blob: 7100e688053c29236b40bb63d0069ac031521d9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/layout/flex_layout_types.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
namespace {
std::string OptionalToString(const base::Optional<int>& opt) {
if (!opt.has_value())
return "_";
return base::StringPrintf("%d", opt.value());
// Default Flex Rules ----------------------------------------------------------
// Interpolates a size between minimum, preferred size, and upper bound based on
// sizing rules, returning the resulting ideal size.
int InterpolateSize(MinimumFlexSizeRule minimum_size_rule,
MaximumFlexSizeRule maximum_size_rule,
int minimum_size,
int preferred_size,
int available_size) {
if (available_size < minimum_size) {
switch (minimum_size_rule) {
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToZero:
return available_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred:
return preferred_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToMinimum:
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferredSnapToMinimum:
return minimum_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToMinimumSnapToZero:
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferredSnapToZero:
return 0;
} else if (available_size < preferred_size) {
switch (minimum_size_rule) {
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred:
return preferred_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToZero:
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToMinimum:
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kScaleToMinimumSnapToZero:
return available_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferredSnapToMinimum:
return minimum_size;
case MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferredSnapToZero:
return 0;
} else {
switch (maximum_size_rule) {
case MaximumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred:
return preferred_size;
case MaximumFlexSizeRule::kUnbounded:
return available_size;
gfx::Size GetPreferredSize(MinimumFlexSizeRule minimum_size_rule,
MaximumFlexSizeRule maximum_size_rule,
const views::View* view,
const views::SizeBounds& maximum_size) {
gfx::Size min = view->GetMinimumSize();
gfx::Size preferred = view->GetPreferredSize();
int width, height;
if (!maximum_size.width()) {
// Not having a maximum size is different from having a large available
// size; a view can't grow infinitely, so we go with its preferred size.
width = preferred.width();
} else {
width = InterpolateSize(minimum_size_rule, maximum_size_rule, min.width(),
preferred.width(), *maximum_size.width());
// Allow views that need to grow vertically when they're compressed
// horizontally to do so.
// If we just went with GetHeightForWidth() we would have situations where an
// empty text control wanted no (or very little) height which could cause a
// layout to shrink vertically; we will always try to allocate at least the
// view's reported preferred height.
// Note that this is an adjustment made for practical considerations, and may
// not be "correct" in some absolute sense. Let's revisit at some point.
const int preferred_height =
std::max(preferred.height(), view->GetHeightForWidth(width));
if (!maximum_size.height()) {
// Not having a maximum size is different from having a large available
// size; a view can't grow infinitely, so we go with its preferred size.
height = preferred_height;
} else {
height = InterpolateSize(minimum_size_rule, maximum_size_rule, min.height(),
preferred_height, *maximum_size.height());
return gfx::Size(width, height);
FlexRule GetDefaultFlexRule(
MinimumFlexSizeRule minimum_size_rule = MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred,
MaximumFlexSizeRule maximum_size_rule = MaximumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred) {
return base::BindRepeating(&GetPreferredSize, minimum_size_rule,
} // namespace
// SizeBounds ------------------------------------------------------------------
SizeBounds::SizeBounds() = default;
SizeBounds::SizeBounds(const base::Optional<int>& width,
const base::Optional<int>& height)
: width_(width), height_(height) {}
SizeBounds::SizeBounds(const SizeBounds& other)
: width_(other.width()), height_(other.height()) {}
SizeBounds::SizeBounds(const gfx::Size& other)
: width_(other.width()), height_(other.height()) {}
void SizeBounds::Enlarge(int width, int height) {
if (width_)
width_ = std::max(0, *width_ + width);
if (height_)
height_ = std::max(0, *height_ + height);
bool SizeBounds::operator==(const SizeBounds& other) const {
return width_ == other.width_ && height_ == other.height_;
bool SizeBounds::operator!=(const SizeBounds& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool SizeBounds::operator<(const SizeBounds& other) const {
return std::tie(height_, width_) < std::tie(other.height_, other.width_);
std::string SizeBounds::ToString() const {
return base::StringPrintf("%s x %s", OptionalToString(width()).c_str(),
// FlexSpecification -----------------------------------------------------------
FlexSpecification::FlexSpecification() : rule_(GetDefaultFlexRule()) {}
FlexSpecification FlexSpecification::ForCustomRule(FlexRule rule) {
return FlexSpecification(std::move(rule), 1, 1);
FlexSpecification FlexSpecification::ForSizeRule(
MinimumFlexSizeRule minimum_size_rule,
MaximumFlexSizeRule maximum_size_rule) {
return FlexSpecification(
GetDefaultFlexRule(minimum_size_rule, maximum_size_rule), 1, 1);
FlexSpecification::FlexSpecification(FlexRule rule, int order, int weight)
: rule_(std::move(rule)), order_(order), weight_(weight) {}
FlexSpecification::FlexSpecification(const FlexSpecification& other) = default;
FlexSpecification& FlexSpecification::operator=(
const FlexSpecification& other) = default;
FlexSpecification::~FlexSpecification() = default;
FlexSpecification FlexSpecification::WithWeight(int weight) const {
DCHECK_GE(weight, 0);
return FlexSpecification(rule_, order_, weight);
FlexSpecification FlexSpecification::WithOrder(int order) const {
DCHECK_GE(order, 1);
return FlexSpecification(rule_, order, weight_);
} // namespace views