blob: 55c33150352008a2e35dd12f90b72db6e719897f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
#include "components/web_view/public/interfaces/frame.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/services/network/public/interfaces/url_loader.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web_view {
class Frame;
class FrameUserData;
namespace mojom {
class HTMLMessageEvent;
class FrameTreeDelegate {
// Callback from CanNavigateFrame(). The uint32_t is the id of the app the
// FrameClient comes from; typically the content handler id.
using CanNavigateFrameCallback =
// Called when a Frame creates a new child Frame. |frame_tree_client| is the
// FrameClient for the new frame.
virtual scoped_ptr<FrameUserData> CreateUserDataForNewFrame(
mojom::FrameClientPtr frame_client) = 0;
// Returns whether a request to post a message from |source| to |target|
// is allowed. |source| and |target| are never null.
virtual bool CanPostMessageEventToFrame(const Frame* source,
const Frame* target,
mojom::HTMLMessageEvent* event) = 0;
virtual void LoadingStateChanged(bool loading, double progress) = 0;
virtual void TitleChanged(const mojo::String& title) = 0;
// |source| is requesting a navigation. If |target_type| is
// |EXISTING_FRAME| then |target_frame| identifies the frame to perform the
// navigation in, otherwise |target_frame| is not used. |target_frame| may
// be null, even for |EXISTING_FRAME|.
// TODO(sky): this needs to distinguish between navigate in source, vs new
// background tab, vs new foreground tab.
virtual void NavigateTopLevel(Frame* source, mojo::URLRequestPtr request) = 0;
// Asks the client if navigation is allowed. If the navigation is allowed
// |callback| should be called to continue the navigation. |callback|
// may be called synchronously or asynchronously. In the callback
// mus::mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr should only be set if an app other than
// frame->app_id() is used to render |request|.
virtual void CanNavigateFrame(Frame* target,
mojo::URLRequestPtr request,
const CanNavigateFrameCallback& callback) = 0;
// Invoked when a navigation in |frame| has been initiated.
virtual void DidStartNavigation(Frame* frame) = 0;
// Invoked when blink has started displaying the frame.
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(Frame* frame) = 0;
// Invoked when the frame has changed its own URL.
virtual void DidNavigateLocally(Frame* source, const GURL& url) = 0;
// Notification of various frame state changes. Generally only useful for
// tests.
virtual void DidCreateFrame(Frame* frame);
virtual void DidDestroyFrame(Frame* frame);
// Invoked when the Window embedded in a Frame premuturely stops rendering
// to |frame|'s Window. This could mean any of the following:
// . The app crashed.
// . There is no app that renders the url.
// . The app is still alive, but is shutting down.
// Frame does nothing in response to this, but the delegate may wish to take
// action.
virtual void OnWindowEmbeddedInFrameDisconnected(Frame* frame);
// Reports the current find state back to our owner.
virtual void OnFindInFrameCountUpdated(int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t count,
bool final_update);
virtual void OnFindInPageSelectionUpdated(int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t active_match_ordinal);
virtual ~FrameTreeDelegate() {}
} // namespace web_view