blob: 0a89358fa535ed3665580f9895fc4333d670a4f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/external_vk_image_skia_representation.h"
#include "gpu/vulkan/vulkan_function_pointers.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPromiseImageTexture.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrBackendSemaphore.h"
namespace gpu {
SharedImageManager* manager,
SharedImageBacking* backing,
MemoryTypeTracker* tracker)
: SharedImageRepresentationSkia(manager, backing, tracker) {}
ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation::~ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation() =
sk_sp<SkSurface> ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation::BeginWriteAccess(
GrContext* gr_context,
int final_msaa_count,
const SkSurfaceProps& surface_props) {
// TODO( Implement this method.
return nullptr;
void ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation::EndWriteAccess(
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface) {
// TODO( Implement this method.
sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation::BeginReadAccess(
SkSurface* sk_surface) {
DCHECK(!read_surface_) << "Previous read hasn't ended yet";
VkSemaphore gl_write_finished_semaphore;
// This can return false if another write access is currently in progress.
if (!backing_impl()->BeginVulkanReadAccess(&gl_write_finished_semaphore))
return nullptr;
if (gl_write_finished_semaphore != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
// Submit wait semaphore to the queue. Note that Skia uses the same queue
// exposed by vk_queue(), so this will work due to Vulkan queue ordering.
if (!vk_implementation()->SubmitWaitSemaphore(
vk_queue(), gl_write_finished_semaphore)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait on semaphore";
// Since the semaphore was not actually sent to the queue, it is safe to
// destroy it here.
vkDestroySemaphore(vk_device(), gl_write_finished_semaphore, nullptr);
return nullptr;
// Create backend texture from the VkImage.
GrVkAlloc alloc = {backing_impl()->memory(), 0, backing_impl()->memory_size(),
GrVkImageInfo vk_info = {
backing_impl()->image(), alloc,
backing_impl()->vk_format(), 1 /* levelCount */};
// TODO(bsalomon): Determine whether it makes sense to attempt to reuse this
// if the vk_info stays the same on subsequent calls.
auto promise_texture = SkPromiseImageTexture::Make(
GrBackendTexture(size().width(), size().height(), vk_info));
// Cache the sk surface in the representation so that it can be used in the
// EndReadAccess.
read_surface_ = sk_sp<SkSurface>(sk_surface);
// TODO(samans): This function should take a sk_sp<SkSurface> instead of a
// SkSurface* so we don't have to manually add a reference here.
// TODO( Need to do better semaphore cleanup management.
// Waiting on device to be idle to delete the semaphore is costly. Instead use
// a fence to get signal when semaphore submission is done.
if (gl_write_finished_semaphore) {
VkResult result = vkQueueWaitIdle(vk_queue());
if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vkQueueWaitIdle failed: " << result;
return nullptr;
vkDestroySemaphore(vk_device(), gl_write_finished_semaphore, nullptr);
return promise_texture;
void ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation::EndReadAccess() {
DCHECK(read_surface_) << "EndReadAccess is called before BeginReadAccess";
VkSemaphore vulkan_write_finished_semaphore =
if (vulkan_write_finished_semaphore == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
// TODO( We should be able to handle this failure more
// gracefully rather than shutting down the whole process.
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create a VkSemaphore in "
<< "ExternalVkImageSkiaRepresentation";
read_surface_ = nullptr;
GrBackendSemaphore gr_semaphore;
// If GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo is returned, the GPU back-end did not
// create or add any semaphores to signal on the GPU; the caller should not
// instruct the GPU to wait on any of the semaphores.
if (read_surface_->flushAndSignalSemaphores(1, &gr_semaphore) ==
GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo) {
// TODO( We should be able to handle this failure more
// gracefully rather than shutting down the whole process.
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to signal VkSemaphore in "
vkDestroySemaphore(vk_device(), vulkan_write_finished_semaphore, nullptr);
read_surface_ = nullptr;
read_surface_ = nullptr;
// Wait for the queue to get idle, so that when
// |vulkan_write_finished_semaphore| gets destroyed, we can guarantee it's not
// associated with any unexecuted command.
VkResult result = vkQueueWaitIdle(vk_queue());
if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
// TODO( We should be able to handle this failure more
// gracefully rather than shutting down the whole process.
LOG(FATAL) << "vkQueueWaitIdle failed: " << result;
} // namespace gpu