blob: 5119331df9af6eb07c1a9f300a1058b7d208c637 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Password histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="PasswordBubble.CompromisedBubble.CheckClicked"
enum="BooleanClicked" expires_after="2021-07-11">
Whether the user proceeded to the list of the left compromised passwords
from the bubble following save/update password.
<histogram name="PasswordBubble.CompromisedBubble.Type"
enum="PasswordBubbleFollowupType" expires_after="2021-07-11">
The state of the bubble shown after users saves/updates a password. It
notifies the user about leftover compromised passwords.
<histogram name="PasswordBubble.DisplayDisposition"
enum="PasswordBubbleDisplayDisposition" expires_after="2021-06-06">
When the password management bubble opened, what state was it in?
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.Event" enum="PasswordGenerationEvent"
Measures the frequency of various password generation events.
Note that this histogram is logged from the renderer process, and
consequently the numbers should not be directly compared to the other
PasswordGeneration.* histograms, which are logged from the browser process.
Histograms logged in different processes are lost at different rates, which
introduces systematic bias between histograms logged in the renderer process
vs. those logged in the browser process.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.GeneratedPasswordWasEdited"
enum="BooleanGeneratedPasswordWasEdited" expires_after="2021-07-11">
Measures the frequency of user editing of generated passwords. Uploaded once
per generated password save. Applicable to automatic and manual generations.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.IsTriggeredManually"
enum="BooleanIsGenerationTriggeredManually" expires_after="M81">
Measures the frequency of manually triggered password generations.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.PopupShown"
enum="PasswordGenerationPopupShown" expires_after="M92">
<summary>Records an entry if (and only if) a popup was shown.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.SubmissionAvailableEvent"
enum="PasswordSubmissionEvent" expires_after="M90">
Measures the frequency of submission events for passwords that could have
been generated, but the user didn't choose to use the feature. This is to
compare with PasswordGeneration.SubmssionEvent.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.SubmissionEvent"
enum="PasswordSubmissionEvent" expires_after="2021-07-11">
Measures the frequency of submission events for generated passwords. This is
similar to PasswordManager.ActionsTakenWithPsl but only tracks events which
are interesting for generated passwords.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.UploadStarted" enum="Boolean"
The number of times that we try to upload a form that we believe should
trigger password generation. False means that something about the form would
not allow us to try upload (not an Autofillable field, uploading disabled,
Autofill servers in backoff, etc.). True does not mean that the upload
actually completed successfully, just that it was started.
<histogram name="PasswordGeneration.UserDecision"
enum="PasswordGenerationUserEvent" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records user-triggered events related to a generated password. Only the last
occurring event is logged. The recording takes place when the password form
is destroyed.
<histogram name="PasswordHash.CreateTime" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Time required to create the local hash of the user's GAIA password.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AbleToSavePasswordsOnSuccessfulLogin"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records attempts to prompt user to save a password when password store is
not ready for saving passwords due to an initialization error. Recorded once
per form submission.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AcceptedSaveUpdateSubmissionIndicatorEvent"
enum="SubmissionIndicatorEvent" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The type of event that the Password Manager used for detecting a password
form submission when saving or updating a password. Recorded each time a
user accepts a password save/update prompt.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccessPasswordInSettings"
enum="AccessPasswordInSettingsEvent" expires_after="M92">
Recorded whenever the user accesses the passwords in the settings page.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountChooserDialogMultipleAccounts"
enum="AccountChooserDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-01">
The dismissal reason of the account chooser with multiple accounts. Recorded
when the account chooser is dismissed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountChooserDialogOneAccount"
enum="AccountChooserDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-01">
The dismissal reason of the account chooser with one account. Recorded when
the account chooser is dismissed.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.AccountsPerSiteHiRes"
units="units" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The number of accounts stored per site in the password manager's
profile-scoped store. Records one event per site, split by whether created
by the user or generated by Chrome, and further by whether the user used
sync with custom passphrase or not.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.ClearedOnStartup"
enum="PasswordAccountStoreClearedOnStartup" expires_after="M90">
Records whether the account-scoped password storage had to be cleared during
profile initialization.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.ClearedOptInForAllAccounts"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
Recorded whenever the opt-in for the account-scoped password storage is
cleared for all Google Accounts. This typically happens because the signin
cookies were cleared. The recorded value is the number of opt-ins that were
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.MoveToAccountStoreFlowAccepted"
enum="PasswordManager.MoveToAccountStoreTrigger" expires_after="2021-06-18">
When the user accepts to move a password from the profile store to the
account store, this records what user action caused the moving flow to be
offered. If the flow is offered but rejected by the user, the histogram is
not recorded. Recorded only in Win/Mac/Linux.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.MoveToAccountStoreFlowOffered"
enum="PasswordManager.MoveToAccountStoreTrigger" expires_after="2021-06-19">
When the user is offered to move a password from the profile store to the
account store, this records what user action caused the moving flow to be
offered. Recorded only in Win/Mac/Linux.
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-06-19">
Records the number of credentials the user decided to move from the device
store to the account store from moving multiple passwords dialog in
settings. Recorded after the user hits the action button in the dialog.
Recorded only in Win/Mac/Linux.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.NumOptedInAccountsAfterOptIn"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
Recorded whenever a user opts in to the account-scoped password storage. The
recorded value is the total number of opted-in accounts in this profile,
including the new opt-in.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStorage.NumOptedInAccountsAfterOptOut"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
Recorded whenever a user opts out of the account-scoped password storage.
The recorded value is the total number of opted-in accounts remaining in
this profile after the current opt-out.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-05-06">
Records whether a signed-in account was still found by the time Chrome
attempted to opt out the user of passwords account storage and clear the
associated settings. If no signed-in account is found, the opt-out and clean
up won't happen. Recorded only in Win/Mac/Linux, when opting out of the
account-scoped passwords storage. One example would be when the user clicks
the opt-out button in chrome://settings/passwords.
units="passwords" expires_after="2021-06-18">
Records how many passwords in the account store were unsynced when the user
signed out of their Google Account. Recorded only in Win/Mac/Linux when a
user of the account-scoped password storage signs out.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.AccountStorageUserStateDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="PasswordAccountStorageUserState" -->
The amount of active browsing time that was spent in different user states
related to the PasswordManager's account-scoped storage.
This time is measured from when the user starts interacting with the browser
until either they stopped interacting with the browser (as determined by
DesktopSessionDurationTracker) or their user state changes. These end-points
are when the metric is emitted.
Because a duration can end either because the user became inactive or
because their status changed, the distribution of individual durations
measured are unlikely to be helpful. Instead, please compare total
This metric is only recorded on Win/Mac/Linux.
One caveat with this metric is that if the user has multiple profiles open
at the same time, their session activity will be logged from all the
profiles, instead of only from the profile that the user is using at that
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.AccountsPerSiteHiRes"
units="units" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The number of accounts stored per site in the password manager's
account-scoped store. Records one event per site, split by whether created
by the user or generated by Chrome, and further by whether the user used
sync with custom passphrase or not.
<histogram base="true"
name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.BlacklistedSitesHiRes" units="sites"
The total number of sites that the user has blacklisted in the password
manager's account-scoped store. Recorded by iterating over stored passwords
once per run of Chrome.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.EmptyUsernames.CountInDatabase"
units="units" expires_after="M90">
Number of password forms with empty username in the account-scoped Login
Database. This is recorded on startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.InaccessiblePasswords"
units="saved passwords" expires_after="M90">
The number of saved passwords in the account-scoped store that could not be
decrypted. Recorded once for the profile on startup.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.TimesPasswordUsed"
units="PasswordUses" expires_after="M90">
The number of times each saved password from the account-scoped storage has
been used to log in. Split by whether created by the user or generated by
Chrome, and further by whether the user used sync with custom passphrase or
not. Recorded by iterating over stored passwords once per browser run, soon
after startup.
<histogram base="true"
name="PasswordManager.AccountStore.TotalAccountsHiRes.ByType" units="units"
The number of accounts stored in the password manager's account-scoped store
(across all sites), split by whether created by the user or generated by
Chrome, and further by whether the user used sync with custom passphrase or
<histogram base="true"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
The number of accounts stored in the password manager's account-scoped store
(across all sites) for origins with the scheme (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) as
given in the histogram suffix. For each scheme, the count is recorded once
per browser start-up. (In case of multiple profiles, the counts are for the
profile that first has a WebContents created.)
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStoreBlocklistedEntriesAfterOptIn"
units="credentials" expires_after="M90">
Records how many blocklisting entries are downloaded to the account store
after unlocking account store.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStoreCredentialsAfterOptIn"
units="credentials" expires_after="M90">
Records how many non-blacklisting credentials are downloaded to the account
store after unlocking account store.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStoreVsProfileStore.{DifferenceType}"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
The number of accounts {DifferenceType}. Recorded once per run of Chrome,
soon after startup. Recorded independent of whether the user is opted in to
the account-scoped storage or not, i.e. will contain a lot of useless
entries - you might want to look at AccountStoreVsProfileStore2 instead.
<token key="DifferenceType">
<variant name="Additional"
summary="stored in the password manager's account-scoped store that
don't exist in the profile-scoped store"/>
<variant name="Conflicting"
summary="stored in the password manager with a conflicting password
between the account-scoped store and profile-scoped store
(i.e. the signon realm and username match, but the password
does not)"/>
<variant name="Identical"
summary="stored in both the password manager's account-scoped store
and profile-scoped store"/>
<variant name="Missing"
summary="stored in the password manager's profile-scoped store that
don't exist in the account-scoped store"/>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AccountStoreVsProfileStore2.{DifferenceType}"
units="accounts" expires_after="M90">
The number of accounts {DifferenceType}. Recorded once per run of Chrome,
soon after startup, only for users who are opted in to the account-scoped
<token key="DifferenceType">
<variant name="Additional"
summary="stored in the password manager's account-scoped store that
don't exist in the profile-scoped store"/>
<variant name="Conflicting"
summary="stored in the password manager with a conflicting password
between the account-scoped store and profile-scoped store
(i.e. the signon realm and username match, but the password
does not)"/>
<variant name="Identical"
summary="stored in both the password manager's account-scoped store
and profile-scoped store"/>
<variant name="Missing"
summary="stored in the password manager's profile-scoped store that
don't exist in the account-scoped store"/>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationBackend.FetchSize" units="facets"
The number of facets for which affiliation information was requested in a
network fetch. Recorded for each network fetch.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationBackend.FirstFetchDelay" units="ms"
The time elapsed between creation of the AffiliationBackend and the first
time it needed to issue a network fetch.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationBackend.SubsequentFetchDelay"
units="ms" expires_after="M90">
The elapsed time between subsequent network fetches. Recorded whenever the
AffiliationBackend initiated a network fetch, regardless of success or
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationFetcher.FetchErrorCode"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="M90">
The network error code, as reported by the underlying URLFetcher. Recorded
only for each network fetch that failed due to network/server errors.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationFetcher.FetchHttpResponseCode"
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="M90">
The HTTP response code, as reported by the underlying URLFetcher. Recorded
only for each network fetch that failed due to network/server errors.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AffiliationFetcher.FetchResult"
enum="AffiliationFetchResult" expires_after="M90">
Whether the network fetch succeeded, failed due to network/server errors, or
contained malformed data. Recorded for each network fetch.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AllPasswordsBottomSheet.UserAction"
enum="AllPasswordsBottomSheetActions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android only. Records the user action on the all passwords bottom sheet.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AllPasswordsBottomSheet.WarningActions"
enum="AllPasswordsWarningActions" expires_after="M90">
Obsolete since M88.
Android only. Records the number of times the all passwords warning dialog
is shown and user action on it.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordCredentialEntry"
Records the action taken with a password credential entry in the preferences
on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordCredentialEntry.Password"
enum="PasswordManagerAndroidPasswordActions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records the action taken with a password of a password credential entry in
the preferences on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordCredentialEntry.Username"
enum="PasswordManagerAndroidUsernameActions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records the action taken with a username of a password credential entry in
the preferences on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordCredentialEntry.Website"
enum="PasswordManagerAndroidWebsiteActions" expires_after="M90">
Records the action taken with a website of a password credential entry on
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordExceptionEntry"
enum="PasswordManagerAndroidPasswordEntryActions" expires_after="M90">
Records the action taken with a password exception entry in the preferences
on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Android.PasswordExceptionEntry.Website"
enum="PasswordManagerAndroidWebsiteActions" expires_after="M90">
Records the action taken with a website of a password exception entry in the
preferences on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ApplySyncChanges.AddLoginSyncError"
enum="PasswordAddLoginSyncError" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Records different results upon adding a remote password to the password
manager. It is recorded every time after receiving remote password
incremental updates from the server.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ApplySyncChanges.UpdateLoginSyncError"
enum="PasswordUpdateLoginSyncError" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Records different results upon updating a remote password to the password
manager. It is recorded every time after receiving remote password
incremental updates from the server.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ApplySyncChangesState"
enum="PasswordApplySyncChangesState" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Records different states upon applying remote sync changes to the password
manager. It recorded every time after receiving remote password incremental
updates from the server.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AutomaticChange.AcceptanceWithAutoButton"
enum="PasswordCheckResolutionAction" expires_after="M92">
Resolution action to fix a compromised credential when there is a
&quot;Change password automatically&quot; button.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AutomaticChange.AcceptanceWithoutAutoButton"
enum="PasswordCheckResolutionAction" expires_after="M92">
Resolution action to fix a compromised credential when there is no
&quot;Change password automatically&quot; button.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AutomaticChange.ForSitesWithScripts"
enum="PasswordCheckResolutionAction" expires_after="M92">
Resolution action to fix a compromised credential when there is a password
change script for the credential's domain. The metric is reported also if
the automated password change feature is disabled.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.AutoSigninFirstRunDialog"
enum="AutoSigninFirstRun" expires_after="2021-06-27">
The dismissal reason of the auto-signin first run experience.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.BlacklistedSitesHiRes"
units="sites" expires_after="M92">
The total number of sites that the user has blacklisted. Recorded by
iterating over stored passwords once per run of Chrome.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BubbleSuppression.AccountsInStatisticsTable"
units="accounts" expires_after="M93">
The number of accounts stored in password_manager::StatisticsTable. These
are accounts for which the user ignored the save bubble at least once. The
count is recorded once per browser start-up. (In case of multiple profiles,
the counts are for the profile that first has a WebContents created.)
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.CanceledCredentials"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-02-01">
Count of credentials initially to be checked when the password bulk check
was canceled.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.CanceledTime" units="ms"
The time the password bulk check was running until canceled by the user.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.CheckedCredentials"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Count of credentials analyzed when the password bulk check completed
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.Error"
enum="PasswordLeakDetectionError" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Error encountered during the password bulk check.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.LeaksFound" units="credentials"
Count of leaked credentials found when the password bulk check completed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.PasswordCheckReferrer"
enum="PasswordCheckReferrer" expires_after="M93">
Referrer of a navigation to the Password Check page. Recorded when the user
visits the Password Check settings page, either via native or Web UI.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.PasswordCheckReferrerAndroid"
enum="PasswordCheckReferrerAndroid" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Referrer of a navigation to the Password Check UI Settings view. Recorded
when the user enters the view.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.Time" units="ms"
The time it took for the password bulk check to complete successfully.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.TimePerCredential" units="ms"
The average time per credential when the password bulk check completed
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.UserAction"
enum="PasswordCheckInteraction" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>User actions performed on the Password Check settings page.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.BulkCheck.UserActionAndroid"
enum="PasswordCheckUIUserActionAndroid" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>User actions performed on the Password Check settings view.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ButtonTitlePerformance.HasFormTag"
units="units" expires_after="2019-07-01">
The time (ms) it takes to infer button titles within a form tag.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ButtonTitlePerformance.NoFormTag"
units="units" expires_after="2019-07-01">
The time (ms) it takes to infer button titles outside of form tags.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CertificateErrorsWhileSeeingForms"
enum="PasswordCertificateError" expires_after="M95">
When the password manager sees new forms on the page, it records in this
histogram whether there were any SSL certificate errors. The presence of SSL
errors likely means that the password manger will stop working, so the
reporting is done at the last point when password manager is still
guaranteed to be active. Some particular errors are distinguished, with the
rest being reported in a catch-all bucket.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ChromeSignInPageHashSaved"
enum="ChromeSignInPageHashSaved" expires_after="2021-02-01">
Records whether a password hash was saved or not on Chrome sign-in page.
Recorded whenever the user types a password on Chrome sign-in page.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CleanedUpPasswords" units="units"
Collects positive number of undecryptable passwords that were successfully
deleted when syncing was enabled. Called for sync user for each profile if
there is at least one password deleted when merging logins from Sync and
local database.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CompromisedCredentials"
enum="InsecureCredentialsType" expires_after="2021-04-26">
Collects the type of insecure credential when it is added to or removed from
the table. Insecure credentials are properties of saved passwords that are
added when they are identified as leaked, phished, weak, or reused. They are
removed when the password is dropped from the password_manager or the
password has changed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CompromisedCredentials.CountLeaked"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Count of known leaked credentials in the database on start-up.
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Count of known leaked credentials in the database on start-up if the
password bulk check was executed at least once.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CompromisedCredentials.CountPhished"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-03-28">
Count of known phished credentials in the database on start-up.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CredentialsCountFromAccountStoreAfterUnlock"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-07-11">
Records how many credentials from the account store are available to a user
right after they unlocked the account store. If a credential is an exact
duplicate with a local credential, it still counts into this metric.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CredentialsWithDuplicates" units="units"
The number of stored (non-blacklisted) credentials for which
&quot;duplicates&quot; exist. A duplicate is a credential with the same
signon realm, username, and password - i.e. indistinguishable from the
user's point of view. This records the number of *sets* of duplicated
credentials; the number of credentials in each set of duplicates is not
recorded. Recorded once per browser start-up. (In case of multiple profiles,
the counts are for the profile that first has a WebContents created.)
<histogram name="PasswordManager.CredentialsWithMismatchedDuplicates"
units="units" expires_after="M90">
The number of stored (non-blacklisted) credentials for which
&quot;mismatched duplicates&quot; exist. A mismatched duplicate is a
credential with the same signon realm and username, but different password.
This records the number of *sets* of duplicated credentials; the number of
credentials in each set of duplicates is not recorded. Recorded once per
browser start-up. (In case of multiple profiles, the counts are for the
profile that first has a WebContents created.)
<histogram name="PasswordManager.DefaultPasswordStoreSet"
enum="PasswordManager.Store" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The default store for newly-saved passwords (profile-scoped store or
account-scoped store), recorded whenever it is set explicitly.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.DeleteUndecryptableLoginsReturnValue"
enum="DeleteCorruptedPasswordsResult" expires_after="M89">
Records the return value of the DeleteUndecryptableLogins method in the
LoginDatabase class. Called for sync user and for each profile when merging
logins from Sync and local database.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.DropdownShown.OffTheRecord" units="units"
Records availability of password manager suggestions in regular and
off-the-record modes.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.DynamicFormChanges" units="units"
Records a bitmask of password form changes after the first time this form is
seen by Password Manager. Recorded once per a form when the form is removed
from DOM. Bit 0 - changes in number of fields, bit 1 - changes in fields
renderer ids, bit 2 - changes in autocomplete attributes, bit 3 - changes in
form control types.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.EditsInSaveBubble"
enum="PasswordManagerEditsInSaveBubbleEnum" expires_after="2021-01-30">
Indication whether users change the credentials (username and password) in
the save bubble of the password manager, considering only cases where the
user saves a new credential or updates a credential.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.EmptyUsernames.CountInDatabase" units="units"
Number of password forms with empty username in the profile-scoped Login
Database. This is recorded on startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.Enabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Indicates whether the password manager is enabled when a tab is opened. This
includes prerendered tabs.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FieldInfoTableRows" units="rows"
Records number of rows in FieldInfoTable, which contains locally learned
predictions about field types. Recorded once for the profile on startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FilledCredentialWasFromAndroidApp"
enum="PasswordManagerFilledAndroidCredentials" expires_after="M90">
When a credential is filled, whether it comes from an Android app.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FillingAssistance"
enum="PasswordManagerFillingAssistance" expires_after="2021-06-06">
This metric records the user experience with regards to passwords filling.
It is only recorded on password form submissions that are considered to be
The first 4 buckets (0..3) are ranging from the best filling behavior
(automatic filling on page load without user interaction necessary) to the
worst (the user had to manually type a password that was already saved).
The following buckets (4..5) indicate cases when it was impossible to fill
credentials because unknown credentials were submitted, meaning that the
submitted password was not saved before.
The last bucket (6) corresponds to the strange cases, where the submitted
form has neither user input nor autofilled data in password fields. This
might indicate third-party password manager use, or might be a
measurement/submission classification error.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FillingSource"
enum="PasswordManagerFillingSource" expires_after="2021-06-27">
This metric records the source of filled passwords: The profile-scoped
store, the account-scoped store, both of them, or none of them (if the user
typed the password manually). It is only recorded on password form
submissions that are considered to be successful.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FillSuggestionsIncludeAndroidAppCredentials"
enum="PasswordManagerOfferedAndroidCredentials" expires_after="M90">
When offering to fill the username and password, whether at least one of the
credentials in the dropdown comes from an Android app.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FirstRendererFillingResult"
enum="PasswordManagerFirstRendererFillingResult" expires_after="M92">
Records whether the PasswordAutofillAgent in the renderer manages to fill
credentials as instructed by the browser or records a failure reason
otherwise. Only the outcome of the first attempt to fill is recorded.
This is replicated as PasswordForm.Fill.FirstFillingResultInRenderer in UKM.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FirstWaitForUsernameReason"
enum="PasswordManagerFirstWaitForUsernameReason" expires_after="M92">
This metric records why the browser instructs the renderer not to fill the
credentials on page load but to wait for the user to confirm the credential
to be filled. Only the value of the first decision to fill is recorded.
This is replicated as PasswordForm.Fill.FirstWaitForUsernameReason in UKM.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.FormDataDeserializationStatus"
enum="FormDataDeserializationStatus" expires_after="M90">
The success or failure of deserializing saved FormData. Failure either
indicates corrupted data or the presence of bugs in the serialization or
deserialization code.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.GeneratedFormHasNoFormManager"
enum="BooleanFormManager" expires_after="M90">
When the generation state of a password was changed, records whether an
existing form corresponding to the password was found.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.GooglePasswordManager.NavigationResult"
enum="GooglePasswordManagerNavigationResult" expires_after="2019-12-31">
The result of an attempted navigation to the Google Password Manager.
Recorded when a signed-in and password syncing user navigates to by clicking a link.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.GooglePasswordManager.TimeToFailure"
units="units" expires_after="2019-12-31">
The time it took for a failed navigation to the Google Password Manager.
Recorded when a signed-in and password syncing user navigates to by clicking a link and the navigation fails
before timing out.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.GooglePasswordManager.TimeToSuccess"
units="units" expires_after="2019-12-31">
The time it took for a successful navigation to the Google Password Manager.
Recorded when a signed-in and password syncing user navigates to by clicking a link and the navigation succeeds
before timing out.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.HttpCredentials"
enum="PasswordManagerHttpCredentialType" expires_after="M90">
Breakdown of HTTP credentials with regard to the existence of a HTTPS
credential with the same username and whether the corresponding website has
HSTS enabled. Recorded once for each HTTP credential of the profile on
<histogram name="PasswordManager.HttpPasswordMigrationCount"
units="saved credentials" expires_after="M90">
Number of HTTP saved passwords that were migrated to HTTPS. Recorded on
HTTPS password form load when there are no credentials saved.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.HttpPasswordMigrationMode"
enum="HttpPasswordMigrationMode" expires_after="M90">
The mode of migration applied to HTTP passwords migrating to HTTPS. Recorded
on HTTPS password form load when there are no credentials saved.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ImportedPasswordsPerUserInCSV" units="units"
<summary>The number of passwords imported in CSV format per user</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ImportPasswordFromCSVResult"
enum="PasswordImportFromCSVResult" expires_after="M90">
The response code of successful or failed password import attempt from a CSV
<histogram name="PasswordManager.InaccessiblePasswords" units="saved passwords"
The number of saved passwords in the profile-scoped store that could not be
decrypted. Recorded once for the profile on startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.iOS.InfoBar.PasswordSave" enum="Boolean"
This metric counts how many times the Save Password infobar is shown.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.iOS.InfoBar.PasswordUpdate" enum="Boolean"
This metric counts how many times the Update Password infobar is shown.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.IsSyncPasswordHashSaved"
enum="IsSyncPasswordHashSaved" expires_after="2021-06-06">
This metric reports whether a sync password hash is saved. Recorded shortly
after Chrome startup.
enum="IsSyncPasswordHashSaved" expires_after="2021-04-11">
This metric is recorded shortly after Chrome Startup, only for Advanced
Protection users. This is a subset of
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ItemSelected.OffTheRecord" units="units"
Records selection of password manager suggestions in regular and
off-the-record modes.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.JavaScriptOnlyValueInSubmittedForm"
enum="JavaScriptOnlyValueInPasswordForm" expires_after="M92">
Records whether a successfully submitted password form has only values that
came from JavaScript.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.AccessTokenFetchStatus"
enum="GoogleServiceAuthError" expires_after="M92">
Status of an attempted fetch of an access token. Recorded when a token fetch
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.AccessTokenNetErrorCode"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="M92">
Net Error Code of a failed attempt to fetch an access token. Recorded when a
token fetch completes with an error state.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.AnalyzeSingleLeakResponseResult"
enum="PasswordAnalyzeLeakResponseResult" expires_after="M92">
<summary>Result of analyzing a single leak response.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.AnalyzeSingleLeakResponseTime"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
<summary>The time it took to analyze a single leak lookup response.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.DialogDismissalReason"
enum="PasswordLeakDetectionDialogDismissalReason" expires_after="M92">
Reason of the dismissal of the leak detection dialog. Recorded when a leaked
credential is detected and the dialog is shown.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.Enabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Indicates whether the password manager leak detection feature is enabled.
Recorded for each profile on browser start-up.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.Error"
enum="PasswordLeakDetectionError" expires_after="M92">
Shows the error that happened in password leak detection on sign-in.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.HttpResponseCode"
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="M92">
HTTP response code of a leak lookup request. Only recoded for each network
fetch that failed due to network/server errors.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.IsPasswordReused" enum="Boolean"
When a password is determined as leaked, records if it's saved for other
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.IsPasswordSaved" enum="Boolean"
When a password is determined as leaked, records if it's saved in Chrome.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.IsSyncing" enum="Boolean"
When a password is determined as leaked, records if the user is syncing
passwords without passphrase.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.LookupSingleLeakResponseResult"
enum="PasswordLeakLookupResponseResult" expires_after="M92">
Whether the network fetch succeeded, failed due to network/server errors, or
contained malformed data. Recorded for each leak lookup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.NetErrorCode"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="M92">
Network error code of a leak lookup request. Only recoded for each network
fetch that failed due to network/server errors.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.NotifyIsLeakedTime" units="ms"
The time it took from starting a leak check to notifying the user about a
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.ObtainAccessTokenTime"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
The time it took to obtain an access token for an authenticated leak lookup
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.PrepareSingleLeakRequestTime"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
The time it took to prepare the payload for a single leak lookup request.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.ReceiveSingleLeakResponseTime"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
The time it took to receive a server response after issuing a request for a
single leak lookup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.SingleLeakResponsePrefixes"
units="prefixes" expires_after="M92">
The number of matched prefixes in a single leak lookup response. Only
recorded if the network response was wellformed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LeakDetection.SingleLeakResponseSize"
units="bytes" expires_after="M92">
The size of a single leak lookup response in bytes. Only recorded if there
was no network or server error.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.LoginDatabaseInit"
enum="LoginDatabaseInitError" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>An error on LoginDatabase initialization.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ManagePasswordsReferrer"
enum="ManagePasswordsReferrer" expires_after="M92">
Referrer of a navigation to the &quot;Manage Passwords&quot; page. Recorded
when the user attempts to see their list of passwords, either via native or
Web UI.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ManagePasswordsReferrerSignedInAndSyncing"
enum="ManagePasswordsReferrer" expires_after="M87">
Removed in M87.
Referrer of a navigation to the &quot;Manage Passwords&quot; page. Recorded
only for signed in users syncing passwords without a custom passprase, when
the user attempts to see their list of passwords.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MediationOptional"
enum="CredentialManagerGetResult" expires_after="M92">
Tracks result of navigator.credentials.get() with
mediation=&quot;optional&quot;. That is the result of account chooser.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MediationRequired"
enum="CredentialManagerGetResult" expires_after="M92">
Tracks result of navigator.credentials.get() with
mediation=&quot;required&quot;. That is the result of forced account
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MediationSilent"
enum="CredentialManagerGetResult" expires_after="M92">
Tracks result of navigator.credentials.get() with
mediation=&quot;silent&quot;. That is the result of auto sign-in.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MergeSyncData.AddLoginSyncError"
enum="PasswordAddLoginSyncError" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Records different results upon adding a remote password to the password
manager. It is recorded during the initial sync when merging remote and
local data.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MergeSyncData.UpdateLoginSyncError"
enum="PasswordUpdateLoginSyncError" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Records different results upon updating a remote password in the password
manager. It is recorded during the initial sync when merging remote and
local data.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.MoveUIDismissalReason"
enum="PasswordManagerUIDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="PasswordAccountStorageUserState" -->
Why was the &quot;move password to account?&quot; bubble closed? Recorded
whenever the bubble is closed, either because the user clicked one of the
buttons or it went away automatically (lost focus).
<histogram name="PasswordManager.NewlySavedPasswordIsGenerated"
enum="BooleanNewlySavedPasswordIsGenerated" expires_after="2021-06-06">
For a newly saved password, whether the password was generated by Chrome or
typed manually by the user.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.NonSyncPasswordHashChange"
enum="GaiaPasswordHashChange" expires_after="2021-05-30">
This metric reports a type of a password hash change event where the
associated account is not syncing. Recorded when a non sync password hash is
saved or cleared.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.NumFormManagersCleared" units="count"
Records how many FormManagers are deleted on the main frame navigation. This
metric is useful for estimation of memory footprint.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.NumPasswordsNotShown" units="count"
Removed in M79.
The password manager only shows those credentials that are considered the
best match for a particular form. This stat keep track of the credentials
that were not as good of a match and were suppressed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.OsPasswordStatus"
enum="PasswordManagerOsPasswordStatus" expires_after="2021-02-28">
Indicates whether the user's OS password is blank or not at browser startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.OtherPossibleUsernamesUsage"
enum="OtherPossibleUsernamesUsage" expires_after="M90">
Breakdown of how other possible usernames are displayed. Recorded every time
we autofill a password form.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordDropdownItemSelected"
enum="PasswordDropdownSelectedOption" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Logs the type of the suggestion in the password dropdown when selected.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordDropdownShown"
enum="PasswordDropdownState" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Logs the state of the password dropdown when it's shown.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordEditUpdatedValues"
enum="PasswordEditUpdatedValues" expires_after="M92">
This metric shows what exactly users change in the password edit dialog:
nothing, username, password or both.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordReuse.NumberOfMatches"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-05-16">
This metric shows how many saved credentials (num unique registry-controlled
domains) have password that's equal to the reused password.
Before M63 this logged a &quot;0&quot; for sync-reuse.
A &quot;password reuse&quot; is when the user typed a string that is equal
to a saved password on another domain or is equal to the sync password on a
non google-login domain.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordReuse.PasswordFieldDetected"
enum="PasswordReusePasswordFieldDetected" expires_after="2021-05-16">
This metric reports whether a password field had been detected on a page
when a password reuse happened.
A &quot;password reuse&quot; is when the user typed a string that is equal
to a saved password on another domain or is equal to the sync password on a
non google-login domain.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordReuse.PasswordLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2021-01-30">
This metric shows the length of the reused password.
Change in M63: If multiple passwords are matched simultaneously, this logs
the length of the longest password. Also, before M63, a &quot;0&quot; was
logged for sync-reuse.
A &quot;password reuse&quot; is when the user typed a string that is equal
to a saved password on another domain or is equal to the sync password on a
non google-login domain.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordReuse.TotalPasswords"
units="credentials" expires_after="2021-05-23">
This metric shows how many credentials are stored in Password Manager when a
password reuse happened. This counts unique registry-controlled domains with
passwords saved.
A &quot;password reuse&quot; is when the user typed a string that is equal
to a saved password on another domain or is equal to the sync password on a
non google-login domain.
During M61/M62 this metric logged a &quot;1&quot; for every sync-reuse. It
was fixed in M63 such that it logs actual Password Manager credential count.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordSavedWithManualFallback"
enum="BooleanPasswordSavedWithFallback" expires_after="2020-05-24">
Measures whether users save passwords with automatic prompt or manual
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordScriptsFetcher.CacheState"
enum="PasswordScriptsFetcherCacheState" expires_after="M92">
PasswordScriptsFetcher's cache state when the fetcher is requested to return
script availability.
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="M92">
HTTP response code or network error code of fetching a list of available
password scripts.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordScriptsFetcher.ParsingResult"
enum="PasswordScriptsFetcherParsingResult" expires_after="M92">
<summary>Result of parsing of a list of available password scripts.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordScriptsFetcher.ResponseTime"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
Response time for fetching a list of available password scripts.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordStoreDeletionsHaveSynced"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records how often browsing data succeeds to delete account store passwords
from the Sync server. False is emitted in the rare situations when the
operation times out or the user disables Sync before the deletions are fully
propagated to the Sync server. True is emitted when the password deletion is
successfully propagated to the server.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordStoreInitResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Success rate of initialization of password store. Recorded for every user
once on the Chrome profile startup.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PasswordSyncState" enum="PasswordSyncState"
Whether the passwords are syncing and, if not, then what's causing sync
failures. Recorded after the first sync attempt either succeeds or fails.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.PrefilledUsernameFillOutcome"
enum="PrefilledUsernameFillOutcome" expires_after="M86">
Records successful fills of prefilled username values known as placeholders
and unsuccessful fills that were blocked because the prefilled value was not
identified as a placeholder. Recorded once per PasswordAutofillAgent
instance, when attempting to fill a password form that contains a username
value which was prepopulated by the website.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ProvisionalSaveFailure"
enum="ProvisionalSaveFailure" expires_after="M87">
Breakdown of cases where a password is submitted, but we don't even try and
save it. Recorded for every password form submit.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ReauthToAccessPasswordInSettings"
enum="PasswordManager.ReauthResult" expires_after="M90">
Recorded whenever the user interacts with reauthentication in order to
access the passwords in settings, or when such reauthentication is skipped
for a well-defined reason.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RemoveCompromisedCredentials"
enum="PasswordStoreChange" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Collects the cause of the change in the Password Store login which causes a
call of a remove SQL statement on the compromised credentials table.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RemoveCompromisedCredentials.RemoveReason"
enum="RemoveCompromisedCredentialsReason" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Collects the cause of why remove SQL statement is called on the compromised
credentials table.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RequirementsSpecFetcher.HttpResponseCode"
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="2021-04-04">
HTTP response code of fetching a password requirements file.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RequirementsSpecFetcher.NetErrorCode"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Network error code of fetching a password requirements file.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RequirementsSpecFetcher.NetworkDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-04">
Time until the lookup for a password requirements file completed (or was
<histogram name="PasswordManager.RequirementsSpecFetcher.Result"
enum="PasswordRequirementsFetcherResult" expires_after="2021-04-04">
Result of fetching requirements for password during password generation.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.ReusedPasswordType" enum="ReusedPasswordType"
Records the type of password (e.g saved password, sync password, enterprise
password etc) reused by the user. This is logged when a password reuse
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SavedEnterprisePasswordHashCount"
units="units" expires_after="2021-01-30">
Records the number of enterprise password hashes that have been saved for
password reuse detection. This is logged during the initialization of
PasswordStore class.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SavedGaiaPasswordHashCount" units="count"
Records the number of Gaia password hashes that have been saved for password
reuse detection. This is logged during the initialization of PasswordStore
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SaveUIDismissalReason"
enum="PasswordManagerUIDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="PasswordAccountStorageUserState" -->
<summary>Why was the save password UI (bubble or infobar) closed?</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SaveUIDismissalReasonAfterUnblacklisting"
enum="PasswordManagerUIDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Why was the save password UI (bubble or infobar) closed? This is currently
recorded only for Android and only after the user has unblacklisted an
origin for saving from the accessory sheet.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SavingOnUsernameFirstFlow"
enum="SavingOnUsernameFirstFlow" expires_after="M92">
Records user actions when Chrome offers to save a username on a page which
is considered to be a username first flow. Recorded on a successful
<histogram name="PasswordManager.StoreDecryptionResult"
enum="PasswordDecryptionResult" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Describes the result of decrypting a password value from the LoginDatabase.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.StoresUsedForFillingInLast28Days"
enum="PasswordManagerFillingSource" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Which of the password manager's stores (the profile-scoped one and/or the
account-scoped one) were used within the last 28 days for filling passwords.
Recorded whenever a password form is successfully submitted. This should
typically only be used with &quot;Count unique clients&quot;.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.StoresUsedForFillingInLast7Days"
enum="PasswordManagerFillingSource" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Which of the password manager's stores (the profile-scoped one and/or the
account-scoped one) were used within the last 7 days for filling passwords.
Recorded whenever a password form is successfully submitted. This should
typically only be used with &quot;Count unique clients&quot;.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SubmittedFormFrame"
enum="SubmittedPasswordFormFrame" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records a frame type (eg. main frame, iframe with the same url as the main
frame) of a submitted password form.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SubmittedFormType" enum="PasswordFormType"
The type (e.g. signup, login, change password) of all submitted password
forms. This is logged on form submission, but doesn't require that the
password manager saves.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SubmittedNonSecureFormType"
enum="PasswordFormType" expires_after="M77">
The type (e.g. signup, login, change password) of all submitted password
forms on non-secure pages. This is logged on form submission, but doesn't
require that the password manager saves.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SuccessfulLoginHappened"
enum="BooleanSuccessfulLoginHappenedOnHttps" expires_after="M93">
For a successful login, whether the origin is HTTPS or HTTP. A succesful
login is detected by local heuristics. The heuristics can misclassify
whether a login succeeded, so this is an approximation.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SuccessfulSubmissionIndicatorEvent"
enum="SubmissionIndicatorEvent" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The type of event that the Password Manager used for detecting a password
form submission. Recorded for each successful password form submission.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SyncingAccountState"
enum="PasswordManagerSyncingAccountState" expires_after="M95">
Information about the user's current sync status crossed with whether their
synced password is saved.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SyncMetadataReadError"
enum="PasswordSyncMetadataReadError" expires_after="2021-05-09">
This metric reports the error observed when trying to read the Sync metadata
from the password store during the start of Password sync.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.SyncPasswordHashChange"
enum="GaiaPasswordHashChange" expires_after="2021-05-30">
This metric reports a type of a sync password hash change event. Recorded
when a sync password hash is saved or cleared.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.TimeBetweenStoreAndServer" units="ms"
The time between receiving saved credentials from the password store and
predictions from the Autofill server. Recorded each time when predictions
for a form are received.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.TimesPasswordUsed"
units="PasswordUses" expires_after="2021-01-30">
The number of times each saved password from the profile-scoped storage has
been used to log in. Split by whether created by the user or generated by
Chrome, and further by whether the user used sync with custom passphrase or
not. Recorded by iterating over stored passwords once per run. This
information is persisted and synced.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.TotalAccountsHiRes.ByType"
units="units" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The number of accounts stored in the password manager's profile-scoped store
(across all sites), split by whether created by the user or generated by
Chrome, and further by whether the user used sync with custom passphrase or
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordManager.TotalAccountsHiRes.WithScheme"
units="accounts" expires_after="2021-06-27">
The number of accounts stored in the password manager's profile-scoped store
(across all sites) for origins with the scheme (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) as
given in the histogram suffix. For each scheme, the count is recorded once
per browser start-up. (In case of multiple profiles, the counts are for the
profile that first has a WebContents created.)
<histogram name="PasswordManager.TouchToFill.CredentialIndex" units="index"
The index of a selected credential in the Touch To Fill sheet. Only recorded
when the sheet showed at least two entries.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.TouchToFill.DismissalReason"
enum="BottomSheet.StateChangeReason" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The reason why a user dismissed the Touch To Fill sheet. Recorded once for
each dismissal.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.TouchToFill.NumCredentialsShown"
units="credentials" expires_after="M92">
<summary>The number of credentials shown in the Touch To Fill sheet.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.TouchToFill.UserAction"
enum="TouchToFill.UserAction" expires_after="M92">
The action a user took when interacting with the Touch To Fill sheet.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.UIDismissalReason"
enum="PasswordManagerUIDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-13">
Why was the password manager's UI (bubble or infobar) closed? Save and
update UI are tracked separately.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.UpdateUIDismissalReason"
enum="PasswordManagerUIDismissalReason" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Why was the update password UI (bubble or infobar) closed?</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.UsernameCorrectionFound"
enum="BooleanUsernameCorrectionVote" expires_after="M85">
Chrome saves locally all fields a user typed on a sign-up form. If Chrome
saved an incorrect username and the user changes the username on a sign-in
form to a value of another field from the sign-up form, then Chrome uploads
a username correction vote which points to the correct username field. This
histogram measures how many correction votes are uploaded.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.UsernameDetectionMethod"
enum="UsernameDetectionMethod" expires_after="M85">
Measures what method was used for username field detection in the renderer
code. The metric may be recorded several times for page visit because it is
recorded at every PasswordForm creation. If a site changes HTML attributes
of fields or server-side predictions is received, different values can be
recorded for the same form. If an outcome of HTML classifier or a
server-side prediction coincides with the outcome of base heuristic, the
metric points to base heuristic method.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WeakCheck.CheckedPasswords" units="passwords"
The number of passwords analyzed during the passwords weak check.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WeakCheck.PasswordScore"
enum="PasswordWeaknessScore" expires_after="M92">
The score of the password that was checked by the passwords weak check. The
score indicates how guessable the password is.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WeakCheck.Time" units="ms" expires_after="M92">
<summary>The time it took to complete the passwords weak check.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WeakCheck.WeakPasswords" units="passwords"
The number of weak passwords found when the passwords weak check completed.
enum="GetChangePasswordUrlMetric" expires_after="2021-06-06">
A JSON file with change password form url is fetched from gstatic. This
metric logs if the response arrived in time and if the url override was
available for a given origin.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WellKnownChangePassword.GstaticFetchErrorCode"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Logs the error code when the fetch to the gstatic file failed.
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Logs the response code when the fetch to the gstatic file failed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WellKnownChangePassword.GstaticFetchResult"
enum="ChangePasswordUrlFetchResult" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Logs if the request for the gstatic file succeeded, failed or if the
response was malformed.
<histogram name="PasswordManager.WellKnownChangePassword.GstaticFetchTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Logs the loading time for the gstatic file request.</summary>
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.DomFeatureExtractionDuration" units="ms"
The time it takes to extract the DOM features of a login page before sending
a PasswordProtectionRequest. Logged on every password reuse PhishGuard ping.
units="reuses" expires_after="2021-01-30">
The number of Gaia password reuse warnings shown to user before user changes
their password. Logged when we see that user has changed their Gaia
password. The number of reuses will be reset to zero if current session of
browser process ends. This count doesn't include the reuses that user marked
as legitimate.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.InterstitialAction"
enum="PasswordProtectionWarningAction" expires_after="2021-01-30">
Records how a user interacts with the password protection interstitial
(a.k.a chrome://reset-password page). Logged when the interstitial is shown
and when the user chooses to change their password.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.InterstitialString"
enum="PasswordProtectionInterstitialStringType" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Records the type of strings shown to the user on chrome://reset-password
page. Logged when the interstitial in initialized.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.ModalWarningDialogAction"
enum="PasswordProtectionWarningAction" expires_after="2021-06-13">
Records how a user interacts with the password protection modal warning
dialog. Logged when the dialog is shown and when the user chooses to change
their password, ignore warning, or navigate away.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.ModalWarningDialogLifetime" units="ms"
Records the interval between when the password protection modal warning
dialog is constructed and when the dialog is destructed. The dialog can be
destructed when the user takes action or the web content is destroyed.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.PageInfoAction"
enum="PasswordProtectionWarningAction" expires_after="2021-04-11">
Records how a user interacts with page info bubble that displays the
password protection warning. Logged when such page info bubble is shown and
when the user chooses to change their password, ignore warning, or mark site
as legitimate via buttons on the page info bubble.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.PageZoomFactor" units="units"
Reports the zoom factor for a login page, when the protected password is
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordProtection.PasswordAlertModeOutcome"
enum="PasswordProtectionRequestOutcome" expires_after="2021-01-30">
Records the outcome of the password alert mode, indicating if password alert
warning is shown successfully or if it is skipped for some reason.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.PasswordProtectionResponseOrErrorCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2021-11-29">
Response or error codes for PasswordProtectionRequest. Logged after chrome
receives response of PasswordProtectionRequest from Safe Browsing service.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.PasswordReuseSyncAccountType"
enum="PasswordProtectionSyncAccountType" expires_after="2021-03-27">
When password protection service detects a reuse of Chrome sync password,
record the type of Chrome sync account on which the reuse happens (e.g.,, or other dasher account).
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.RendererDomFeatureResult"
enum="ClientSidePhishingResult" expires_after="2020-05-23">
The result from the renderer after DOM feature extraction. This is collected
when Chrome password protection detects password reuse, or (for SBER users),
when the user focuses on a password field.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.RequestNetworkDuration" units="ms"
The time it takes for PasswordProtectionService request. It is not recorded
for requests that were canceled.
<histogram base="true" name="PasswordProtection.RequestOutcome"
enum="PasswordProtectionRequestOutcome" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the outcome of the password protection request, indicating if
request is sent out successfully or if it is skipped or canceled for some
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.RequestReferringAppSource"
enum="PasswordProtectionReferringAppSource" expires_after="2021-12-15">
Records the referring app source of the password protection request,
indicating the source of the referring app name in the request. This metric
is only logged on Android.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.SampleReportSent" units="Boolean"
Logs when an event where users reuse their password or focus on a password
field is sent as a sample ping when the URL in the allowlist to Safe
Browsing. Events only happen 1% of the time when URLs match the allowlist.
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.Verdict" enum="PasswordProtectionVerdict"
Verdict types returned by Safe Browsing server for a password protection
request. Request can be triggered when user focuses on a password field or
enters a protected password (syncing, signed-in, or saved).
<histogram name="PasswordProtection.VisualFeatureExtractionDuration" units="ms"
The time it takes to extract the visual features of a login page before
sending a PasswordProtectionRequest. Logged every time visual features are
extracted (when an SBER user sends an On Focus ping).