blob: a54c75f995c1dc6d009ed48e068f192cc9535891 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/downloads/downloads.mojom.h"
#include "components/download/content/public/all_download_item_notifier.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_item.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace content {
class DownloadManager;
// A class that tracks all downloads activity and keeps a sorted representation
// of the downloads as chrome://downloads wants to display them.
class DownloadsListTracker
: public download::AllDownloadItemNotifier::Observer {
DownloadsListTracker(content::DownloadManager* download_manager,
mojo::PendingRemote<downloads::mojom::Page> page);
~DownloadsListTracker() override;
// Clears all downloads on the page if currently sending updates and resets
// chunk tracking data.
void Reset();
// This class only cares about downloads that match |search_terms|.
// An empty list shows all downloads (the default). Returns true if
// |search_terms| differ from the current ones.
bool SetSearchTerms(const std::vector<std::string>& search_terms);
// Starts sending updates and sends a capped amount of downloads. Tracks which
// downloads have been sent. Re-call this to send more.
void StartAndSendChunk();
// Stops sending updates to the page.
void Stop();
content::DownloadManager* GetMainNotifierManager() const;
content::DownloadManager* GetOriginalNotifierManager() const;
// AllDownloadItemNotifier::Observer:
void OnDownloadCreated(content::DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* download_item) override;
void OnDownloadUpdated(content::DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* download_item) override;
void OnDownloadRemoved(content::DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* download_item) override;
// Testing constructor.
DownloadsListTracker(content::DownloadManager* download_manager,
mojo::PendingRemote<downloads::mojom::Page> page,
base::Callback<bool(const download::DownloadItem&)>);
// Creates a dictionary value that's sent to the page as JSON.
virtual downloads::mojom::DataPtr CreateDownloadData(
download::DownloadItem* item) const;
// Exposed for testing.
bool IsIncognito(const download::DownloadItem& item) const;
const download::DownloadItem* GetItemForTesting(size_t index) const;
void SetChunkSizeForTesting(size_t chunk_size);
struct StartTimeComparator {
bool operator()(const download::DownloadItem* a,
const download::DownloadItem* b) const;
using SortedSet = std::set<download::DownloadItem*, StartTimeComparator>;
// Called by both constructors to initialize common state.
void Init();
// Clears and re-inserts all downloads items into |sorted_items_|.
void RebuildSortedItems();
// Whether |item| should show on the current page.
bool ShouldShow(const download::DownloadItem& item) const;
// Returns the index of |item| in |sorted_items_|.
size_t GetIndex(const SortedSet::iterator& item) const;
// Calls "insertItems" if sending updates and the page knows about |insert|.
void InsertItem(const SortedSet::iterator& insert);
// Calls "updateItem" if sending updates and the page knows about |update|.
void UpdateItem(const SortedSet::iterator& update);
// Removes the item that corresponds to |remove| and sends "removeItems"
// if sending updates.
void RemoveItem(const SortedSet::iterator& remove);
download::AllDownloadItemNotifier main_notifier_;
std::unique_ptr<download::AllDownloadItemNotifier> original_notifier_;
mojo::Remote<downloads::mojom::Page> page_;
// Callback used to determine if an item should show on the page. Set to
// |ShouldShow()| in default constructor, passed in while testing.
base::Callback<bool(const download::DownloadItem&)> should_show_;
// When this is true, all changes to downloads that affect the page are sent
// via JavaScript.
bool sending_updates_ = false;
SortedSet sorted_items_;
// The number of items sent to the page so far.
size_t sent_to_page_ = 0u;
// The maximum number of items sent to the page at a time.
size_t chunk_size_ = 20u;
// Current search terms.
std::vector<base::string16> search_terms_;