blob: 05416e4d990263da639ab69ca4a9756e9461bdc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/event.h"
namespace metrics {
namespace structured {
// TODO( Remove forward-declaration as well as EventBase
// calls once migration is complete.
class EventBase;
// Singleton to interact with StructuredMetrics.
// It allows a delegate to be set to control the recording logic as different
// embedders have different requirements (ie ash vs lacros).
class StructuredMetricsClient {
class RecordingDelegate {
virtual ~RecordingDelegate() = default;
// Return true when the delegate is ready to write events.
virtual bool IsReadyToRecord() const = 0;
// Recording logic.
virtual void RecordEvent(Event&& event) = 0;
virtual void Record(EventBase&& event_base) = 0;
StructuredMetricsClient(const StructuredMetricsClient& client) = delete;
StructuredMetricsClient& operator=(const StructuredMetricsClient& client) =
// Provides access to global StructuredMetricsClient instance to record
// metrics. This is typically used in the codegen.
static StructuredMetricsClient* Get();
// Forwards to |delegate_|. If no delegate has been set, then no-op.
void Record(Event&& event);
void Record(EventBase&& event_base);
// Sets the delegate for the client's recording logic. Should be called before
// anything else. |this| does not take ownership of |delegate| and assumes
// that the caller will properly manage the lifetime of delegate and call
// |UnsetDelegate| before |delegate| is destructed.
void SetDelegate(RecordingDelegate* delegate);
void UnsetDelegate();
friend class base::NoDestructor<StructuredMetricsClient>;
// Not owned. Assumes that the delegate's lifetime will exceed |this|.
raw_ptr<RecordingDelegate> delegate_ = nullptr;
} // namespace structured
} // namespace metrics