blob: 6d5037b79c6ce4366a277d0d137ba2119bc7d734 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/bounds_animator.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
class DeskTemplate;
class SavedDeskItemView;
// A view that shows a grid of saved desks. Each saved desk is a
// `SavedDeskItemView`.
class SavedDeskGridView : public views::View {
enum class LayoutMode {
SavedDeskGridView(const SavedDeskGridView&) = delete;
SavedDeskGridView& operator=(const SavedDeskGridView&) = delete;
~SavedDeskGridView() override;
const std::vector<SavedDeskItemView*>& grid_items() const {
return grid_items_;
// Sets the grid to show items in landscape or portrait mode.
void set_layout_mode(LayoutMode layout_mode) { layout_mode_ = layout_mode; }
// Updates the UI by creating a grid layout and populating the grid with the
// provided list of saved desks.
void PopulateGridUI(const std::vector<const DeskTemplate*>& desk_templates,
const base::GUID& last_saved_template_uuid);
// Updates `grid_items_` to ensure the saved desk grid is sorted.
void SortTemplateGridItems(const base::GUID& last_saved_template_uuid);
// Updates existing saved desks and adds new saved desks to the grid. Also
// sorts `grid_items_` in alphabetical order. This will animate the
// `grid_items_` to their final positions if `initializing_grid_view` is
// false. Currently only allows a maximum of 6 saved desks to be shown in the
// grid.
void AddOrUpdateTemplates(const std::vector<const DeskTemplate*>& entries,
bool initializing_grid_view,
const base::GUID& last_saved_template_uuid);
// Removes templates from the grid by UUID. Will trigger an animation to
// shuffle `grid_items_` to their final positions.
void DeleteTemplates(const std::vector<std::string>& uuids);
// Returns true if a template name is being modified using an item view's
// `SavedDeskNameView` in this grid.
bool IsTemplateNameBeingModified() const;
// Returns the item view associated with `uuid`.
SavedDeskItemView* GetItemForUUID(const base::GUID& uuid);
// views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
void Layout() override;
void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) override;
bool IsAnimating() const;
// Returns the size needed to lay out the grid in a given `width`.
gfx::Size GetSizeForWidth(int width) const;
friend class SavedDeskGridViewTestApi;
// Returns the max columns that the grid can show based on `layout_mode_`.
size_t GetMaxColumns() const;
// Calculates the bounds for each grid item within the saved desks grid. The
// indices of the returned vector directly correlate to those of `grid_items_`
// (i.e. the Rect at index 1 of the returned vector should be applied to the
// `SavedDeskItemView` found at index 1 of `grid_items_`).
std::vector<gfx::Rect> CalculateGridItemPositions() const;
// Animates the bounds for all the `grid_items_` (using `bounds_animator_`) to
// their calculated position. `new_grid_items` contains a list of the
// newly-created saved desk items and will be animated differently than the
// existing views that are being shifted around.
void AnimateGridItems(const std::vector<SavedDeskItemView*>& new_grid_items);
// The views representing saved desks. They're owned by views hierarchy.
std::vector<SavedDeskItemView*> grid_items_;
// Controls how the grid items are laid out.
LayoutMode layout_mode_ = LayoutMode::LANDSCAPE;
// Used to animate individual view positions.
views::BoundsAnimator bounds_animator_;
} // namespace ash