blob: e787bd1e10a6f1b660984fb765761eefb26d9b6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.payments;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.components.autofill.EditableOption;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentDetailsModifier;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentItem;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentMethodData;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentOptions;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentResponse;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentShippingOption;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* The base class for a single payment app, e.g., a payment handler.
public abstract class PaymentApp extends EditableOption {
/** Arbitrarily chosen maximum length of a payment app name. */
private static final int APP_NAME_ELIDE_LENGTH = 64;
* Whether complete and valid autofill data for merchant's request is available, e.g., if
* merchant specifies `requestPayerEmail: true`, then this variable is true only if the autofill
* data contains a valid email address. May be used in canMakePayment() for some types of
* app, such as AutofillPaymentInstrument.
protected boolean mHaveRequestedAutofillData;
* The interface for the requester of payment details from the app.
public interface InstrumentDetailsCallback {
* Called by the payment app to let Chrome know that the payment app's UI is now hidden, but
* the payment details have not been returned yet. This is a good time to show a "loading"
* progress indicator UI.
void onInstrumentDetailsLoadingWithoutUI();
* Called after retrieving payment details.
* @param methodName Method name. For example, "visa".
* @param stringifiedDetails JSON-serialized object. For example, {"card": "123"}.
* @param payerData Payer's shipping address and contact information.
void onInstrumentDetailsReady(
String methodName, String stringifiedDetails, PayerData payerData);
* Called if unable to retrieve payment details.
* @param errorMessage Developer-facing error message to be used when rejecting the promise
* returned from
void onInstrumentDetailsError(String errorMessage);
/** The interface for the requester to abort payment. */
public interface AbortCallback {
* Called after aborting payment is finished.
* @param abortSucceeded Indicates whether abort is succeed.
void onInstrumentAbortResult(boolean abortSucceeded);
protected PaymentApp(String id, String label, String sublabel, Drawable icon) {
super(id, maybeElide(removeLineTerminators(label)), sublabel, icon);
protected PaymentApp(
String id, String label, String sublabel, String tertiarylabel, Drawable icon) {
super(id, maybeElide(removeLineTerminators(label)), sublabel, tertiarylabel, icon);
private static String removeLineTerminators(String text) {
// '\n' - A newline (line feed) character.
// '\f' - A form feed character.
// '\r' - A carriage-return character.
// '\u0085' - A next-line character.
// '\u2028' - A line-separator character.
// '\u2029' - A paragraph-separator character.
// [abc] - a, b, or c (simple character class).
// X+ - X, one or more times, a greedy quantifier.
// See:
return text.replaceAll("[\n\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]+", "");
private static String maybeElide(String text) {
// 2026 is the unicode horizontal ellipsis.
// See
return text.length() <= APP_NAME_ELIDE_LENGTH
? text
: text.substring(0, APP_NAME_ELIDE_LENGTH) + "\u2026";
* Sets the modified total for this payment app.
* @param modifiedTotal The new modified total to use.
public void setModifiedTotal(@Nullable String modifiedTotal) {
* Returns a set of payment method names for this app, e.g., "basic-card".
* @return The method names for this app.
public abstract Set<String> getInstrumentMethodNames();
/** @return Whether this is a server autofill app. */
public boolean isServerAutofillInstrument() {
return false;
* @return Whether this is a replacement for all server autofill apps. If at least one of
* the displayed apps returns true here, then all apps that return true in
* isServerAutofillInstrument() should be hidden.
public boolean isServerAutofillInstrumentReplacement() {
return false;
* @return Whether the app supports the payment method with the method data. For example,
* supported card types and networks in the data should be verified for 'basic-card'
* payment method.
public boolean isValidForPaymentMethodData(String method, @Nullable PaymentMethodData data) {
return getInstrumentMethodNames().contains(method);
* @return Whether the app can collect and return shipping address.
public boolean handlesShippingAddress() {
return false;
* @return Whether the app can collect and return payer's name.
public boolean handlesPayerName() {
return false;
* @return Whether the app can collect and return payer's email.
public boolean handlesPayerEmail() {
return false;
* @return Whether the app can collect and return payer's phone.
public boolean handlesPayerPhone() {
return false;
/** @return The country code (or null if none) associated with this payment app. */
public String getCountryCode() {
return null;
* @param haveRequestedAutofillData Whether complete and valid autofill data for merchant's
* request is available.
public void setHaveRequestedAutofillData(boolean haveRequestedAutofillData) {
mHaveRequestedAutofillData = haveRequestedAutofillData;
* @return Whether presence of this payment app should cause the
* PaymentRequest.canMakePayment() to return true.
public boolean canMakePayment() {
return true;
/** @return Whether this payment app can be pre-selected for immediate payment. */
public boolean canPreselect() {
return true;
* Invoke the payment app to retrieve the payment details.
* The callback will be invoked with the resulting payment details or error.
* @param id The unique identifier of the PaymentRequest.
* @param merchantName The name of the merchant.
* @param origin The origin of this merchant.
* @param iframeOrigin The origin of the iframe that invoked PaymentRequest.
* @param certificateChain The site certificate chain of the merchant. Can be null for localhost
* or local file, which are secure contexts without SSL.
* @param methodDataMap The payment-method specific data for all applicable payment methods,
* e.g., whether the app should be invoked in test or production, a
* merchant identifier, or a public key.
* @param total The total amount.
* @param displayItems The shopping cart items.
* @param modifiers The relevant payment details modifiers.
* @param paymentOptions The payment options of the PaymentRequest.
* @param shippingOptions The shipping options of the PaymentRequest.
* @param callback The object that will receive the payment details.
public void invokePaymentApp(String id, String merchantName, String origin, String iframeOrigin,
@Nullable byte[][] certificateChain, Map<String, PaymentMethodData> methodDataMap,
PaymentItem total, List<PaymentItem> displayItems,
Map<String, PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers, PaymentOptions paymentOptions,
List<PaymentShippingOption> shippingOptions, InstrumentDetailsCallback callback) {}
* Update the payment information in response to payment method, shipping address, or shipping
* option change events.
* @param response The merchant's response to the payment method, shipping address, or shipping
* option change events.
public void updateWith(PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate response) {}
* Called when the merchant ignored the payment method, shipping address or shipping option
* change event.
public void onPaymentDetailsNotUpdated() {}
* @return True after changePaymentMethodFromInvokedApp(), changeShippingOptionFromInvokedApp(),
* or changeShippingAddressFromInvokedApp() and before update updateWith() or
* onPaymentDetailsNotUpdated().
public boolean isWaitingForPaymentDetailsUpdate() {
return false;
* Abort invocation of the payment app.
* @param callback The callback to return abort result.
public void abortPaymentApp(AbortCallback callback) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/** Cleans up any resources held by the payment app. For example, closes server connections. */
public abstract void dismissInstrument();
* @return The identifier for another payment app that should be hidden when this payment app is
* present.
public String getApplicationIdentifierToHide() {
return null;
* @return The set of identifier of other apps that would cause this app to be hidden, if any of
* them are present, e.g., ["com.bobpay.production", "com.bobpay.beta"].
public Set<String> getApplicationIdentifiersThatHideThisApp() {
return null;
* @return The ukm source id assigned to the payment app.
public long getUkmSourceId() {
return 0;
* Sets the endpoint for payment handler communication. Must be called before invoking this
* payment app. Used only by payment apps that are backed by a payment handler.
* @param host The endpoint for payment handler communication. Should not be null.
public void setPaymentHandlerHost(PaymentHandlerHost host) {}
/** @return The type of payment app. */
public @PaymentAppType int getPaymentAppType() {
return PaymentAppType.UNDEFINED;
* @return Whether this app should be chosen over other available payment apps. For example,
* when the Play Billing payment app is available in a TWA.
public boolean isPreferred() {
return false;
* Updates the response IPC structure with the fields that are unique to this type of payment
* app. Used when JSON serialization of payment method specific data is not being used. The
* payment apps who need to set the fields should override this method.
* @param response The PaymentResponse to whom the fields are set.
* @return The PaymentResponse whose fields has been set.
public PaymentResponse setAppSpecificResponseFields(PaymentResponse response) {
return response;