blob: 6e85f703ed0f0c2b2af84d98ac05020f9fb6de7e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Input histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ActiveCount" units="units"
The number of active input methods. Recorded when the user logs in to Chrome
OS or each cold start of Chrome on Android. The active input methods are
selected by user in the language settings page on Chrome OS and in system
language settings on Android.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Actions"
enum="IMEAutocorrectActions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The actions taken by assistive autocorrect, such as underlining a word.
Recorded after an action is performed.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Count"
enum="IMETextInputClient" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Tracks when assistive autocorrect is performed by a text input client.
Recorded when autocorrect is triggered by users with the feature enabled
using a text input client that's being tracked.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Delay" units="ms"
Tracks time between when autocorrect occurs and user clicks to undo the
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Coverage" enum="IMEAssistiveAction"
The number of times each assistive action is triggered. Recorded when
assistive actions are triggered.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Disabled" enum="IMEAssistiveAction"
The number of times each assistive action could be triggered according to
the surrounding text but was not triggered because the user turned off the
feature. Recorded when the surrounding text could trigger assistive actions
but the corresponding feature was disabled.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Disabled.Emoji"
enum="IMEAssistiveDisabledReason" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The reason for emoji suggestions not being shown to users. Recorded when the
surrounding text could trigger emoji suggestions but the feature was
disabled. Only the first applicable reason in IMEAssistiveDisabledReason
enum is recorded per occurrence.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Disabled.PersonalInfo"
enum="IMEAssistiveDisabledReason" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The reason for personal information suggestions not being shown to users.
Recorded when the surrounding text could trigger personal information
suggestions but the feature was disabled. Only the first applicable reason
in IMEAssistiveDisabledReason enum is recorded per occurrence.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.EmojiSuggestAddition.AcceptanceIndex"
units="times" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The number of times an emoji suggest addition is accepted at a given index.
Recorded when an user accepts an emoji suggestion appeared after typing an
emoji-triggered word.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.InsufficientData"
enum="IMEAssistiveAction" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The number of times each assistive action could be triggered but there is
insufficient data to generate the suggestion. Recorded when we failed to
generate suggestions because of insufficient data.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Match" enum="IMEAssistiveAction"
The number of times each assistive action could be triggered according to
the surrounding text. This includes cases in InputMethod.Assistive.Coverage,
and also includes cases when the feature is turned off or there is
insufficient data. Recorded when the surrounding text could trigger
assistive actions.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.NotAllowed" enum="IMEAssistiveAction"
The number of times each assistive action could be triggered but is blocked
because the text is not in the allowed websites or apps. Recorded when the
assistive action is blocked because the text is not in the allowed websites
or apps.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.Success" enum="IMEAssistiveAction"
The number of times each assistive action is accepted. Recorded when
assistive actions are accepted by the users.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.TimeToAccept.Emoji" units="ms"
The duration from when emoji suggestions show up to when users accept a
suggestion. Recorded when users accept the suggestion.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.TimeToAccept.PersonalInfo" units="ms"
The duration from when personal info suggestions show up to when users
accept a suggestion. Recorded when users accept the suggestion.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.TimeToDismiss.Emoji" units="ms"
The duration from when emoji suggestions show up to when users dismiss a
suggestion. Recorded when users dismiss the suggestion.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.TimeToDismiss.PersonalInfo" units="ms"
The duration from when personal info suggestions show up to when users
dismiss a suggestion. Recorded when users dismiss the suggestion.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.UserPref.Emoji" enum="BooleanEnabled"
The user's preference for emoji suggestions. Recorded when
AssistiveSuggester is initialised. &quot;Enabled&quot; is logged as the
default value if the user didn't explicitly set it.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Assistive.UserPref.PersonalInfo"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-23">
The user's preference for personal information suggestions. Recorded when
AssistiveSuggester is initialised. &quot;Enabled&quot; is logged as the
default value if the user didn't explicitly set it.
<histogram name="InputMethod.AutoCorrectLevel" enum="IMECorrectionLevel"
<summary>The auto-correction level for suggestion engine.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.Category" enum="InputMethodCategory"
The breakdown of input method usage by input method category. Recorded when
the system changes the current input method.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Commit.Index" units="units"
The suggestion index (1-based) of the suggestion list item which user
chooses to commit.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Commit.Type2" enum="IMECommitType2"
The suggestion accuracy type which the user chooses to commit.
<histogram name="InputMethod.CommitLength" units="characters"
<summary>The number of characters committed with composition text.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.CompositionWithImm32BasedIme" enum="Boolean"
Whether the composition is composed by IMM32-based input method processor
when TSF is disabled on Windows. Recorded when user starts new composition.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.Actions" enum="ImeHandwritingActions"
Types of actions performed by the user during handwriting, recorded when the
user performs a gesture action.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.AlternateMultiToSingle" units="index"
The index of the selected suggestion from the handwriting alternative
suggestion menu. This metric is recorded when the handwriting text
highlighted is multiple words, and the selected suggestion is a single word.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.AlternateSelected" units="index"
The index of the selected suggestion from the handwriting alternative
suggestion menu. The metric is recorded when the suggestion is selected.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.AlternateSingleToMulti" units="index"
The index of the selected suggestion from the handwriting alternative
suggestion menu. This metric is recorded when the handwriting text
highlighted is a single word, and the selected suggestion is mutliple words.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.CharsEdited10s" units="chars"
Number of characters written in a 10 second interval, recorded every 10s
while the handwriting keyboard is active.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.CharsEdited5s" units="chars"
Number of characters written in a 5 second interval, recorded every 5s while
the handwriting keyboard is active.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Handwriting.CharsEdited60s" units="chars"
Number of characters written in a 60 second interval, recorded every 60s
while the handwriting keyboard is active.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ID2" enum="InputMethodID2" expires_after="M95">
Breakdown of input method usage by input method IDs. Recorded for an input
method ID when the system's 'active input method' is switched to the input
method with that ID. Note: In this context, 'input method ID' refers to the
'global' input method IDs, i.e. tuple of the extension ID the input method
belongs to and the extension-local ID of the input method.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ImeMenu.ActivationChanged"
enum="BooleanActivation" expires_after="M95">
Whether the opt-in IME menu in the shelf has been activated.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ImeMenu.EmojiHandwritingVoiceButton"
enum="ImeMenuButtonType" expires_after="M95">
The number of times users click emoji, handwriting or voice button in opt-in
IME menu.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ImeSwitch" enum="IMESwitchType"
<summary>The trigger type of input method switches by user.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.KeyEventLatency" units="ms"
<summary>Time taken by the engine to handle a key event.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.MatchesSystemLanguage" enum="BooleanMatched"
Whether the currently selected keyboard language matches the system
language. Recorded once with every cold start of Chrome for Android.
<histogram name="InputMethod.ModeChangeKeyAction" enum="ModeChangeKeyAction"
<summary>The result of the user pressing the mode change key.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.Mojo.Extension.ActivateIMELatency" units="ms"
Obsolete since Q4 2019. Officially deprecated Nov 2020. This was meant for
rule-based input methods via extension and IME service, but as at circa Q4
2019, rule-based input methods stopped going through the extension.
The time taken to activate a new IME via IME Mojo service in the IME
extension. It's from when the IME extension sends out an request to activate
a new IME until the new IME is resolved in the IME service and its Mojo
interface is bound to the IME extension.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Mojo.Extension.Event" enum="IMEExtensionMojoEvent"
<summary>The events of Mojo service in the IME Extension.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.Mojo.Extension.Rulebased.ProcessLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="2019-12-31">
Obsolete since Q4 2019. Officially deprecated Nov 2020. This was meant for
rule-based input methods via extension and IME service, but as at circa Q4
2019, rule-based input methods stopped going through the extension.
The time taken to process a rulebased request via the IME Mojo service
inside the IME extension.
<histogram name="InputMethod.Mojo.Extension.ServiceInitLatency" units="ms"
Obsolete since Q4 2019. Officially deprecated Nov 2020. This was meant for
rule-based input methods via extension and IME service, but as at circa Q4
2019, rule-based input methods stopped going through the extension.
The time taken to initialize the IME Mojo service in the IME extension. It's
from the IME extension starts loading a private Mojo bundle for making a
request to connect a IME service until the connection between the extension
and the IME Mojo service is built.
<histogram name="InputMethod.MultilingualExperiment.Autocorrect.Actions"
enum="IMEAutocorrectActions" expires_after="2021-06-30">
Same as InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Actions but only recorded for CrOS
1P experimental multilingual input methods.
<histogram name="InputMethod.MultilingualExperiment.Autocorrect.Count"
enum="IMETextInputClient" expires_after="2021-06-30">
Same as InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Count but only recorded for CrOS
1P experimental multilingual input methods.
<histogram name="InputMethod.MultilingualExperiment.Autocorrect.Delay"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-30">
Same as InputMethod.Assistive.Autocorrect.Delay but only recorded for CrOS
1P experimental multilingual input methods.
<histogram name="InputMethod.NextWordPrediction" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether next word prediction is enabled for a user. Recorded when a specific
language settings page is updated or when the input extension is activated.
<histogram name="InputMethod.PkCommit.Index" units="units"
The suggestion index (1-based) of the suggestion list item which user
chooses to commit for physical keyboard autocorrect.
<histogram name="InputMethod.PkCommit.Type" enum="IMECommitType2"
The suggestion accuracy type which the user chooses to commit for physical
keyboard autocorrect.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.BackspaceCount" units="units"
The number of times the backspace key was pressed on the virtual keyboard,
while the virtual keyboard was alive. Recorded when the virtual keyboard is
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.BackspaceOnLayout"
enum="IMEVKLayout" expires_after="M95">
The layout type of the virtual keyboard, recorded when backspace is pressed.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.BackwardsMovesPerSwipe"
units="moves" expires_after="M95">
Chrome OS histogram that counts the number of times the cursor was moved to
the previous word by swiping backwards on the selection track. The count is
initialized when the user starts swiping from any side of the virtual
keyboard, incremented based on how far they swipe backwards on the selection
track, and recorded when they release their finger.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.CharactersBetweenBackspaces"
units="units" expires_after="M95">
Counts the length of text typed by the virtual keyboard between each
backspace. This metric provides a rough approximation of an error rate for
the virtual keyboard.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.CharactersCommitted" units="units"
The total number of characters committed. Recorded when the virtual keyboard
is closed.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.CharactersPerMinute" units="units"
The character per minute ratio recoded during a typing session.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.CharactersPerSession"
units="units" expires_after="2021-07-06">
The total number of characters committed during a typing session.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.ContainerBehavior"
enum="VirtualKeyboardContainerType" expires_after="M95">
Chrome OS histogram that counts the number of times each virtual keyboard
display mode is used. Recorded when the virtual keyboard is opened or a user
changes the keyboard mode from UI in the virtual keyboard.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.DecoderEvent"
enum="InputMethodDecoderEvent" expires_after="2021-04-11">
Chrome OS histogram that counts events from the decoder triggered by the
virtual keyboard.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.Duration" units="seconds"
<summary>How long the virtual keyboard was visible.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.Emoji.TriggerType"
enum="VirtualKeyboardEmojiTriggerType" expires_after="M95">
<summary>How emojis were inserted.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.ErrorType"
enum="VirtualKeyboardErrorTypeHashes" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Errors from the virtual keyboard extension</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.FocusedByStylus" enum="Boolean"
Whether an input field was focused by a stylus or not. Recorded when an
input field is focused.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.GestureTypingEvent"
enum="IMEGestureTypingEvent" expires_after="M95">
<summary>Text input events related to gesture typing.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.Handwriting.CommitType"
enum="VirtualKeyboardHandwritingCommitType" expires_after="2021-07-01">
What kind of commit method was used when text was committed to an input from
the handwriting input method in the virtual keyboard.
enum="VirtualKeyboardContainerType" expires_after="2021-07-01">
What type of container was the virtual keyboard in when text was committed
from the handwriting input method.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.Handwriting.KeyboardWidthOnCommit"
units="px" expires_after="2021-07-01">
How wide was the keyboard container when text was committed from the
handwriting input method.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.InitLatency.KeyboardShownLongTail"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Time to show the on-screen keyboard in milliseconds. Similar to
InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.KeyboardShown but with a larger maximum to
capture more of the distribution.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.InitLatency{IMEVKLatency}"
units="ms" expires_after="M95">
The on-screen keyboard initialization latency in milliseconds.
<token key="IMEVKLatency">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".BackgroundSettingsFetched"
summary="Latency for settings fetched from background"/>
<variant name=".HtmlLoaded" summary="Latency for the page is loaded"/>
<variant name=".KeyboardCreated"
summary="Latency for the keyboard is created"/>
<variant name=".KeyboardShown" summary="Latency for keyboard is shown"/>
<variant name=".KeysetLoaded"
summary="Latency for keyset config is loaded"/>
<variant name=".LayoutLoaded"
summary="Latency for layout definition is loaded"/>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.Layout" enum="IMEVKLayout"
The layout of the on-screen keyboard. Logged when the specific layout is
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.LayoutSwitch" units="units"
The count of layout switching actions while virtual keyboard is alive.
Recorded when the virtual keyboard window is hidden or destroyed.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.MovesPerSwipe" units="moves"
Chrome OS histogram that counts the number of times the cursor was moved to
the next word by swiping forward on the selection track. The count is
initialized when the user starts swiping from any side of the virtual
keyboard, incremented based on how far they swipe forwards on the selection
track, and recorded when they release their finger.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.PreferredLayoutForStylus"
enum="IMEVKLayout" expires_after="M95">
The layout of the virtual keyboard that is shown when the user focuses on an
input field with a stylus. Recorded when the layout is shown after a focus.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.ResizableWindowInitWidth"
units="px" expires_after="2021-07-06">
The width of the virtual keyboard window, in pixels, when the floating
keyboard is initialized. This is recorded only once on startup, when the
virtual keyboard is initialized in floating mode.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.ResizableWindowWidth" units="px"
The width of the virtual keyboard window, in pixels, after a user has
completed resizing the virtual keyboard. This is recorded when the user
lifts their finger at the end of a drag that initiates a resize.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.SessionDuration" units="units"
<summary>The duration in seconds of a typing session.</summary>
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.SwitchMode" enum="IMEVKMode"
The count of user actions to switch keyboard mode (floating, docked).
Recorded when the user clicks in the docked/floating keyboard menu option.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.TapCount" units="units"
The number of times the virtual keyboard was tapped while the virtual
keyboard was alive. Recorded when the virtual keyboard is closed.
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.WordsDeletedPerSwipe"
units="words" expires_after="M95">
Chrome OS histogram that tracks the total number of words that were deleted
by swiping forward on the deletion track. The count is initialized when the
user starts swiping on the backspace key, incremented based on how far they
swipe forwards on the deletion track, and recorded when they release their
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.WordsPerMinute" units="units"
The number of words typed per minute. Recorded when the virtual keyboard is
<histogram name="InputMethod.VirtualKeyboard.WordsRestoredPerSwipe"
units="words" expires_after="M95">
Chrome OS histogram that tracks the total number of words that were restored
by swiping backwards on the deletion track. The count is initialized when
the user starts swiping on the backspace key, incremented based on how far
they swipe backwards on the deletion track, and recorded when they release
their finger.