blob: 98c394e171cb61b992dccbcae89efd445d0960b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.url_formatter;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
* Wrapper for utilities in url_formatter.
public final class UrlFormatter {
* Refer to url_formatter::FixupURL.
* Given a URL-like string, returns a real URL or null. For example:
* - "" -> ""
* - "about:" -> "chrome://version/"
* - "//" -> "file:///"
* - "..." -> null
public static String fixupUrl(String uri) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(uri) ? null : nativeFixupUrl(uri);
* Builds a String representation of <code>uri</code> suitable for display to the user, omitting
* the scheme if it is "http://", the username and password, and trailing slash on a bare
* hostname.
* Some examples:
* - "" -> ""
* - "" -> ""
* - "" -> "www.fä"
* The IDN hostname is turned to Unicode if the Unicode representation is deemed safe.
* For more information, see <code>url_formatter::FormatUrl(const GURL&)</code>.
* @param uri URI to format.
* @return Formatted URL.
public static String formatUrlForDisplay(URI uri) {
return formatUrlForDisplay(uri.toString());
* @see formatUrlForDisplay(
public static String formatUrlForDisplay(String uri) {
return nativeFormatUrlForDisplay(uri);
* Builds a String that strips down the URL to its scheme, host, and port.
* @param uri URI to break down.
* @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme. If the URL can't be parsed, this value
* is ignored.
* @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
* it fails to parse it.
public static String formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(URI uri, boolean showScheme) {
return formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(uri.toString(), showScheme);
* Builds a String that strips down |uri| to its scheme, host, and port.
* @param uri The URI to break down.
* @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme. If the URL can't be parsed, this value
* is ignored.
* @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
* it fails to parse it.
public static String formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(String uri, boolean showScheme) {
if (showScheme) {
return nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(uri);
} else {
return nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme(uri);
private static native String nativeFixupUrl(String url);
private static native String nativeFormatUrlForDisplay(String url);
private static native String nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(String url);
private static native String nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme(String url);