blob: 73775528044ab18117d5861813d9e86c2c2c08a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/rappor/rappor_parameters.h"
#include "crypto/hmac.h"
namespace rappor {
// A vector of 8-bit integers used to store a set of binary bits.
typedef std::vector<uint8_t> ByteVector;
// Converts the lowest |size| bytes of |value| into a ByteVector.
void Uint64ToByteVector(uint64_t value, size_t size, ByteVector* output);
// Computes a bitwise AND of byte vectors and stores the result in rhs.
// Returns rhs for chaining.
ByteVector* ByteVectorAnd(const ByteVector& lhs, ByteVector* rhs);
// Computes a bitwise OR of byte vectors and stores the result in rhs.
// Returns rhs for chaining.
ByteVector* ByteVectorOr(const ByteVector& lhs, ByteVector* rhs);
// Merges the contents of lhs and rhs vectors according to a mask vector.
// The i-th bit of the result vector will be the i-th bit of either the lhs
// or rhs vector, based on the i-th bit of the mask vector.
// Equivalent to (lhs & ~mask) | (rhs & mask). Stores the result in rhs.
// Returns rhs for chaining.
ByteVector* ByteVectorMerge(const ByteVector& mask,
const ByteVector& lhs,
ByteVector* rhs);
// Counts the number of bits set in the byte vector.
int CountBits(const ByteVector& vector);
// A utility object for generating random binary data with different
// likelihood of bits being true, using entropy from crypto::RandBytes().
class ByteVectorGenerator {
explicit ByteVectorGenerator(size_t byte_count);
virtual ~ByteVectorGenerator();
// Generates a random byte vector where the bits are independent random
// variables which are true with the given |probability|.
ByteVector GetWeightedRandomByteVector(Probability probability);
// Size of vectors to be generated.
size_t byte_count() const { return byte_count_; }
// Generates a random vector of bytes from a uniform distribution.
virtual ByteVector GetRandomByteVector();
size_t byte_count_;
// A ByteVectorGenerator that uses a pseudo-random function to generate a
// deterministically random bits. This class only implements a single request
// from HMAC_DRBG and streams up to 2^19 bits from that request.
// Ref:
// We're using our own PRNG instead of crypto::RandBytes because we need to
// generate a repeatable sequence of bits from the same seed. Conservatively,
// we're choosing to use HMAC_DRBG here, as it is one of the best studied
// and standardized ways of generating deterministic, unpredictable sequences
// based on a secret seed.
class HmacByteVectorGenerator : public ByteVectorGenerator {
// Constructor takes the size of the vector to generate, along with a
// |entropy_input| and |personalization_string| to seed the pseudo-random
// number generator. The string parameters are treated as byte arrays.
HmacByteVectorGenerator(size_t byte_count,
const std::string& entropy_input,
const std::string& personalization_string);
~HmacByteVectorGenerator() override;
// Generates a random string suitable for passing to the constructor as
// |entropy_input|.
static std::string GenerateEntropyInput();
// Key size required for 128-bit security strength (including nonce).
static const size_t kEntropyInputSize;
// Generate byte vector generator that streams from the next request instead
// of the current one. For testing against NIST test vectors only.
explicit HmacByteVectorGenerator(const HmacByteVectorGenerator& prev_request);
// ByteVector implementation:
ByteVector GetRandomByteVector() override;
// HMAC initalized with the value of "Key" HMAC_DRBG_Initialize.
crypto::HMAC hmac_;
// The "V" value from HMAC_DRBG.
ByteVector value_;
// Total number of bytes streamed from the HMAC_DRBG Generate Process.
size_t generated_bytes_;
} // namespace rappor