blob: 003255daf32d5425afa0e240e37bfca9d5fa2494 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/checked_ptr_support.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_constants.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_cookie.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_tag_bitmap.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// Use 16 bits for the partition tag.
// TODO(tasak): add a description about the partition tag.
using PartitionTag = uint8_t;
// Allocate extra space for the partition tag to satisfy the alignment
// requirement.
static constexpr size_t kInSlotTagBufferSize = base::kAlignment;
static_assert(sizeof(PartitionTag) <= kInSlotTagBufferSize,
"PartitionTag should fit into the in-slot buffer.");
// The layout inside the slot is |tag|cookie|object|(empty)|cookie|.
static constexpr size_t kPartitionTagOffset =
kInSlotTagBufferSize + kCookieSize;
// The layout inside the slot is |tag|object|(empty)|.
static constexpr size_t kPartitionTagOffset = kInSlotTagBufferSize;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustAdd(size_t size) {
PA_DCHECK(size + kInSlotTagBufferSize > size);
return size + kInSlotTagBufferSize;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustSubtract(size_t size) {
PA_DCHECK(size >= kInSlotTagBufferSize);
return size - kInSlotTagBufferSize;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag* PartitionTagPointer(void* ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<PartitionTag*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr) -
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustSubtract(void* ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr) -
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustAdd(void* ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr) +
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagSetValue(void* ptr, size_t, PartitionTag value) {
*PartitionTagPointer(ptr) = value;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag PartitionTagGetValue(void* ptr) {
return *PartitionTagPointer(ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagClearValue(void* ptr, size_t) {
*PartitionTagPointer(ptr) = 0;
// Use 8 bits for the partition tag.
// TODO(tasak): add a description about the partition tag.
using PartitionTag = uint8_t;
sizeof(PartitionTag) == tag_bitmap::kPartitionTagSize,
"sizeof(PartitionTag) must be equal to bitmap::kPartitionTagSize.");
static constexpr size_t kInSlotTagBufferSize = 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustAdd(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustSubtract(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag* PartitionTagPointer(void* ptr) {
// See the comment explaining the layout in partition_tag_bitmap.h.
uintptr_t pointer_as_uintptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
uintptr_t bitmap_base =
(pointer_as_uintptr & kSuperPageBaseMask) + PartitionPageSize();
uintptr_t offset =
(pointer_as_uintptr & kSuperPageOffsetMask) - PartitionPageSize();
// Not to depend on partition_address_space.h and PartitionAllocGigaCage
// feature, use "offset" to see whether the given ptr is_direct_mapped or not.
// DirectMap object should cause this PA_DCHECK's failure, as tags aren't
// currently supported there.
PA_DCHECK(offset >= ReservedTagBitmapSize());
size_t bitmap_offset = (offset - ReservedTagBitmapSize()) >>
<< tag_bitmap::kPartitionTagSizeShift;
return reinterpret_cast<PartitionTag* const>(bitmap_base + bitmap_offset);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustSubtract(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustAdd(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagSetValue(void* ptr,
size_t size,
PartitionTag value) {
PA_DCHECK((size % tag_bitmap::kBytesPerPartitionTag) == 0);
size_t tag_count = size >> tag_bitmap::kBytesPerPartitionTagShift;
PartitionTag* tag_ptr = PartitionTagPointer(ptr);
if (sizeof(PartitionTag) == 1) {
memset(tag_ptr, value, tag_count);
} else {
while (tag_count-- > 0)
*tag_ptr++ = value;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag PartitionTagGetValue(void* ptr) {
return *PartitionTagPointer(ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagClearValue(void* ptr, size_t size) {
size_t tag_region_size = size >> tag_bitmap::kBytesPerPartitionTagShift
<< tag_bitmap::kPartitionTagSizeShift;
PA_DCHECK(!memchr(PartitionTagPointer(ptr), 0, tag_region_size));
memset(PartitionTagPointer(ptr), 0, tag_region_size);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagIncrementValue(void* ptr, size_t size) {
PartitionTag tag = PartitionTagGetValue(ptr);
PartitionTag new_tag = tag;
new_tag += !new_tag; // Avoid 0.
// This verifies that tags for the entire slot have the same value and that
// |size| doesn't exceed the slot size.
size_t tag_count = size >> tag_bitmap::kBytesPerPartitionTagShift;
PartitionTag* tag_ptr = PartitionTagPointer(ptr);
while (tag_count-- > 0) {
PA_DCHECK(tag == *tag_ptr);
PartitionTagSetValue(ptr, size, new_tag);
using PartitionTag = uint8_t;
static constexpr PartitionTag kFixedTagValue = 0xAD;
struct PartitionTagWrapper {
// Add padding before and after the tag, to avoid cacheline false sharing.
// Assume cacheline is 64B.
uint8_t unused1[64];
PartitionTag partition_tag;
uint8_t unused2[64];
extern BASE_EXPORT PartitionTagWrapper g_checked_ptr_single_tag;
static constexpr size_t kInSlotTagBufferSize = 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustAdd(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustSubtract(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag* PartitionTagPointer(void*) {
return &g_checked_ptr_single_tag.partition_tag;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustSubtract(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustAdd(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagSetValue(void*, size_t, PartitionTag) {}
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag PartitionTagGetValue(void* ptr) {
return *PartitionTagPointer(ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagClearValue(void* ptr, size_t) {}
using PartitionTag = uint8_t;
static constexpr size_t kInSlotTagBufferSize = 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustAdd(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionTagSizeAdjustSubtract(size_t size) {
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag* PartitionTagPointer(void* ptr) {
return nullptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustSubtract(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionTagPointerAdjustAdd(void* ptr) {
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagSetValue(void*, size_t, PartitionTag) {}
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionTag PartitionTagGetValue(void*) {
return 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionTagClearValue(void* ptr, size_t) {}
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base