blob: ccbd2ed6e64dd944d0d26d64e7e230c4db9ec082 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/viz/common/display/update_vsync_parameters_callback.h"
#include "components/viz/common/gpu/gpu_vsync_callback.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_format.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/returned_resource.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/pending_swap_params.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/software_output_device.h"
#include "components/viz/service/viz_service_export.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gpu_task_scheduler_helper.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/surface_handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "ui/gfx/buffer_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_space.h"
#include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/surface_origin.h"
#include "ui/latency/latency_info.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace mojom {
class DelegatedInkPointRenderer;
} // namespace mojom
class ColorSpace;
class Rect;
class Size;
struct SwapResponse;
} // namespace gfx
namespace viz {
class OutputSurfaceClient;
class OutputSurfaceFrame;
class SkiaOutputSurface;
// This class represents a platform-independent API for presenting
// buffers to display via GPU or software compositing. Implementations
// can provide platform-specific behaviour.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT OutputSurface {
enum Type {
kSoftware = 0,
kOpenGL = 1,
kVulkan = 2,
enum class OrientationMode {
kLogic, // The orientation same to logical screen orientation as seen by
// the user.
kHardware, // The orientation same to the hardware.
struct Capabilities {
Capabilities(const Capabilities& capabilities);
Capabilities& operator=(const Capabilities& capabilities);
PendingSwapParams pending_swap_params{1};
// The number of buffers for the SkiaOutputDevice. If the
// |supports_post_sub_buffer| true, SkiaOutputSurfaceImpl will track target
// damaged area based on this number.
int number_of_buffers = 2;
// Whether this output surface renders to the default OpenGL zero
// framebuffer or to an offscreen framebuffer.
bool uses_default_gl_framebuffer = true;
// Where (0,0) is on this OutputSurface.
gfx::SurfaceOrigin output_surface_origin = gfx::SurfaceOrigin::kBottomLeft;
// Whether this OutputSurface supports post sub buffer or not.
bool supports_post_sub_buffer = false;
// Whether this OutputSurface supports commit overlay planes.
bool supports_commit_overlay_planes = false;
// Whether this OutputSurface permits scheduling an isothetic sub-rectangle
// (i.e. viewport) of its contents for display, allowing the DirectRenderer
// to apply resize optimization by padding to its width/height.
bool supports_viewporter = false;
// Whether this OutputSurface supports gpu vsync callbacks.
bool supports_gpu_vsync = false;
// OutputSurface's orientation mode.
OrientationMode orientation_mode = OrientationMode::kLogic;
// Whether this OutputSurface supports direct composition layers.
bool supports_dc_layers = false;
// Whether this OutputSurface should skip DrawAndSwap(). This is true for
// the unified display on Chrome OS. All drawing is handled by the physical
// displays so the unified display should skip that work.
bool skips_draw = false;
// Indicates whether this surface will invalidate only the damage rect.
// When this is false contents outside the damaged area might need to be
// recomposited to the surface.
bool only_invalidates_damage_rect = true;
// Whether OutputSurface::GetTargetDamageBoundingRect is implemented and
// will return a bounding rectangle of the target buffer invalidated area.
bool supports_target_damage = false;
// Whether the gpu supports surfaceless surface (equivalent of using buffer
// queue).
bool supports_surfaceless = false;
// This is copied over from gpu feature info since there is no easy way to
// share that out of skia output surface.
bool android_surface_control_feature_enabled = false;
// True if the buffer content will be preserved after presenting.
bool preserve_buffer_content = false;
// True if the SkiaOutputDevice will set
// SwapBuffersCompleteParams::frame_buffer_damage_area for every
// SwapBuffers complete callback.
bool damage_area_from_skia_output_device = false;
// This is the maximum size for RenderPass textures. No maximum size is
// enforced if zero.
int max_render_target_size = 0;
// The root surface is rendered using vulkan secondary command buffer.
bool root_is_vulkan_secondary_command_buffer = false;
// Some new Intel GPUs support two YUV MPO planes. Promoting two videos
// to hardware overlays in these platforms will benefit power consumption.
bool supports_two_yuv_hardware_overlays = false;
// True if the OS supports delegated ink trails.
// This is currently only implemented on Win10 with DirectComposition on the
// SkiaRenderer.
bool supports_delegated_ink = false;
// True if the OutputSurface can resize to match the size of the root
// surface. E.g. Wayland protocol allows this.
bool resize_based_on_root_surface = false;
// Some configuration supports allocating frame buffers on demand.
// When enabled, `number_of_buffers` should be interpreted as the maximum
// number of buffers to allocate.
bool supports_dynamic_frame_buffer_allocation = false;
// True when SkiaRenderer allocates and maintains a buffer queue of images
// for the root render pass.
bool renderer_allocates_images = false;
// SkColorType for all supported buffer formats.
SkColorType sk_color_types[static_cast<int>(gfx::BufferFormat::LAST) + 1] =
// Max size for textures.
int max_texture_size = 0;
// Constructor for skia-based compositing.
explicit OutputSurface(Type type);
// Constructor for software compositing.
explicit OutputSurface(std::unique_ptr<SoftwareOutputDevice> software_device);
OutputSurface(const OutputSurface&) = delete;
OutputSurface& operator=(const OutputSurface&) = delete;
virtual ~OutputSurface();
const Capabilities& capabilities() const { return capabilities_; }
Type type() const { return type_; }
// Obtain the software device associated with this output surface. This will
// return non-null for a software output surface and null for skia output
// surface.
SoftwareOutputDevice* software_device() const {
return software_device_.get();
// Downcasts to SkiaOutputSurface if it is one and returns nullptr otherwise.
virtual SkiaOutputSurface* AsSkiaOutputSurface();
void set_color_matrix(const SkM44& color_matrix) {
color_matrix_ = color_matrix;
const SkM44& color_matrix() const { return color_matrix_; }
// Only useful for GPU backend.
virtual gpu::SurfaceHandle GetSurfaceHandle() const;
virtual void BindToClient(OutputSurfaceClient* client) = 0;
virtual void EnsureBackbuffer() = 0;
virtual void DiscardBackbuffer() = 0;
// Marks that the given rectangle will be drawn to on the default, bound
// framebuffer. The contents of the framebuffer are undefined after this
// command and must be filled in completely before a swap happens. Drawing
// outside this rectangle causes undefined behavior.
// Note: This is only valid to call if `capabilities().supports_dc_layers` is
// true. It can only be called once per swap and must be called before
// drawing to the default framebuffer.
virtual void SetDrawRectangle(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Enable or disable DC layers. Must be called before DC layers are scheduled.
// Only valid if |capabilities().supports_dc_layers| is true.
virtual void SetEnableDCLayers(bool enabled);
// Returns true if a main image overlay plane should be scheduled.
virtual bool IsDisplayedAsOverlayPlane() const = 0;
// Returns the |mailbox| corresponding to the main image's overlay.
virtual gpu::Mailbox GetOverlayMailbox() const;
// Reshape the output surface.
struct ReshapeParams {
gfx::Size size;
float device_scale_factor = 1.f;
gfx::ColorSpace color_space;
float sdr_white_level = gfx::ColorSpace::kDefaultSDRWhiteLevel;
// TODO(sunnyps): Change to SkColorType.
gfx::BufferFormat format = gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_8888;
SkAlphaType alpha_type = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
bool operator==(const ReshapeParams& other) const {
return size == other.size &&
device_scale_factor == other.device_scale_factor &&
color_space == other.color_space &&
sdr_white_level == other.sdr_white_level &&
format == other.format && alpha_type == other.alpha_type;
bool operator!=(const ReshapeParams& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
virtual void Reshape(const ReshapeParams& params) = 0;
// Swaps the current backbuffer to the screen. For successful swaps, the
// implementation must call OutputSurfaceClient::DidReceiveSwapBuffersAck()
// after returning from this method in order to unblock the next frame.
virtual void SwapBuffers(OutputSurfaceFrame frame) = 0;
// Returns a rectangle whose contents may have changed since the current
// buffer was last submitted and needs to be redrawn. For partial swap,
// the contents outside this rectangle can be considered valid and do not need
// to be redrawn.
// In cases where partial swap is disabled, this method will still be called.
// The direct renderer will union the returned rect with the rectangle of the
// surface itself.
// TODO(dcastagna): Consider making the following pure virtual.
virtual gfx::Rect GetCurrentFramebufferDamage() const;
// Sets callback to receive updated vsync parameters after SwapBuffers() if
// supported.
virtual void SetUpdateVSyncParametersCallback(
UpdateVSyncParametersCallback callback) = 0;
// Set a callback for vsync signal from GPU service for begin frames. The
// callbacks must be received on the calling thread.
virtual void SetGpuVSyncCallback(GpuVSyncCallback callback);
// Enable or disable vsync callback based on whether begin frames are needed.
virtual void SetGpuVSyncEnabled(bool enabled);
// When the device is rotated, the scene prepared by the UI is in the logical
// screen space as seen by the user. However, attempting to scanout a buffer
// with its content in this logical space may be unsupported or inefficient
// when rendered by the display hardware.
// In order to avoid this, this API provides the OutputSurface with the
// transform/rotation that should be applied to the display compositor's
// output. This is the same rotation as the physical rotation on the display.
// In some cases, this is done natively by the graphics backend (
// For instance, this is already done by GL drivers on Android. See
// If not supported natively, the OutputSurface should return the transform
// needed in GetDisplayTransform for it to explicitly applied by the
// compositor.
virtual void SetDisplayTransformHint(gfx::OverlayTransform transform) = 0;
virtual gfx::OverlayTransform GetDisplayTransform() = 0;
virtual base::ScopedClosureRunner GetCacheBackBufferCb();
// If set to true, the OutputSurface must deliver
// OutputSurfaceclient::DidSwapWithSize notifications to its client.
// OutputSurfaces which support delivering swap size notifications should
// override this.
virtual void SetNeedsSwapSizeNotifications(
bool needs_swap_size_notifications);
// Notifies surface that we want to measure viz-gpu latency for next draw.
virtual void SetNeedsMeasureNextDrawLatency() {}
// Updates timing info on the provided LatencyInfo when swap completes.
static void UpdateLatencyInfoOnSwap(
const gfx::SwapResponse& response,
std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo>* latency_info);
// Notifies the OutputSurface of rate of content updates in frames per second.
virtual void SetFrameRate(float frame_rate) {}
// Sends the pending delegated ink renderer receiver to GPU Main to allow the
// browser process to send points directly there.
virtual void InitDelegatedInkPointRendererReceiver(
struct OutputSurface::Capabilities capabilities_;
const Type type_;
std::unique_ptr<SoftwareOutputDevice> software_device_;
SkM44 color_matrix_;
} // namespace viz