blob: 472a23bd8217021a84148d042d83f1867e12188d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/gyp_script_target_writer.h"
#include "tools/gn/builder_record.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/file_template.h"
#include "tools/gn/filesystem_utils.h"
#include "tools/gn/settings.h"
#include "tools/gn/target.h"
// Write script targets as GYP actions that just invoke Ninja. This allows us
// to not have to worry about duplicating the precise GN script execution
// semantices in GYP for each platform (GYP varies a bit).
GypScriptTargetWriter::GypScriptTargetWriter(const TargetGroup& group,
const Toolchain* toolchain,
const SourceDir& gyp_dir,
std::ostream& out)
: GypTargetWriter(group.debug->item()->AsTarget(), toolchain,
gyp_dir, out) {
GypScriptTargetWriter::~GypScriptTargetWriter() {
void GypScriptTargetWriter::Run() {
int indent = 4;
std::string name = helper_.GetNameForTarget(target_);
// Put the ninja build for this script target in this directory.
SourceDir ninja_dir(GetTargetOutputDir(target_).value() + name + "_ninja/");
Indent(indent) << "{\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'target_name': '" << name << "',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'type': 'none',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'actions': [{\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 2) << "'action_name': '" << name
<< " action',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 2) << "'action': [\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 3) << "'ninja',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 3) << "'-C', '";
path_output_.WriteDir(out_, ninja_dir, PathOutput::DIR_NO_LAST_SLASH);
out_ << "',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 3) << "'" << name << "',\n";
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent * 2) << "],\n";
WriteActionInputs(indent + kExtraIndent * 2);
WriteActionOutputs(indent + kExtraIndent * 2);
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "}],\n";
Indent(indent) << "},\n";
void GypScriptTargetWriter::WriteActionInputs(int indent) {
Indent(indent) << "'inputs': [\n";
// Write everything that should be considered an input for dependency
// purposes, which is all sources as well as the prereqs.
const Target::FileList& sources = target_->sources();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, sources[i]);
out_ << "',\n";
const Target::FileList& prereqs = target_->source_prereqs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prereqs.size(); i++) {
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, prereqs[i]);
out_ << "',\n";
Indent(indent) << "],\n";
void GypScriptTargetWriter::WriteActionOutputs(int indent) {
Indent(indent) << "'outputs': [\n";
const Target::FileList& sources = target_->sources();
if (sources.empty()) {
// Just write outputs directly if there are no sources.
const Target::FileList& output = target_->script_values().outputs();
for (size_t output_i = 0; output_i < output.size(); output_i++) {
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output[output_i]);
out_ << "',\n";
} else {
// There are sources, the outputs should be a template to apply to each.
FileTemplate output_template = FileTemplate::GetForTargetOutputs(target_);
std::vector<std::string> output;
for (size_t source_i = 0; source_i < sources.size(); source_i++) {
output_template.ApplyString(sources[source_i].value(), &output);
for (size_t output_i = 0; output_i < output.size(); output_i++) {
Indent(indent + kExtraIndent) << "'";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, SourceFile(output[output_i]));
out_ << "',\n";
Indent(indent) << "],\n";