blob: 49e1ae57010456c6589a971c4181d37f211dd550 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/script_loader.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/feature_policy/feature_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/feature_policy/feature_policy_feature.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/sanitize_script_errors.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_binding_for_core.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/scriptable_document_parser.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/csp/content_security_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_dom_window.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/imports/html_import.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/html_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/console_message.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/importance_attribute.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/modulescript/module_script_creation_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/modulescript/module_script_fetch_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/subresource_integrity_helper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/classic_pending_script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/classic_script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/import_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/js_module_script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/modulator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/module_pending_script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/pending_import_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/script_element_base.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/script_runner.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/trustedtypes/trusted_types_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/parkable_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/histogram.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/use_counter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/fetch_client_settings_object_snapshot.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/fetch_parameters.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/resource_fetcher.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/subresource_integrity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/network/mime/mime_type_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/security_origin.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/security_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_hash.h"
namespace blink {
ScriptLoader::ScriptLoader(ScriptElementBase* element,
const CreateElementFlags flags)
: element_(element),
force_deferred_(false) {
// <spec href="">... The
// cloning steps for script elements must set the "already started" flag on
// the copy if it is set on the element being cloned.</spec>
// TODO(hiroshige): Cloning is implemented together with
// {HTML,SVG}ScriptElement::cloneElementWithoutAttributesAndChildren().
// Clean up these later.
if (flags.WasAlreadyStarted())
already_started_ = true;
if (flags.IsCreatedByParser()) {
// <spec href="">script
// elements with non-null parser documents are known as
// "parser-inserted".</spec>
// For more information on why this is not implemented in terms of a
// non-null parser document, see the documentation in the header file.
parser_inserted_ = true;
// <spec href="">... It is
// set by the HTML parser and the XML parser on script elements they insert
// ...</spec>
parser_document_ = flags.ParserDocument();
// <spec href="">... It is unset
// by the HTML parser and the XML parser on script elements they insert.
// ...</spec>
non_blocking_ = false;
ScriptLoader::~ScriptLoader() {}
void ScriptLoader::Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {
void ScriptLoader::DidNotifySubtreeInsertionsToDocument() {
if (!parser_inserted_)
PrepareScript(); // FIXME: Provide a real starting line number here.
void ScriptLoader::ChildrenChanged() {
if (!parser_inserted_ && element_->IsConnected())
PrepareScript(); // FIXME: Provide a real starting line number here.
void ScriptLoader::HandleSourceAttribute(const String& source_url) {
if (IgnoresLoadRequest() || source_url.IsEmpty())
PrepareScript(); // FIXME: Provide a real starting line number here.
// <specdef href="">
void ScriptLoader::HandleAsyncAttribute() {
// <spec>... In addition, whenever a script element whose "non-blocking" flag
// is set has an async content attribute added, the element's "non-blocking"
// flag must be unset.</spec>
non_blocking_ = false;
void ScriptLoader::DetachPendingScript() {
if (!pending_script_)
pending_script_ = nullptr;
namespace {
bool IsValidClassicScriptTypeAndLanguage(
const String& type,
const String& language,
ScriptLoader::LegacyTypeSupport support_legacy_types) {
// FIXME: IsLegacySupportedJavaScriptLanguage() is not valid HTML5. It is used
// here to maintain backwards compatibility with existing web tests. The
// specific violations are:
// - Allowing type=javascript. type= should only support MIME types, such as
// text/javascript.
// - Allowing a different set of languages for language= and type=. language=
// supports Javascript 1.1 and 1.4-1.6, but type= does not.
if (type.IsEmpty()) {
return language.IsEmpty() || // assume text/javascript.
MIMETypeRegistry::IsSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType("text/" +
language) ||
} else if (MIMETypeRegistry::IsSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType(
type.StripWhiteSpace()) ||
(support_legacy_types ==
ScriptLoader::kAllowLegacyTypeInTypeAttribute &&
MIMETypeRegistry::IsLegacySupportedJavaScriptLanguage(type))) {
return true;
return false;
enum class ShouldFireErrorEvent {
bool IsImportMapEnabled(LocalDOMWindow* context_window) {
// When window/modulator is null, `true` is returned here, because
// PrepareScript() should fail at "scripting is disabled" checks, not here.
if (!context_window)
return true;
Modulator* modulator =
if (!modulator)
return true;
return modulator->ImportMapsEnabled();
} // namespace
// <specdef href="">
ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare ScriptLoader::GetScriptTypeAtPrepare(
const String& type,
const String& language,
LegacyTypeSupport support_legacy_types) {
if (IsValidClassicScriptTypeAndLanguage(type, language,
support_legacy_types)) {
// <spec step="7">... If the script block's type string is a JavaScript MIME
// type essence match, the script's type is "classic". ...</spec>
// TODO(hiroshige): Annotate and/or cleanup this step.
return ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(type, "module")) {
// <spec step="7">... If the script block's type string is an ASCII
// case-insensitive match for the string "module", the script's type is
// "module". ...</spec>
return ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule;
if (type == "importmap") {
return ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap;
// <spec step="7">... If neither of the above conditions are true, then
// return. No script is executed.</spec>
return ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kInvalid;
bool ScriptLoader::BlockForNoModule(ScriptTypeAtPrepare script_type,
bool nomodule) {
return nomodule && script_type == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic;
// Corresponds to
// which is a translation of the CORS settings attribute in the context of
// module scripts. This is used in:
// - Step 17 of
// - Step 6 of obtaining a preloaded module script
network::mojom::CredentialsMode ScriptLoader::ModuleScriptCredentialsMode(
CrossOriginAttributeValue cross_origin) {
switch (cross_origin) {
case kCrossOriginAttributeNotSet:
case kCrossOriginAttributeAnonymous:
return network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kSameOrigin;
case kCrossOriginAttributeUseCredentials:
return network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kInclude;
return network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kOmit;
bool ShouldBlockSyncScriptForDocumentPolicy(
const ScriptElementBase* element,
ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare script_type,
bool parser_inserted) {
if (element->GetExecutionContext()->IsFeatureEnabled(
mojom::blink::DocumentPolicyFeature::kSyncScript)) {
return false;
// Module scripts and import maps never block parsing.
if (script_type == ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule ||
script_type == ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap ||
return false;
if (!element->HasSourceAttribute())
return true;
return !element->DeferAttributeValue() && !element->AsyncAttributeValue();
// <specdef href="">
bool ScriptLoader::PrepareScript(const TextPosition& script_start_position,
LegacyTypeSupport support_legacy_types) {
// <spec step="1">If the script element is marked as having "already started",
// then return. The script is not executed.</spec>
if (already_started_)
return false;
// <spec step="2">If the element has its "parser-inserted" flag set, then set
// was-parser-inserted to true and unset the element's "parser-inserted" flag.
// Otherwise, set was-parser-inserted to false.</spec>
bool was_parser_inserted;
if (parser_inserted_) {
was_parser_inserted = true;
parser_inserted_ = false;
} else {
was_parser_inserted = false;
// <spec step="3">If was-parser-inserted is true and the element does not have
// an async attribute, then set the element's "non-blocking" flag to
// true.</spec>
if (was_parser_inserted && !element_->AsyncAttributeValue())
non_blocking_ = true;
// <spec step="4">Let source text be the element's child text content.</spec>
// Trusted Types additionally requires:
// - Step 4: Execute the Prepare the script URL and text algorithm upon the
// script element. If that algorithm threw an error, then return. The
// script is not executed.
// - Step 5: Let source text be the elementโ€™s [[ScriptText]] internal slot
// value.
const String source_text = GetScriptText();
// <spec step="5">If the element has no src attribute, and source text is the
// empty string, then return. The script is not executed.</spec>
if (!element_->HasSourceAttribute() && source_text.IsEmpty())
return false;
// <spec step="6">If the element is not connected, then return. The script is
// not executed.</spec>
if (!element_->IsConnected())
return false;
Document& element_document = element_->GetDocument();
LocalDOMWindow* context_window = element_document.ExecutingWindow();
// <spec step="7">... Determine the script's type as follows: ...</spec>
script_type_ = GetScriptTypeAtPrepare(element_->TypeAttributeValue(),
switch (GetScriptType()) {
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kInvalid:
return false;
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap:
if (!IsImportMapEnabled(context_window))
return false;
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic:
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule:
// <spec step="8">If was-parser-inserted is true, then flag the element as
// "parser-inserted" again, and set the element's "non-blocking" flag to
// false.</spec>
if (was_parser_inserted) {
parser_inserted_ = true;
non_blocking_ = false;
// <spec step="9">Set the element's "already started" flag.</spec>
already_started_ = true;
// <spec step="10">If the element is flagged as "parser-inserted", but the
// element's node document is not the Document of the parser that created the
// element, then return.</spec>
if (parser_inserted_ && parser_document_ != &element_->GetDocument()) {
return false;
// <spec step="11">If scripting is disabled for the script element, then
// return. The script is not executed.</spec>
// <spec href="">Scripting
// is disabled for a node if there is no such browsing context, or if
// scripting is disabled in that browsing context.</spec>
if (!context_window)
return false;
if (!context_window->CanExecuteScripts(kAboutToExecuteScript))
return false;
// <spec step="12">If the script element has a nomodule content attribute and
// the script's type is "classic", then return. The script is not
// executed.</spec>
if (BlockForNoModule(GetScriptType(), element_->NomoduleAttributeValue()))
return false;
// TODO(csharrison): This logic only works if the tokenizer/parser was not
// blocked waiting for scripts when the element was inserted. This usually
// fails for instance, on second document.write if a script writes twice
// in a row. To fix this, the parser might have to keep track of raw
// string position.
// Also PendingScript's contructor has the same code.
const bool is_in_document_write = element_document.IsInDocumentWrite();
// Reset line numbering for nested writes.
TextPosition position =
is_in_document_write ? TextPosition() : script_start_position;
// <spec step="13">If the script element does not have a src content
// attribute, and the Should element's inline behavior be blocked by Content
// Security Policy? algorithm returns "Blocked" when executed upon the script
// element, "script", and source text, then return. The script is not
// executed. [CSP]</spec>
if (!element_->HasSourceAttribute() &&
position.line_, source_text)) {
return false;
// 14.
if (!IsScriptForEventSupported())
return false;
// This Document Policy is still in the process of being added to the spec.
if (ShouldBlockSyncScriptForDocumentPolicy(element_.Get(), GetScriptType(),
parser_inserted_)) {
"Synchronous script execution is disabled by Document Policy"));
return false;
// 14. is handled below.
// <spec step="16">Let classic script CORS setting be the current state of the
// element's crossorigin content attribute.</spec>
CrossOriginAttributeValue cross_origin =
// <spec step="17">Let module script credentials mode be the module script
// credentials mode for the element's crossorigin content attribute.</spec>
network::mojom::CredentialsMode credentials_mode =
// <spec step="18">Let cryptographic nonce be the element's
// [[CryptographicNonce]] internal slot's value.</spec>
String nonce = element_->GetNonceForElement();
// <spec step="19">If the script element has an integrity attribute, then let
// integrity metadata be that attribute's value. Otherwise, let integrity
// metadata be the empty string.</spec>
String integrity_attr = element_->IntegrityAttributeValue();
IntegrityMetadataSet integrity_metadata;
if (!integrity_attr.IsEmpty()) {
SubresourceIntegrity::IntegrityFeatures integrity_features =
SubresourceIntegrity::ReportInfo report_info;
integrity_attr, integrity_features, integrity_metadata, &report_info);
// <spec step="20">Let referrer policy be the current state of the element's
// referrerpolicy content attribute.</spec>
String referrerpolicy_attr = element_->ReferrerPolicyAttributeValue();
network::mojom::ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy =
if (!referrerpolicy_attr.IsEmpty()) {
referrerpolicy_attr, kDoNotSupportReferrerPolicyLegacyKeywords,
// Priority Hints is currently a non-standard feature, but we can assume the
// following (see
// <spec step="21">Let importance be the current state of the element's
// importance content attribute.</spec>
String importance_attr = element_->ImportanceAttributeValue();
mojom::FetchImportanceMode importance =
// <spec step="21">Let parser metadata be "parser-inserted" if the script
// element has been flagged as "parser-inserted", and "not-parser-inserted"
// otherwise.</spec>
ParserDisposition parser_state =
IsParserInserted() ? kParserInserted : kNotParserInserted;
if (GetScriptType() == ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule)
UseCounter::Count(*context_window, WebFeature::kPrepareModuleScript);
// <spec step="22">Let options be a script fetch options whose cryptographic
// nonce is cryptographic nonce, integrity metadata is integrity metadata,
// parser metadata is parser metadata, credentials mode is module script
// credentials mode, and referrer policy is referrer policy.</spec>
ScriptFetchOptions options(nonce, integrity_metadata, integrity_attr,
parser_state, credentials_mode, referrer_policy,
// <spec step="23">Let settings object be the element's node document's
// relevant settings object.</spec>
// In some cases (mainly for classic scripts) |element_document| is used as
// the "settings object", while in other cases (mainly for module scripts)
// |content_document| is used.
// TODO(hiroshige): Use a consistent Document everywhere.
auto* fetch_client_settings_object_fetcher = context_window->Fetcher();
// If the scriptโ€™s type is "importmap" and the elementโ€™s node documentโ€™s
// acquiring import maps is false, then queue a task to fire an event named
// error at the element, and return. [spec text]
if (GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap) {
Modulator* modulator =
if (!modulator->IsAcquiringImportMaps()) {
"An import map is added after module script load was triggered."));
return false;
// <spec step="24">If the element has a src content attribute, then:</spec>
if (element_->HasSourceAttribute()) {
// <spec step="24.1">Let src be the value of the element's src
// attribute.</spec>
String src =
// <spec step="24.2">If src is the empty string, queue a task to fire an
// event named error at the element, and return.</spec>
if (src.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
// <spec step="24.3">Set the element's from an external file flag.</spec>
is_external_script_ = true;
// <spec step="24.4">Parse src relative to the element's node
// document.</spec>
KURL url = element_document.CompleteURL(src);
// <spec step="24.5">If the previous step failed, queue a task to fire an
// event named error at the element, and return. Otherwise, let url be the
// resulting URL record.</spec>
if (!url.IsValid()) {
return false;
// <spec step="24.6">Switch on the script's type:</spec>
switch (GetScriptType()) {
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kInvalid:
return false;
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap:
// TODO( Implement external import maps.
"External import maps are not yet supported."));
return false;
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic: {
// - "classic":
// <spec step="15">If the script element has a charset attribute, then
// let encoding be the result of getting an encoding from the value of
// the charset attribute. If the script element does not have a charset
// attribute, or if getting an encoding failed, let encoding be the same
// as the encoding of the script element's node document.</spec>
// TODO(hiroshige): Should we handle failure in getting an encoding?
WTF::TextEncoding encoding;
if (!element_->CharsetAttributeValue().IsEmpty())
encoding = WTF::TextEncoding(element_->CharsetAttributeValue());
encoding = element_document.Encoding();
// <spec step="24.6.A">"classic"
// Fetch a classic script given url, settings object, options, classic
// script CORS setting, and encoding.</spec>
Document* document_for_origin = &element_document;
if (element_document.ImportsController()) {
document_for_origin = context_window->document();
FetchClassicScript(url, *document_for_origin, options, cross_origin,
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule: {
// - "module":
// Step 15 is skipped because they are not used in module
// scripts.
// <spec step="24.6.B">"module"
// Fetch an external module script graph given url, settings object, and
// options.</spec>
Modulator* modulator = Modulator::From(
FetchModuleScriptTree(url, fetch_client_settings_object_fetcher,
modulator, options);
// <spec step="24.6">When the chosen algorithm asynchronously completes,
// set the script's script to the result. At that time, the script is
// ready.
// ...</spec>
// When the script is ready,
// PendingScriptClient::pendingScriptFinished() is used as the
// notification, and the action to take when the script is ready is
// specified later, in
// - ScriptLoader::PrepareScript(), or
// - HTMLParserScriptRunner,
// depending on the conditions in Step 25 of "prepare a script".
// <spec step="25">If the element does not have a src content attribute, run
// these substeps:</spec>
if (!element_->HasSourceAttribute()) {
// <spec step="24.1">Let src be the value of the element's src
// attribute.</spec>
// This step is done later as ScriptElementBase::ChildTextContent():
// - in ScriptLoader::PrepareScript() (Step 26, 6th Clause),
// - in HTMLParserScriptRunner::ProcessScriptElementInternal()
// (Duplicated code of Step 26, 6th Clause),
// - in XMLDocumentParser::EndElementNs() (Step 26, 5th Clause), or
// - in PendingScript::GetSource() (Indirectly used via
// HTMLParserScriptRunner::ProcessScriptElementInternal(),
// Step 26, 5th Clause).
// <spec step="25.1">Let base URL be the script element's node document's
// document base URL.</spec>
KURL base_url = element_document.BaseURL();
// <spec step="25.2">Switch on the script's type:</spec>
switch (GetScriptType()) {
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kInvalid:
return false;
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap: {
UseCounter::Count(*context_window, WebFeature::kImportMap);
// 1. Let import map parse result be the result of create an import map
// parse result, given source text, base URL and settings object. [spec
// text]
PendingImportMap* pending_import_map =
PendingImportMap::CreateInline(*element_, source_text, base_url);
// Because we currently support inline import maps only, the pending
// import map is ready immediately and thus we call `register an import
// map` synchronously here.
return false;
// <spec step="25.2.A">"classic"</spec>
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic: {
// <spec step="25.2.A.1">Let script be the result of creating a classic
// script using source text, settings object, base URL, and
// options.</spec>
ScriptSourceLocationType script_location_type =
if (!parser_inserted_) {
script_location_type =
} else if (is_in_document_write) {
script_location_type =
prepared_pending_script_ = ClassicPendingScript::CreateInline(
element_, position, base_url, source_text, script_location_type,
// <spec step="25.2.A.2">Set the script's script to script.</spec>
// <spec step="25.2.A.3">The script is ready.</spec>
// Implemented by ClassicPendingScript.
// <spec step="25.2.B">"module"</spec>
case ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule: {
// <spec step="25.2.B.1">Fetch an inline module script graph, given
// source text, base URL, settings object, and options. When this
// asynchronously completes, set the script's script to the result. At
// that time, the script is ready.</spec>
// <specdef label="fetch-an-inline-module-script-graph"
// href="">
const KURL& source_url = element_document.Url();
Modulator* modulator = Modulator::From(
// <spec label="fetch-an-inline-module-script-graph" step="1">Let script
// be the result of creating a JavaScript module script using source
// text, settings object, base URL, and options.</spec>
ModuleScriptCreationParams params(
source_url, base_url, ScriptSourceLocationType::kInline,
ParkableString(source_text.Impl()), nullptr,
ModuleScript* module_script =
JSModuleScript::Create(params, modulator, options, position);
// <spec label="fetch-an-inline-module-script-graph" step="2">If script
// is null, asynchronously complete this algorithm with null, and abort
// these steps.</spec>
if (!module_script)
return false;
// <spec label="fetch-an-inline-module-script-graph" step="4">Fetch the
// descendants of and instantiate script, given settings object, the
// destination "script", and visited set. When this asynchronously
// completes with final result, asynchronously complete this algorithm
// with final result.</spec>
auto* module_tree_client =
module_script, fetch_client_settings_object_fetcher,
network::mojom::RequestDestination::kScript, module_tree_client);
prepared_pending_script_ = MakeGarbageCollected<ModulePendingScript>(
element_, module_tree_client, is_external_script_);
DCHECK_NE(GetScriptType(), ScriptLoader::ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kImportMap);
// <spec step="26">Then, follow the first of the following options that
// describes the situation:</spec>
// Three flags are used to instruct the caller of prepareScript() to execute
// a part of Step 25, when |m_willBeParserExecuted| is true:
// - |m_willBeParserExecuted|
// - |m_willExecuteWhenDocumentFinishedParsing|
// - |m_readyToBeParserExecuted|
// TODO(hiroshige): Clean up the dependency.
// <spec step="26.A">If the script's type is "classic", and the element has a
// src attribute, and the element has a defer attribute, and the element has
// been flagged as "parser-inserted", and the element does not have an async
// attribute
// If the script's type is "module", and the element has been flagged as
// "parser-inserted", and the element does not have an async attribute
// ...</spec>
if ((GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic &&
element_->HasSourceAttribute() && element_->DeferAttributeValue() &&
parser_inserted_ && !element_->AsyncAttributeValue()) ||
(GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule && parser_inserted_ &&
!element_->AsyncAttributeValue())) {
// This clause is implemented by the caller-side of prepareScript():
// - HTMLParserScriptRunner::requestDeferredScript(), and
// - TODO(hiroshige): Investigate XMLDocumentParser::endElementNs()
will_execute_when_document_finished_parsing_ = true;
will_be_parser_executed_ = true;
return true;
// Check for external script that should be force deferred.
if (GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic &&
element_->HasSourceAttribute() &&
context_window->GetFrame()->ShouldForceDeferScript() &&
IsA<HTMLDocument>(context_window->document()) && parser_inserted_ &&
!element_->AsyncAttributeValue()) {
// In terms of ScriptLoader flags, force deferred scripts behave like
// parser-blocking scripts, except that |force_deferred_| is set.
// The caller of PrepareScript()
// - Force-defers such scripts if the caller supports force-defer
// (i.e., HTMLParserScriptRunner); or
// - Ignores the |force_deferred_| flag and handles such scripts as
// parser-blocking scripts (e.g., XMLParserScriptRunner).
force_deferred_ = true;
will_be_parser_executed_ = true;
return true;
// <spec step="26.B">If the script's type is "classic", and the element has a
// src attribute, and the element has been flagged as "parser-inserted", and
// the element does not have an async attribute ...</spec>
if (GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic &&
element_->HasSourceAttribute() && parser_inserted_ &&
!element_->AsyncAttributeValue()) {
// This clause is implemented by the caller-side of prepareScript():
// - HTMLParserScriptRunner::requestParsingBlockingScript()
// - TODO(hiroshige): Investigate XMLDocumentParser::endElementNs()
will_be_parser_executed_ = true;
return true;
// <spec step="26.C">If the script's type is "classic", and the element has a
// src attribute, and the element does not have an async attribute, and the
// element does not have the "non-blocking" flag set
// If the script's type is "module", and the element does not have an async
// attribute, and the element does not have the "non-blocking" flag set
// ...</spec>
if ((GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic &&
element_->HasSourceAttribute() && !element_->AsyncAttributeValue() &&
!non_blocking_) ||
(GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule &&
!element_->AsyncAttributeValue() && !non_blocking_)) {
// <spec step="26.C">... Add the element to the end of the list of scripts
// that will execute in order as soon as possible associated with the node
// document of the script element at the time the prepare a script algorithm
// started. ...</spec>
pending_script_ = TakePendingScript(ScriptSchedulingType::kInOrder);
// TODO(hiroshige): Here the context document is used as "node document"
// while Step 14 uses |elementDocument| as "node document". Fix this.
// Note that watchForLoad can immediately call pendingScriptFinished.
// The part "When the script is ready..." is implemented in
// ScriptRunner::notifyScriptReady().
// TODO(hiroshige): Annotate it.
return true;
// <spec step="26.D">If the script's type is "classic", and the element has a
// src attribute
// If the script's type is "module" ...</spec>
if ((GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic &&
element_->HasSourceAttribute()) ||
GetScriptType() == ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kModule) {
// <spec step="26.D">... The element must be added to the set of scripts
// that will execute as soon as possible of the node document of the script
// element at the time the prepare a script algorithm started. When the
// script is ready, execute the script block and then remove the element
// from the set of scripts that will execute as soon as possible.</spec>
pending_script_ = TakePendingScript(ScriptSchedulingType::kAsync);
// This is for the UKM count of async scripts in a document.
// TODO(hiroshige): Here the context document is used as "node document"
// while Step 14 uses |elementDocument| as "node document". Fix this.
// Note that watchForLoad can immediately call pendingScriptFinished.
// The part "When the script is ready..." is implemented in
// ScriptRunner::notifyScriptReady().
// TODO(hiroshige): Annotate it.
return true;
// The following clauses are executed only if the script's type is "classic"
// and the element doesn't have a src attribute.
DCHECK_EQ(GetScriptType(), ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic);
// Check for inline script that should be force deferred.
if (context_window->GetFrame()->ShouldForceDeferScript() &&
IsA<HTMLDocument>(context_window->document()) && parser_inserted_) {
force_deferred_ = true;
will_be_parser_executed_ = true;
return true;
// <spec step="26.E">If the element does not have a src attribute, and the
// element has been flagged as "parser-inserted", and either the parser that
// created the script is an XML parser or it's an HTML parser whose script
// nesting level is not greater than one, and the Document of the HTML parser
// or XML parser that created the script element has a style sheet that is
// blocking scripts ...</spec>
// <spec step="26.E">... has a style sheet that is blocking scripts ...</spec>
// is implemented in Document::isScriptExecutionReady().
// Part of the condition check is done in
// HTMLParserScriptRunner::processScriptElementInternal().
// TODO(hiroshige): Clean up the split condition check.
if (!element_->HasSourceAttribute() && parser_inserted_ &&
!element_document.IsScriptExecutionReady()) {
// The former part of this clause is
// implemented by the caller-side of prepareScript():
// - HTMLParserScriptRunner::requestParsingBlockingScript()
// - TODO(hiroshige): Investigate XMLDocumentParser::endElementNs()
will_be_parser_executed_ = true;
// <spec step="26.E">... Set the element's "ready to be parser-executed"
// flag. ...</spec>
ready_to_be_parser_executed_ = true;
return true;
// <spec step="26.F">Otherwise
// Immediately execute the script block, even if other scripts are already
// executing.</spec>
// Note: this block is also duplicated in
// HTMLParserScriptRunner::processScriptElementInternal().
// TODO(hiroshige): Merge the duplicated code.
KURL script_url = (!is_in_document_write && parser_inserted_)
? element_document.Url()
: KURL();
return true;
void ScriptLoader::FetchClassicScript(const KURL& url,
Document& document,
const ScriptFetchOptions& options,
CrossOriginAttributeValue cross_origin,
const WTF::TextEncoding& encoding) {
FetchParameters::DeferOption defer = FetchParameters::kNoDefer;
if (!parser_inserted_ || element_->AsyncAttributeValue() ||
defer = FetchParameters::kLazyLoad;
ClassicPendingScript* pending_script = ClassicPendingScript::Fetch(
url, document, options, cross_origin, encoding, element_, defer);
prepared_pending_script_ = pending_script;
resource_keep_alive_ = pending_script->GetResource();
// <specdef href="">
void ScriptLoader::FetchModuleScriptTree(
const KURL& url,
ResourceFetcher* fetch_client_settings_object_fetcher,
Modulator* modulator,
const ScriptFetchOptions& options) {
// <spec step="24.6.B">"module"
// Fetch an external module script graph given url, settings object, and
// options.</spec>
auto* module_tree_client =
modulator->FetchTree(url, fetch_client_settings_object_fetcher,
network::mojom::RequestDestination::kScript, options,
ModuleScriptCustomFetchType::kNone, module_tree_client);
prepared_pending_script_ = MakeGarbageCollected<ModulePendingScript>(
element_, module_tree_client, is_external_script_);
PendingScript* ScriptLoader::TakePendingScript(
ScriptSchedulingType scheduling_type) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Blink.Script.SchedulingType", scheduling_type);
PendingScript* pending_script = prepared_pending_script_;
prepared_pending_script_ = nullptr;
return pending_script;
void ScriptLoader::PendingScriptFinished(PendingScript* pending_script) {
DCHECK_EQ(pending_script_, pending_script);
DCHECK(pending_script_->GetSchedulingType() == ScriptSchedulingType::kAsync ||
pending_script_->GetSchedulingType() ==
// Historically we clear |resource_keep_alive_| when the scheduling type is
// kAsync or kInOrder ( But if the script resource was
// served via signed exchange, the script may not be in the HTTPCache, and
// therefore will need to be refetched over network if it's evicted from the
// memory cache. So we keep |resource_keep_alive_| to keep the resource in the
// memory cache.
if (resource_keep_alive_ &&
!resource_keep_alive_->GetResponse().IsSignedExchangeInnerResponse() &&
blink::features::kKeepScriptResourceAlive)) {
resource_keep_alive_ = nullptr;
if (!element_->GetExecutionContext()) {
LocalDOMWindow* context_window =
pending_script_ = nullptr;
bool ScriptLoader::IgnoresLoadRequest() const {
return already_started_ || is_external_script_ || parser_inserted_ ||
// <specdef href="">
bool ScriptLoader::IsScriptForEventSupported() const {
// <spec step="14.1">Let for be the value of the for attribute.</spec>
String event_attribute = element_->EventAttributeValue();
// <spec step="14.2">Let event be the value of the event attribute.</spec>
String for_attribute = element_->ForAttributeValue();
// <spec step="14">If the script element has an event attribute and a for
// attribute, and the script's type is "classic", then:</spec>
if (GetScriptType() != ScriptTypeAtPrepare::kClassic ||
event_attribute.IsNull() || for_attribute.IsNull())
return true;
// <spec step="14.3">Strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from event
// and for.</spec>
for_attribute = for_attribute.StripWhiteSpace();
// <spec step="14.4">If for is not an ASCII case-insensitive match for the
// string "window", then return. The script is not executed.</spec>
if (!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(for_attribute, "window"))
return false;
event_attribute = event_attribute.StripWhiteSpace();
// <spec step="14.5">If event is not an ASCII case-insensitive match for
// either the string "onload" or the string "onload()", then return. The
// script is not executed.</spec>
return EqualIgnoringASCIICase(event_attribute, "onload") ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(event_attribute, "onload()");
ScriptLoader::GetPendingScriptIfControlledByScriptRunnerForCrossDocMove() {
DCHECK(!pending_script_ || pending_script_->IsControlledByScriptRunner());
return pending_script_;
String ScriptLoader::GetScriptText() const {
// Step 3 of
// called from ยง, step 4 of
// This will return the [[ScriptText]] internal slot value after that step,
// or a null string if the the Trusted Type algorithm threw an error.
String child_text_content = element_->ChildTextContent();
String script_text_internal_slot = element_->ScriptTextInternalSlot();
if (child_text_content == script_text_internal_slot)
return child_text_content;
return GetStringForScriptExecution(child_text_content,
} // namespace blink