blob: 0bcb808a73f50db1a6f2e8c029d78bc9a5e59f00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/drag_drop_client.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tracker.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
namespace ws {
namespace mojom {
class WindowTree;
namespace ui {
class DropTargetEvent;
class OSExchangeData;
} // namespace ui
namespace aura {
class DragDropControllerHost;
class WindowMus;
// DragDropControllerMus acts as the DragDropClient for aura as well as
// handling all drag operations from the server. Drag operations are forwarded
// to the client::DragDropDelegate set on the target Window.
class AURA_EXPORT DragDropControllerMus : public client::DragDropClient {
DragDropControllerMus(DragDropControllerHost* drag_drop_controller_host,
ws::mojom::WindowTree* window_tree);
~DragDropControllerMus() override;
// Returns true if a drag was initiated and |id| identifies the change if of
// the drag.
bool DoesChangeIdMatchDragChangeId(uint32_t id) const;
// Forwarded from WindowTreeClient. These correspond to the functions of the
// same name defined in ws::mojom::WindowTreeClient.
void OnDragDropStart(std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> data);
uint32_t OnDragEnter(WindowMus* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
uint32_t effect_bitmask);
uint32_t OnDragOver(WindowMus* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
uint32_t effect_bitmask);
void OnDragLeave(WindowMus* window);
uint32_t OnCompleteDrop(WindowMus* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
uint32_t effect_bitmask);
void OnPerformDragDropCompleted(uint32_t action_taken);
void OnDragDropDone();
// Overridden from client::DragDropClient:
int StartDragAndDrop(const ui::OSExchangeData& data,
Window* root_window,
Window* source_window,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
int drag_operations,
ui::DragDropTypes::DragEventSource source) override;
void DragCancel() override;
bool IsDragDropInProgress() override;
void AddObserver(client::DragDropClientObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(client::DragDropClientObserver* observer) override;
struct CurrentDragState;
// Called from OnDragEnter() and OnDragOver().
uint32_t HandleDragEnterOrOver(WindowMus* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
bool is_enter);
std::unique_ptr<ui::DropTargetEvent> CreateDropTargetEvent(
Window* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
uint32_t effect_bitmask);
DragDropControllerHost* drag_drop_controller_host_;
ws::mojom::WindowTree* window_tree_;
// State related to being the initiator of a drag started with
// PerformDragDrop(). If non-null a drag was started by this client and is
// still in progress. This references a value declared on the stack in
// StartDragAndDrop().
CurrentDragState* current_drag_state_ = nullptr;
// The entire drag data payload. We receive this during the drag enter event
// and cache it so we don't send this multiple times. This value is reset when
// the drag is done.
std::unique_ptr<ui::OSExchangeData> os_exchange_data_;
// Used to track the current drop target.
WindowTracker drop_target_window_tracker_;
base::ObserverList<client::DragDropClientObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
} // namespace aura