blob: edd31c5bdfc25218a2b4c5e5ddccf4b5207cd79e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Translate histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Translate.AcceptLanguages.CanBeAcceptDuration" units="ms"
Time taken for the TranslateAcceptLanguages to decide if a given language is
available as Accept-Languages.
<histogram name="Translate.AlwaysTranslateLang" units="units"
The number of times the always translate option was selected in the
translate infobar.
<histogram name="Translate.BubbleUiEvent" enum="TranslateBubbleUiEvent"
<summary>Tracks UI events related to the translate bubble.</summary>
<histogram name="Translate.CaptureText" units="ms" expires_after="M99">
The time spent capturing plain text from the DOM. Pre sub frame translation
support (this includes before M83), this is reported by
ChromeRenderViewObserver. If sub frame translation is enabled, this is
captured in the browser process and reported by ContentTranslateDriver.
<histogram name="Translate.CLD3.LanguageDetected" enum="LocaleCodeISO639"
Language of the input page detected by CLD3. This information is logged on
every page load.
<histogram name="Translate.CLD3.LanguagePercentage" units="%"
Percentage of the bytes that are associated with the most popular language
on the input page. Only recorded if the detection returned a
&quot;known&quot; result.
<histogram name="Translate.CLD3.TopLanguageEvaluationDuration" units="ms"
The time to evaluate the CLD3 language detection model for the top language.
This information is logged on every request.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Event" enum="TranslateCompactUIEvent"
<summary>Various user actions performed in the translate infobar.</summary>
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Language.AlwaysTranslate"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the source language when always translate this
language option is clicked in the menu.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Language.MoreLanguages"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the language clicked on the more languages menu.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Language.NeverTranslate"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the source language when never translate this
language option is clicked in the menu.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Language.PageNotIn"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the language clicked on the menu to indicate the
page is not in the selected language.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.Language.Translate"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the language clicked on the infobar. Expired from
M86 - M89.
<histogram name="Translate.CompactInfobar.TranslationsPerPage"
units="translations" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the number of times a page is translated, every time the page is
translated. For instance on a page a) translation from A to B, we record
&quot;1&quot; b) from A to B - we record &quot;1&quot; and revert from B to
A - we record &quot;2&quot; c) from A to B - we record &quot;1&quot;, then
translation to C - we record &quot;2&quot;. d) from A to B - we record
&quot;1&quot;, then translation to C - we record &quot;2&quot; and then
revert to A - we record &quot;3&quot;. We increment the translation count:
a) every time the target language is changed. b) every time we revert to the
original language (user can only revert to original language and not
intermediate target languages). This essentially means 1 denotes &gt;= 1
translations, 2 is &gt;=2 translations per page and so on. This will give us
a sense of how often people try out several translates on a page, or flip
back and forth.
<histogram name="Translate.ContentLanguage" enum="TranslateLanguage"
A page may provide a Content-Language HTTP header or a META tag. For each
page load, measures whether the Content-Language header exists and is valid.
<histogram name="Translate.DeclineTranslate" units="units"
The number of times the &quot;Nope&quot; (don't translate) or the infobar's
X button was clicked in the translate infobar.
<histogram name="Translate.DeclineTranslateCloseInfobar" units="units"
The number of times the translate infobar was closed by clicking the X
button without the user translating the page.
<histogram name="Translate.DeclineTranslateDismissUI" units="units"
The number of times the translate UI was closed without translating in the
way that the user doesn't deny translating explicityly, like pressing 'Nope'
button. This is counted on both the infobar and the bubble UI. We are
comparing this on infobar to that on bubble by A/B testing and expecting
that the user will click 'Nope' button on bubble less times than infobar. We
won't delete this histogram after the experiment.
<histogram name="Translate.ExplicitLanguageAsk.Event"
enum="TranslateExplicitAskPromptEventType" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The events (shown, saved, cancelled) happening in the Explicit Language Ask
<histogram name="Translate.ExplicitLanguageAsk.LanguageAdded"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The languages that were added to the Accept Languages list from the Explicit
Language Ask prompt.
<histogram name="Translate.ExplicitLanguageAsk.LanguageRemoved"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The languages that were removed from the Accept Languages list from the
Explicit Language Ask prompt.
<histogram name="Translate.HrefHint.PrefsFilterStatus"
enum="HrefTranslatePrefsFilterStatus" expires_after="2021-06-23">
For Google navigations, the hrefTranslate hint may trigger a translation
automatically. If the hint is present on a Google navigation, record which
blocklists came into play when filtering the translation decision according
to user prefs. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that translation
didn't happen - it's possible that the hrefTranslate translation overrode
one or more of these blocklists depending on which features are active.
<histogram name="Translate.HrefHint.Status" enum="HrefTranslateStatus"
For Google navigations, the hrefTranslate hint may trigger a translation
automatically. If the hint is present on a Google navigation, record whether
or not automatic translation happened. If automatic translation was already
going to happen, then we use the auto translate target language. Also record
if this caused the target language to be different than the hrefTranslate
target language.
<histogram name="Translate.HtmlLang" enum="TranslateLanguage"
A page may provide a lang attribute in html tag. For each page load,
measures whether the lang attribute exists and is valid.
<histogram name="Translate.InfobarShown" enum="BooleanHit" expires_after="M85">
The number of times the translate infobar was shown in the old translate UI
on Android. Only true is recorded.
<histogram name="Translate.InitiationStatus.v2"
enum="TranslateInitiationStatus" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The reason why Chrome decided to perform the next action (e.g., to show
infobar, to translate a page without any prompting, and so on) when Chrome
Translate is ready to translate a page.
<histogram name="Translate.LanguageDetection.ContentLength" units="characters"
The number of characters of page content used for language detection.
<histogram name="Translate.LanguageDetectionTiming"
enum="TranslateLanguageDetectionTiming" expires_after="M85">
For each page load, records whether language detection occurs on time or
gets deferred. If deferred language detection later completes, this is also
recorded. This allows measuring the UX impact of using a non-static CLD data
<histogram name="Translate.LanguageDeterminedDuration" units="ms"
Records the time from when a navigation finishes to when its page language
is determined. This includes the time to load the frame(s), capturing the
text content of the page, and running language classification on that
<histogram name="Translate.LanguageSettingsIsShown" enum="BooleanShown"
Log everytime the language settings page is shown. This can be either user
visits chrome://settings/languages or user visits the advanced languages
card in chrome://settings. With this stat, we will be able to understand how
well the language model is doing by looking into how the number changes over
time. In additiona to that, we are also interested in how many users ever
visit the languages settings card.
<histogram name="Translate.LanguageVerification"
enum="TranslateLanguageVerification" expires_after="M78">
For each page load, measures whether the provided HTML language (i.e. the
page lang attribute if it exists, otherwise the header Content-Language
value) matches the language determined by CLD. Beyond directly matching or
mismatching the HTML language, CLD can complement the HTML language. For
example, suppose the HTML language is 'zh' (general Chinese), a language
code that the Translate server does not support. In this case, CLD can
detect a subcode like '-TW' or '-CN', resulting in language codes 'zh-TW'
and 'zh-CN', which the Translate server supports. This is referred to as
&quot;complementing a language subcode&quot;.
<histogram name="Translate.LocalesOnDisabledByPrefs" enum="LanguageName"
Logs the user locale when the Translate feature is disabled by the user.
This is recorded each time a webpage is loaded and prefs for translation is
checked. This allows us to investigate the correlation between the user
locale and the usage rates of the Translate.
<histogram name="Translate.MenuTranslation.IsAvailable" enum="BooleanAvailable"
Logs the availability of manual translate from the context (Desktop) menu
and app (Mobile) menu. Emitted when the menu is shown.
<histogram name="Translate.MenuTranslation.UnavailableReasons"
enum="MenuTranslationUnavailableReason" expires_after="2021-07-04">
If manual translate is not available on the context (Desktop) or app
(Mobile) menu for the current page, logs ALL the reasons why. Emitted when
the menu is shown. More than one bucket may be logged per menu open. This
allows us to investigate the primary reasons the user isn't seeing the menu
item and make the manual translate UI more visible to users.
<histogram name="Translate.MobileMenuTranslate.Shown" enum="Boolean"
Removed 10/09/2020. Replaced with Translate.MenuTranslation.IsAvailable.
Whether the 'Translate' app menu entry is shown to the user. Emitted when
the app menu (three dots) is shown and a translation could be performed.
<histogram name="Translate.ModifyOriginalLang" units="units"
The number of times the original language in the translate infobar has been
<histogram name="Translate.ModifyTargetLang" units="units"
The number of times the target language in the translate infobar has been
<histogram name="Translate.NeverTranslateLang" units="units"
The number of times the never translate option was selected in the translate
<histogram name="Translate.NeverTranslateSite" units="units"
The number of times the never translate site was selected in the translate
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.AutofillAssistantDeferredTriggerDecision"
enum="BooleanDeferred" expires_after="2021-04-04">
Whether or not the Autofill Assistant defered determining the initial state
of Chrome Translate for a page load. This value is logged once the page load
is completed or the first time that Chrome is backgrounded during the course
of the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.FinalSourceLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the source language at the end of the page load.
This may differ from the initial source language determined by Chrome,
because the user can manually change the source language. This value is
logged once the page load is completed or the first time Chrome is
backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.FinalState" enum="TranslateState"
The state of Translate at the end of a page load. The state includes whether
the page is translated, and what translate is shown (no UI, omnibox icon
only, and full UI shown). This value is logged once the page load is
completed or the first time Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the
page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.FinalTargetLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records the hashcode of the target language at the end of the page load.
This may differ from the initial target language determined by Chrome,
because the user can manually change the target language. This value is
logged once the page load is completed or the first time Chrome is
backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.InitialSourceLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-04-04">
Records the hashcode of the source language at the beginning of the page
load. The initial source language is automatically determined by Chrome.
This value is logged once the page load is completed or the first time
Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.InitialState" enum="TranslateState"
The state of Translate at the start of a page load. The state includes
whether the page is translated, and what translate is shown (no UI, omnibox
icon only, and full UI shown). This value is logged once the page load is
completed or the first time Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the
page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.InitialTargetLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2021-06-13">
Records the hashcode of the target language at the beginning of the page
load. The initial target language is automatically determined by Chrome.
This value is logged once the page load is completed or the first time
Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-06-27">
Whether or not the initial source language of this page load is in the
user's content language. The user's content languages loosely match the
languages that the user has translated to before or blocked for translation.
This value is logged once the page load is completed or the first time
Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.NumReversions" units="reversions"
The number of translations that are reverted over the course of a page load.
This value is logged once the page load is completed or the first time
Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.NumTargetLanguageChanges"
units="target language changes" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The number of times the user changed the target language over the course of
the page load. This value is logged once the page load is completed or the
first time Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page load,
whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.NumTranslations" units="translations"
The number of translations performed over the course of a page load. This
value is logged once the page load is completed or the first time Chrome is
backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.Ranker.Decision"
enum="TranslateRankerDecision" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Logs the decision (show UI, don't show UI, or not queried) of the Translate
Ranker for a page load. This value is logged once the page load is completed
or the first time that Chrome is backgrounded during the course of the page
load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.Ranker.Version" units="version"
Logs the version of the Translate Ranker used for a page load. This value is
logged once the page load is completed or the first time that Chrome is
backgrounded during the course of the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageLoad.TriggerDecision"
enum="TranslateTriggerDecision" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Logs the highest priority reason for the initial state of Translate for the
page load. This value is logged at the end of the page load or the first
time Chrome is backgrounded during the page load, whichever comes first.
<histogram name="Translate.PageScheme" enum="TranslateScheme"
<summary>Counts translation target page schemes.</summary>
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Model.Status" enum="RankerModelStatus"
Tracks the outcome of attempts to download a Translate Ranker Model.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Model.Version" units="date stamp"
The date tamp (e.g., 20160916 -&gt; 15 Sept 2016) which denotes the
TranslateRankerModel's version.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.QueryResult" enum="BooleanAccepted"
Whether the TranslateRanker accepts or denies to show the translation
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.CalculateScore" units="ms"
Time taken for the TranslateRanker to use the translate ranker model to
calculate a score for the translation, in ms.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.DownloadModel" units="ms"
Time taken for the Translate Ranker Model Loader to download its model from
the configured URL, in ms.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.ParseModel" units="ms"
Time taken for the Translate Ranker Model Loader to parse its model, in ms.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.ReadModel" units="ms"
Time taken for the Translate Ranker Model Loader to read its model from
local storage (cache), in ms.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.ShouldOfferTranslation" units="ms"
Time taken for the TranslateRanker to decide if a given translation should
be offered or not, in ms. This includes the time taken to extract the
relevant features upon which to base the decision, as well as the time taken
to calculate the result.
<histogram name="Translate.Ranker.Timer.WriteModel" units="ms"
Time taken for the Translate Ranker Model Loader to write its model to local
storage, in ms.
<histogram name="Translate.ReportLanguageDetectionError" units="units"
The number of times the &quot;report this error&quot; of options menu is
selected in the translate infobar.
<histogram name="Translate.RevertTranslation" units="units"
The number of times the show original button was clicked in the translate
<histogram name="Translate.ShowErrorUI" enum="TranslateError"
Chrome Translate shows an error UI (infobar or bubble) when an error happens
on translation and the UI message depends on what kind of error happens.
This metric counts how often each error message is shown.
<histogram name="Translate.SimilarLanguageMatch" enum="BooleanMatched"
This metrics is logged whenever a page is loaded. The logged value is
&quot;Mathced&quot; when the CLD-detected language differs from the page
language code , and the two languages are such similar languages. In that
case, Chrome ignore the CLD-determined language and instead uses the page
language code. The page language code is decided by Content-Language and
HTML lang attribute.
<histogram name="Translate.SourceLanguage" enum="LocaleCodeISO639"
The number of requests sent to the Translate server, grouped by source
<histogram name="Translate.TargetLanguage" enum="LocaleCodeISO639"
The number of requests sent to the Translate server, grouped by target
<histogram name="Translate.TargetLanguage.Origin"
enum="TranslateTargetLanguageOrigin" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Where the target language was determined from. Can be the most recent target
language, from the language model, the UI language, the user's accept
languages, or default to English.
<histogram name="Translate.TimeToBeReady" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
The time from injecting scripts for Chrome Translate to being ready to
perform translation.
<histogram name="Translate.TimeToLoad" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
The time from injecting scripts for Chrome Translate to the finishing loads
of all depending libraries.
<histogram name="Translate.TimeToTranslate" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
<summary>The time from starting translation to the completion.</summary>
<histogram name="Translate.Translate" enum="BooleanTranslate"
The number of times the translate button was clicked in the translate
<histogram name="Translate.Translate.AMPCacheURL" enum="BooleanTranslate"
The number of times the translate button was clicked in the translate
infobar for a page that is likely an AMP Cache URL.
<histogram name="Translate.TranslateAssistContentResult"
enum="TranslateAssistContentResult" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android: Records the result of assembling translate data to provide to
Assistant via AssistContent. See TranslateAssistContentResult in enums.xml
for possible values.
<histogram name="Translate.TranslateFrameCount" units="frames"
The number of frames translated for a translated page (including the main
frame). This is recorded when sub frame translation is enabled.
<histogram name="Translate.TranslateSubframe.ErrorType" enum="TranslateError"
The error type for a failed sub frame translation (where the main frame was
successfully translated). This is recorded when sub frame translation is
<histogram name="Translate.TranslateSubframe.SuccessPercentage" units="%"
The percentage of sub frames that translated successfully for a translated
page (where the main frame was successfully translated). This is recorded
when sub frame translation is enabled.
<histogram name="Translate.TranslateTabIntentResult"
enum="TranslateTabIntentResult" expires_after="M91">
Android: Records the result of processing a TRANSLATE_TAB intent. See
TranslateTabIntentResult in enums.xml for possible values.
This is recorded once for each TRANSLATE_TAB intent received.
<histogram name="Translate.UndisplayableLanguage" enum="LanguageName"
Removed 01/09/2021. Not used anymore.
Logs an undisplayable language included in the language list sent by the
Translate server. The Translate server sends the list each time the user
runs Chrome. This metrics tells us that there is a language which UI should
support but doesn't.
<histogram name="Translate.UnsupportedLanguageAtInitiation" enum="LanguageName"
Logs an unsupported source language detected during initiation of the
Translate feature. This is reported when the language detector successfully
detects the language of the webpage, but the language is not supported by
the translation server because it is too minor. This metric allows us to
assess how important the unsupported language is for Google translate.
Expired from M86 - M89.
<histogram name="Translate.UserActionDuration" units="ms"
The time from a page content language being determined to user requesting
Chrome Translate.