invisible
and has media stream. Record the frame depth of the process. Note this
metric is only meaningful when some form of OOPIF is enabled; otherwise
frame depth is always 0.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.SpareProcessMaybeTakeAction"
enum="SpareProcessMaybeTakeAction" expires_after="2021-06-27">
Records what happens when an attempt is made to use a spare
RenderProcessHost - logs that either the attempt succeeded or why it failed.
<histogram name="BrowserRenderProcessHost.TotalTime" units="ms"
Record the lifetime of the RenderProcessHost after initialization of the
process. Recorded when the RenderProcessHost for the process is destroyed.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.BrowsableIntentCheck" units="ms"
Triggered when we check whether a Trusted Web Activity client app can handle
Browsable Intents. It measures how long consulting the Android
PackageManager takes.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.ClientAppDataLoad" units="ms"
Triggered when any Android app is uninstalled or has its data cleared. This
measures how long it takes to read data from Preferences to determine
whether we need to act.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.ServiceTabResolveInfoQuery" units="ms"
Triggered when an Android background service attempts to create a Tab. We
time how long the Android package manager queryIntentActivities call takes.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.TwaOpenTime.V2" units="ms" expires_after="M92">
Triggered when a TrustedWebActivity is paused, recording the time since it
had been resumed.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.VerificationResult"
enum="BrowserServicesVerificationResult" expires_after="M92">
The result of Digital Asset Link verification performed when starting a
Trusted Web Activity.
<histogram name="BrowserServices.VerificationTime.Offline" units="ms"
Triggered when Trusted Web Activity verification completes. Records how long
it takes the device to realise it is offline and fall back to the cached
<histogram name="BrowserServices.VerificationTime.Online" units="ms"
Triggered when Trusted Web Activity verification completes. Records how long
verification took when online.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.AlternativeBrowser" enum="BrowserType"
Records which browser the Legacy Browser Support feature is configured to
open (which defaults to IE). Recorded on browser startup, and when the value
changes. Only measured when Legacy Browser Support is enabled via the
BrowserSwitcher* policies. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.CacheFile.MkDirSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether the &quot;AppData/Local/Google/BrowserSwitcher&quot;
directory was successfully created. Windows only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.CacheFile.MkTempSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether a temp file in
&quot;AppData/Local/Google/BrowserSwitcher&quot; the directory was
successfully created. Windows only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.CacheFile.MoveSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether the temp file in
&quot;AppData/Local/Google/BrowserSwitcher&quot; directory was successfully
moved to its final destination (&quot;cache.dat&quot;) after writing its
contents. Windows only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.Decision" enum="BooleanBrowserSwitch"
On navigation and redirect, whether to switch browsers or not. Only measured
when Legacy Browser Support is enabled via the BrowserSwitcher* policies.
When this is true, Chrome attempts to launch an alternative browser
(typically IE) with the navigation URL. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.DecisionTime" units="ms"
On navigation and redirect, records how long it took to compute a decision
(stay in Chrome/open in IE). Only measured when Legacy Browser Support is
enabled via the BrowserSwitcher* policies. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.ExternalGreylistSize" units="rules"
Number of rules that come from an external greylist XML file. Measured when
the sitelist is loaded during browser startup. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.ExternalSitelistSize" units="rules"
Number of rules that come from an external sitelist XML file. Measured when
the sitelist is loaded during browser startup. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.GreylistSize" units="rules"
Number of rules in the BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist policy. Measured when the
policy is loaded. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.GreylistWildcard" enum="BooleanPresent"
Whether there is a wildcard (&quot;*&quot;) rule in the
BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist policy. Measured when the
BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist policy gets updated. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.IeemSitelistSize" units="rules"
Number of rules that come from Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode's sitelist.
Measured when the sitelist is loaded during browser startup. Windows only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.LaunchSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether an attempt to launch an alternate browser failed or
succeeded. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.LaunchTime" units="ms"
Records how long it took to launch an alternate browser (regardless of
whether it failed or succeeded). Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.UrlListSize" units="rules"
Number of rules in the BrowserSwitcherUrlList policy. Measured when the
policy gets updated. Desktop Chrome only.
<histogram name="BrowserSwitcher.UrlListWildcard" enum="BooleanPresent"
Whether there is a wildcard (&quot;*&quot;) rule in the
BrowserSwitcherUrlList policy. Measured when the BrowserSwitcherUrlList
policy gets updated. Desktop Chrome only.