blob: 71f65c39eedf5e334e1bc84c2c2d552cc4377b23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
namespace ash {
namespace ClipboardHistoryViews {
// The insets within the contents view.
constexpr int kContentsVerticalInset = 4;
constexpr gfx::Insets kContentsInsets(kContentsVerticalInset,
// The size of the `DeleteButton`.
constexpr int kDeleteButtonSizeDip = 16;
// The margins of the `DeleteButton` instance showing on
// `ClipboardHistoryTextItemView` or `ClipboardHistoryFileItemView`.
constexpr gfx::Insets kDefaultItemDeleteButtonMargins =
gfx::Insets(/*top=*/0, /*left=*/8, /*bottom=*/0, /*right=*/4);
// The margins of the `DeleteButton` instance showing on
// `ClipboardHistoryBitmapItemView`.
constexpr gfx::Insets kBitmapItemDeleteButtonMargins =
gfx::Insets(/*top=*/4, /*left=*/0, /*bottom=*/0, /*right=*/4);
// The preferred height of `ClipboardHistoryLabel`.
constexpr int kLabelPreferredHeight = 28;
// The preferred height of the image view showing on
// `ClipboardHistoryBitmapItemView`.
constexpr int kImageViewPreferredHeight = 72;
// The radius of the image's rounded corners.
constexpr int kImageRoundedCornerRadius = 4;
// The thickness of the image border.
constexpr int kImageBorderThickness = 1;
} // namespace ClipboardHistoryViews
} // namespace ash