blob: 795552f89c03a8ee7d4d25fc04bf6d054655e464 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Plugin histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Plugin.FlashNavigateUsage" enum="FlashNavigateUsageType"
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<summary>Record usage of PPB_Flash.Navigate() Pepper API.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.FlashUsage" enum="FlashUsage"
<summary>Collects Flash usage data.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.PowerSaver.Unthrottle"
enum="PluginPowerSaverUnthrottleMethod" expires_after="2020-03-29">
Deprecated Oct 2020.
Record how many throttled plugins are unthrottled, and by what method.
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiBrokerLoadErrorCode" enum="WinGetLastError"
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
The error code of a PPAPI broker load failure. Only reported on Windows.
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiBrokerLoadResult" enum="PluginLoadResult"
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
<summary>The result from an attempt to load a PPAPI broker.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiBrokerLoadTime" units="ms" expires_after="M88">
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
<summary>The time spent to load a PPAPI broker.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiPluginLoadErrorCode" enum="WinGetLastError"
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
The error code of a PPAPI plugin load failure. Only reported on Windows.
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiPluginLoadResult" enum="PluginLoadResult"
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
<summary>The result from an attempt to load a PPAPI plugin.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiPluginLoadTime" units="ms" expires_after="M88">
Deprecated Oct 14 2020.
<summary>The time spent to load a PPAPI plugin.</summary>
<histogram name="Plugin.PpapiSyncIPCTime" units="ms" expires_after="2018-08-30">
The time it took to complete a synchronous IPC made from the PPAPI process.
<histogram name="PluginVm.AppsInstalledAtLogin" units="apps"
Records the number of Plugin VM apps in the registry at login time. This
only logs if Plugin VM has already benn enabled for the current user.
<histogram name="PluginVm.DlcUseResult" units="PluginVmDlcUseResult"
<summary>Recorded at each time PluginVM DLC is installed.</summary>
<histogram name="PluginVm.EngagementTime.Background" units="ms"
Times when user is engaged and Plugin VM apps are running in the background,
but the user isn't focusing on an Plugin VM app window. See
PluginVm.EngagementTime.Total for further details.
<histogram name="PluginVm.EngagementTime.Foreground" units="ms"
Times when user is engaged and focuses on a Plugin VM window. See
PluginVm.EngagementTime.Total for further details.
<histogram name="PluginVm.EngagementTime.PluginVmTotal" units="ms"
Total of PluginVm.EngagementTime.Background and .Foreground, which is the
time the user is engaged and Plugin VM is running either in the foreground
or background. See PluginVm.EngagementTime.Total for further details.
<histogram name="PluginVm.EngagementTime.Total" units="ms"
Total CrOS user session time (from login to logout) excluding times when
user &quot;disengages&quot;: screen is locked or dims down due to user idle.
Engagement time metrics, along with foreground and background time, are only
collected on users with Plugin VM enabled. All four metrics are accumulated
and recorded to UMA once a day. For Total Plugin VM engagement time, see
<histogram name="PluginVm.Image.DownloadedSize" units="MB"
The size of the PluginVm image downloaded in MB. Recorded each time PluginVm
image is sucessfully downloaded.
<histogram name="PluginVm.LaunchResult" enum="PluginVmLaunchResult"
Recorded at each attempt to launch PluginVm, recording whether this attempt
is successful or not.
<histogram name="PluginVm.SetupFailureReason" enum="PluginVmSetupFailureReason"
<summary>Recorded when the Plugin VM installer fails.</summary>
<histogram name="PluginVm.SetupResult" enum="PluginVmSetupResult"
Recorded at each attempt to set up PluginVm, recording the setup result. As
of M83, errors are grouped together here and broken down in
<histogram name="PluginVm.SetupTime" units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Recorded at each successful attempt to set up PluginVm, recording the time
that user spent waiting for setup to be finished. When error occurs during
setup and user clicks retry button - time between pressing retry button and
setup being finished is recorded.