blob: 5a05ceffa74ea7732ad4fee684207774a89d0684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines utility functions for eliding URLs.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
class GURL;
namespace gfx {
class FontList;
namespace url_formatter {
// ElideUrl and Elide host require
// gfx::GetStringWidthF which is not implemented in Android
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// This function takes a GURL object and elides it. It returns a string
// which composed of parts from subdomain, domain, path, filename and query.
// A "..." is added automatically at the end if the elided string is bigger
// than the |available_pixel_width|. For |available_pixel_width| == 0, a
// formatted, but un-elided, string is returned. |languages| is a comma
// separated list of ISO 639 language codes and is used to determine what
// characters are understood by a user. It should come from
// |prefs::kAcceptLanguages|.
// Note: in RTL locales, if the URL returned by this function is going to be
// displayed in the UI, then it is likely that the string needs to be marked
// as an LTR string (using base::i18n::WrapStringWithLTRFormatting()) so that it
// is displayed properly in an RTL context. Please refer to
// for more information.
base::string16 ElideUrl(const GURL& url,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width,
const std::string& languages);
// This function takes a GURL object and elides the host to fit within
// the given width. The function will never elide past the TLD+1 point,
// but after that, will leading-elide the domain name to fit the width.
// Example: ---> "", or ""
// depending on the width.
base::string16 ElideHost(const GURL& host_url,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width);
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// This is a convenience function for formatting a URL in a concise and
// human-friendly way, to help users make security-related decisions (or in
// other circumstances when people need to distinguish sites, origins, or
// otherwise-simplified URLs from each other).
// Internationalized domain names (IDN) may be presented in Unicode if
// |languages| accepts the Unicode representation (see
// |url_formatter::FormatUrl| for more details on the algorithm).
// - Omits the path for standard schemes, excepting file and filesystem.
// - Omits the port if it is the default for the scheme.
// Do not use this for URLs which will be parsed or sent to other applications.
// Generally, set prefer this function to
// |FormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme| unless there is plenty of indication
// as to whether the origin is secure elsewhere in the UX. For example, in
// Chrome's Origin Info Bubble, there are icons and strings indicating origin
// (non-)security. But in the HTTP Basic Auth prompt (for example), the scheme
// may be the only indicator.
base::string16 FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const GURL& origin,
const std::string& languages);
// Just like |FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay|, but also:
// - Omits the scheme if SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS().
base::string16 FormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme(
const GURL& origin,
const std::string& languages);
} // namespace url_formatter